Chapter 19

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"What is it?" Demetria asked as Roenna walked to the window. Roenna became numb as she saw exactly what she saw in her last vision right now.
She didn't say a word as she looked in the sky watching the bats then saw what looked like people jumping from roofs to roofs.
"Roenna?" Tristan called. He noticed something caught her attention.
"What are those?" Charity asked, scared of the creatures that flew in the night sky.
"Flying men?!" Demetria unsurely replied walking to the window.

"What's happening?!" Roenna asked frightened. Tristan stood up to check it out.
"They're here Roenna...they're here!"
Another heavy thunder clap was heard causing all the lights in the school to go off.
"Oh no.." Charity said, scared.


Vaughn didn't waste anymore time, he ran off to the door, struggling to open the door.

"What in the hell-!" Damon jumped off his bed.
"Vaughn?!" Sean called. They both watched him leave the room. Damon ran to the window, he saw the jumping creatures in black, jumping from roof to roof as they emerged closer.

"What the fuck..!"
"What?"Sean asked.
"Run!" Damon yelled running out as Sean followed him.
Sean and Damon ran through the the hallways, Boys dashing through the doors as they made a run for it.
"What are those?!" a boy yelled.
"Run!" Damon kept yelling as that was the only thing he could do at the moment.
"Ahhhhgggh...!" They heard a boy yell, it was unmistakably a cry in pain.
Sean looked through the door as he saw one of the creatures, teeth deep in the boy's neck
"Holy shit!" Sean exclaimed.
Damon was far ahead, the creatures were already jumping in and from the looks of it, they had started attacking.
"Jade...Jade..." Damon said to himself as he made a turn to the girl's dorm.

Vaughn banged the door hard as he tries to enter.
"Who are you?!" Demetria asked.
" Its Vaughn! Open up!"
Charity quickly opened the door and Vaughn bursts in, his eyes widened as it met Tristan's. He jerked back in fear.

"Vaughn.." Roenna walked up to him and hugged him.
"What are those?! They are certainly not humans!" Demetria shouted pointing to the window.
"They're in already..." Vaughn said. Fear written all over his face. He turned to look at the door from time to time. He was literally panicking, he was scared for what was bound to happen. He began to breathe heavily.
They heard a lot of screams from outside, everyone running for their dear lives as the creatures attacked the school.
"Where's Damon? Sean?" Roenna asked.
"I...I don't know..."
"What do you mean?"
" They are here for you Roenna...They're here for you, you have no choice but to trust me" he said looking into her beautiful eyes.
"Me?!" She yelled.
"I promise to explain everything..." He said and for the first time Roenna saw fear in Vaughn's eyes. He grabbed her wrist, making a run for it. Demetria raised a glass cup and smashed it against the door they were headed.
"Demetria!" Roenna yelled.

"Demetria what?!.... Where do you think you're taking her to?! What do you mean they're here for her? What the hell is all of this?! What the fuck is going on?!!" Demetria raged.
They heard another bang on the door.
"Who is it?!" Charity asked in a shaky voice.
Charity rushed to open the door. Sean rushed in.
"Damon? Where's Damon?!" Sean yelled.
"Wha...what do you mean where's Damon? Damon isn't here! Oh my God!" Roenna shouted putting her hand over her mouth.

"We have to leave here now, sounds like they're attacking every room" they heard Tristan say.
"Jade..." Roenna said silently before running out the room making sure no one stopped her.
"Roenna?!" Demetria and Vaughn ran after her, followed by Tristan and Charity.


Jade waltz out like a corpse from her room, just watching as everything happened, no fear, staring death in the face. It didn't look like she knew what was going on. One of the creatures jerked it's head, staring at her, she looked at its cold dead eyes, unfazed. It wasn't that she wasn't scared, a part of her just didn't care about freaking out. In a single bound, the creature took a leap, headed towards her.
Then suddenly a ball slammed into it from the side hitting the vampire away, Damon had thrown it with full force. Jade soon became conscious as the realization of things hit her. She screamed before swooping and slamming into Roenna who was headed for her.
"Run! Run! Run!!" Damon yelled as he ran behind them. Roenna bumped into Demetria.
"Run!!!" Damon didn't stop yelling.
"I know where we can hide, follow me" They heard Tristan say.
No one knew how Tristan would know where to go but no one cared to ask, funny enough Vaughn was also on the run with them. He was behind.
Roenna, Demetria, Jade, Sean, Charity, Damon, Tristan , Gerald and Vaughn made way to the last door at the bottom of the stairs, luckily for them nothing followed them, it felt like they were shielded. They were now outside.
"I can't see a thing" Damon said, it was raining really heavily.
"Any one brought their cellphones or flashlight? I totally forgot mine" he said.
"Me too" Sean added.
"I think I have mine" Charity said reaching for her phone in her pocket.
"Its dead" she said making them groan.
"Well? No one else brought their phone's?" Damon asked before groaning again as no one replied.
"The kitchen!" Tristan yelled as he pointed to a room across the field.
"The Kitchen?! Sean yelled. "Are you tryna get us killed or what?!...those creatures are right above us, if we run across the field, they'll see us and bye-bye-" he swung his hand "we're all dead!" Sean cried.
"Its dark, we may not be seen" Demetria said.
"We don't know if they see in the dark" Jade said.
At this point, Roenna really wished she had read that book "Vampire files" that was always everywhere in the library.
'It was Demetria's favourite book'.  she thought
"Keep your voice down.." Damon said almost in a whisper. "And why the kitchen? Who are you?" Damon asked Tristan. Tristan looked away.
"He's my brother" Roenna stated.
"Guys! Focus! If we continue like this, we'll all find ourselves in hell!" Demetria raised her voice in annoyance.
"Would you stop yelling...." Vaughn said whispering. Demetria gave him a deadly glare.
"Tristan? Why the kitchen?" Roenna asked her brother.
"Because the kitchen is the only place these creatures can never be in" he said briefly. Vaughn's eyes widened. He can't be in there with them, the silvery cutleries would make him feel uncomfortable and his secret could probably be revealed right there. He had to do something.

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