Chapter 30

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"Knock Knock!!"
It was a Saturday evening at the Steele's home. Everywhere was calm and quiet, Mrs Steele was in the kitchen cooking dinner while Tristan was in the living room playing video games, one could tell how much fun he was having fun with the way he exclaimed happily as he played.
"Who is it?" Anabelle appeared in the living room with a napkin in her hands. Tristan didn't seem to hear the knock on the door, obviously carried away. She rolled her eyes at him before walking to the door.
"It's me!" She knew who it was by the voice thus she opened the door.
"Hello Demetria "
"Hello Anabelle...How are you this fine evening?" The happy young lady smiled as she walked in.
"Very well thank you" Anabelle chuckled.
"How's Natasha?"
"Oh. She still isn't back from Africa yet" she said watching Tristan play the video game.
"Natasha does like to travel"
"It's not like she has a choice" Demetria shrugged.
"Ahem! What's with the luggage?" Anabelle asked noticing a medium sized bag on the floor next to Demetria.
"Yeah, s-so I was hoping I could stay here until my mum gets back...that's if you don't gets a little lonely at my house...and know how big it is" she added.
"Scary? Since when Demetria?" Tristan asked still focused on the big screen.
"You know I have no problem with you staying here Demetria, it's just when you and Roenna are together there's always a racket, you either turn up the volume of the TV at night or giggle too loudly in your room"
"I don't giggle" she feigned annoyance.
"...besides my find a way or the other to disturb the neighbors and the next morning they come on my porch and start to complain".
" so sorry about that. Anabelle, it won't happen again...I promise"
"Alright then" she said after a sigh. "Remember, it's also your home,you're welcome...anytime"
"Thank you" she pulled her into a hug. She picked up her luggage and headed towards the stairs.
"How's Mr Steele?" She asked as she got to the foot of the stairs.
"He's fine. At work"
"Roenna's up yeah?"
"Haha, where else would she be? Breakfast's ready by the way, you two come back down"
"Sure.." she answered before turning to Tristan.
She tapped him on the head before climbing the stairs immediately.
"Such a sweet child" Anabelle laughed.
"Sweet? Demetria's not sweet mum!" Tristan said dropping the game pad before heading for the door.
"Young man? Where are you going?"
"I'll be right back Mum" he said stepping out unto the porch.
"Tristan Alexander Madis Steele, Get back in here"
"Ugh!" He grumbled before obeying his mother's command.
"What's your problem? You think you can just leave the house anytime you feel like it? You were not even going to tell me where you were going. You weren't gonna tell me you were even leaving?!"
"But I just said-"
"Quiet! You're not going anywhere. I've had enough, enough of your disrespectful friends too , they either break things when they visit or talk to me like I'm their six year old sister. Highly disrespectful, So I'm warning you, if I ever see them here, in my house, we'll have big problems."

"You said this before, you don't want them here anymore, I get it" Tristan grumbled once more.
"Oh that's why you think I'll let you go to them?"
"Mum? You can't stop me from-"
"Excuse me?" She scoffed. "Did you just say I can't stop you?" Well Tristan, I don't want you near those boys, none of them, they're bad influence and they're all from the streets!"
"There's nothing wrong with children from the streets mum, don't be inconsiderate "
"You know I don't mean it that way... I promise you...I won't repeat myself again. I can't stop you, Watch me. Take one more step out of this house".
Tristan rolled his eyes and headed for the stairs.
"Wait till your father hears about this" he heard her say.
"You don't have to tell him anything. I hear you. I'll stay away from them"

        *     *        *         *        *       *       *               

"Come on! You know it's my favorite Holiday!"
"But I have a test on Monday!"
" ....and you have been studying since Monday! "
"Don't look at me like a bad know I love good grades too but all work and no play? Are you that much of a loner?
"It's Halloween Roenna! You can't be up in your room studying on Halloween!"
"You're right...." Roenna said.
"No" she said with a straight face.
Demetria death glared her.
"Urgh! Fine, fine...I'll go"
"You will?"
"Yeah, if that would make you happy"
"'s fine if you don't-"
"Uhhhgh, Spare me Demetria..." Roenna said as Demetria laughed.
"So...I'm going as Dracula's daughter " Demetria said excitedly as she opened her luggage.
"Mavis?" Roenna laughed. "Are you sure I shouldn't wear that"
"How does Madis sound like Mavis?"
Roenna raised a brow "You want me to answer that?"
"It still doesn't make it less lame Ro"
"Whatever. What am I going as? You know there are so many cool people I could dress up as? There's Harley Quinn... The Black Widow...Captain Marvel...
"A Bunny" Roenna said.
"What?! You still looked sick!"
"Really?! I had to wear my bunny outfit from the Easter costume party?"
"There was no time to get you a costume and we improvised"

"I didn't have to go....everyone started to wonder when Dracula's daughter had a rabbit" Roenna said and Demetria let out a whole-hearted laugh.
"Why're you getting upset? You looked really cute in that outfit"
"Easy for you to say Miss Dracula"
Demetria laughed again. She had missed how Petty Roenna was. She pulled her into a hug.
"I missed you"
"Me too" Roenna said behind her.
"And they reunite!" Sean joked walking past them.
"Why'd we even drive all the way here in the first place?" Sean asked aloud.
"I ask myself the same question" Damon said.
"Guys. We were running away from the vampires? Trying to find a safe place" Demetria said.
"Well this is safe" Sean mocked.
"Hey Vaughn" Demetria called making Vaughn turn to her.
"Who's Aidan?"
Vaughn froze.

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