Chapter 2

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After her mum's death, life became really strange for Roenna, now she could feel how it was like without a mother. Life went on for her. After her mother's funeral, she decided to continue schooling in DULWICH HIGH, a boarding school in England, Roenna had been schooling in Dulwich high school since her first year, there, she met her best friend Demetria, and they have been best friends ever since. Demetria, even though she wasn't a trouble maker in school, she was feared by some students in school, perhaps it was the way she dressed or her way of speaking, same didn't apply to Roenna, she lived as a recluse in school, it didn't bother her though, she had a friend that appreciated her and that was all that mattered.
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Dulwich high school...

It was another Monday in Dulwich, students walked to their various classes, voices of teachers and as well as students could be heard from each classrooms. The classes were noisy, especially the sixth year(last year) students. The students were obviously having a great time, some girls sat at the corner of the class talking about boys, A set of cheerleaders dressed in their black and white cheer uniforms also made the class lively , and some boys beat the desk to create music as they showed some of their dance moves, and Demetria.... Well Demetria was on her seat reading a novel titled "Bloody White Rose".

Everything was going well until Mrs Kaye, their vice principal entered the class. A pretty young woman with glasses, beautifully dressed and very nice but the students found her a little bit infuriating though. Most of them said she had just recently gotten married and she had finished her school years in Dulwich and had been the vice principal for a while now.
" What is going on here?!" Mrs Kaye shouted. Everyone paused.
"Everyone! To your seats now!"
They all obeyed Mrs Kaye and did as she said.
"What is wrong with you people?! Aren't you grown enough to know what to do and what not to do?!". The class became silent.
" We're sorry Mrs Kaye" a voice was heard from the back. The students turned and as usual, it was Gerald, the dumb one in the class. They all started to murmur.
"Keep Quiet Please..!" she yelled, rather frustrated "This is the last time...I've had it!..I'm tired of always_!" The creak of the classroom door interrupted her.
"Who is it?" She asked as the person came in.
"Good morning Mrs Kaye" the class started again. This time it was worse, their loud chattering made Mrs Kaye really upset. She had to ignore them and focus on the student that had entered.
"Hello Miss....."
"Steele...Roenna Steele"
"Yes...Miss are you?"
"Very well thank you ma'am"
Mrs Kaye nodded with a smile, A smile that showed Pity. Demetria knew it through Roenna's look that she wasn't happy with the way Mrs Kaye looked at her. Of course, everyone in school must have heard about her mother's death somehow.
"I'm sorry for your loss Miss Steele" she added. Now that just cleared everything. 'She just had to say that' Demetria shook her head. Roenna slowly walked I'm the class room as she sat beside Demetria.
"As good friends and responsible classmates, I'm sure Miss Steele would appreciate it if you'd all sympathize with her"
"That would definitely not be necessary Mrs Kaye" Demetria said. Mrs Kaye nodded as she slowly walked out of the class room.
"Are you okay?" Demetria asked Roenna.
"Yeah...I guess". She answered.
Demetria reached for her bag pack, it was one creepy bag pack, it was white but designed with Red that looked like blood was dripping from it, she unzipped it and brought out some books.
" You have a lot of notes to write"
"I know"
" You also missed out on some tests. I suggest you meet the teachers for make up tests"
Soon the bell rang.
"You hungry?" Demetria asked.
"Uhm...yeah" Roenna answered.

Everyone rushed out of the classroom to the cafeteria, Demetria and Roenna made way to the door. But unfortunately, she knocked down someone and a very loud thud was heard.
"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry" Roenna apologized
"Are you blind or what?!" Jade palmer said as she tries to get up.

Jade Palmer, everyone worshipped her, the girls either wanted to be her or be friends with her, all the boys wanted her, but to Roenna and Demetria she was just a snobbish brat who depends on her dad 'the principal'. A Blondie, gorgeous blue eyes, perfect body, smooth tanned skin that glowed like stainless steel, she pulls up get skirt so high to show her long skinny legs, but still to Demetria and Roenna would always find a flaw in her. She was definitely the meanest girl in school, no one could challenge her, not even teachers could tell get what to do, because her dad had full authority.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you" she looked down shyly as she noticed the whole class take in the scene.
"Gosh! I didn't ask your mum to die!" Jade shot back. Roenna looked up as her vision began to blur due to his desperately she tried to fight her tears.
"Do you even hear the things that come out of the your mouth?! Don't you think before you speak?! Don't you have a heart?" Demetria defended fiercely. "How crazy can you get?! She continued. " Please tell me...How crazy can you get?!" She yelled.
"Look this is the last time, I swear If you ever talk to her or try to humiliate her again, You'll have to answer to me, trust me, you won't know what hit you"
"Oooohhh...I'm so scared, what are you going to do? Lay some curse on me or something?" Jade mocked.
"You little_!" Demetria tried to get at her but she was held by some students. "Psychopath" she added, easing her anger.
"Tell your Freaky loner friend to stay out of my way" Jade said before leaving the class with her friends.
"Well you stay out of hers!" Demetria yelled.

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