Chapter 25

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We have been walking for hours!" Sean shouted.
"I thought you said you knew where we were going" Charity grumbled.
    Luckily for them, the rain had maintained the drizzle. Roenna, still behind the rest; tried packing her wet brown hair into a bun because of how irritable it had begun to feel on her skin. The thunder rumbled again causing her to look above, droplets of rain splattered on her face, she looked back down quickly wiping her face dry with the back of her hand, then she looked back hoping she'd find a recognizable silhouette. Nothing.

Where are you Vaughn? She thought.

"Uhm, Roenna, Could you keep up?" Jade said waiting for Roenna to reach her.

"All of this...feels so...unreal" Jade said as she walked with Roenna.
"Exactly how everyone feels"
"Ugh!" Jade grumbled. "These are uncomfortable now" she said taking off the already soaked french rose flip flops she had on, she wiggled her toes as her feet touched the wet asphalt.

"Are you sure you want to walk with your bare feet?" Roenna asked, concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine"

There was a moment of silence until Jade finally spoke.
"These were Penny's"
"Yes, they were"
"These were her favourite...she'd always wear them in our dorm..." she smiled.
"You know now that I think of it, I can't imagine her without them in the dorm" she giggled softly.
"You miss her" It wasn't a question.
"I do" Jade affirmed. "But you..." Jade's voice faded
"Me what?"
"You can't say the same, can you?" She asked looking Roenna in the eyes.

At this time Roenna wasn't looking at her, her eyes was focused ahead of her but she felt Jade's eyes on her.

"What do you mean?" Roenna asked even when she knew perfectly well what Jade was going on about. Jade was wrong though, Roenna did miss every bit of the redhead, they weren't the best of friends but she wished she still saw her, her screams, her hateful glares, and all of the things that made up good ol' Penelope.
"C'mon, Penny was mean to you Roenna"
"So were you Jade" Roenna said.
  Jade did regret her actions towards Roenna. She agreed she had been worse than Penelope, she knew she was a bad person.

"I really didn't know what came over me Roenna, I was just being an immature spoilt br-"
"Jade, It's fine..." Roenna cut her off.
"Those were just high school shenanigans, We're all mature now, each of us have responsibilities now that high school's over..."
"When high school's over you mean. We hadn't even started exams yet"
"Sadly, how do we go to College now..." Roenna scoffed. That was the least of their problems now, and she was aware of that fact.


"College..." Jade started again. "I dreamt of going to Harvard...I was so obsessed that I planned the clothes I'd wear each and every day..." Roenna turned and stared at her weirdly.
"I'm obviously exaggerating....but you know what I mean" Jade said taking a strand of wet blonde hair off her face.
"Yeah" Roenna said.
"I also heard College can be torturous and awfully scary" Jade said with her arms hugging her torso.
"Well, Welcome to College Palmer" Roenna dramatically threw her hand in the air.

"We're here" Damon spoke.
"A store" Charity said exactly what she was looking at.

Captain obvious, She looked a little too disappointed.

"What were you expecting? A mansion?" Sean muttered.

"Whatever it is, we can spend the night here" Damon said.
Before anything else could be said, Charity raced passed the crosswalk and into the store, followed by the others.

   The heat emanating from the store provided them warmth as they walked in, there was a moment of relief. The light bulbs didn't seem bothered by the massive storm. It was the most satisfying feeling they'd felt in hours.
"What's a store doing in the middle of nowhere?" Jade asked as they all stood observing the small environment.
"I thought you locked the door dammit!" a masculine voice.
"I thought you did!" A feminine voice followed. If these people were trying to hide from deadly creatures they would've been as good as dead. All seven of them tried to be as quiet as possible because if these people were armed they could scare them, and if they're scared.. they could attack.
Hello?" Jade called not sure if it was the right thing to do.
"What the-" Damon exclaimed quietly.
"Hello?!" She continued.
"You're going to get us killed Maria!"
"We're students! We mean no harm" Jade said ignoring Damon.

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