Chapter 26

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It was three in the morning, they were all fast asleep, tired and stressed  from all the recent happenings. It was a relief to have a little peace, for however short it would be.
The night was silent, only the chirping of crickets and croaking of frogs and toads could be heard even when they were barricaded, the man's way of protecting his home and family was fascinating.

There was movement on the floor, it was Roenna, she wasn't getting any sleep, not when Vaughn was still missing, the thought of his disappearance disturbed her. Could he be dead? Yes. That was the only reasonable explanation for what had happened and she was not ready to believe that.
She jerked as soon as she heard a whooshing sound, it sounded like running wind, it made her sit up and observe her surroundings. Jade laid beside her and she tried to be as quiet as possible, she wondered where the sound had come from, then again her head moved following the quick movement of a shadow from the curtains, outside the place, now this made her more alert.

'They found us' She thought to herself

She wanted to wake the rest up but another thought stopped her.

Vaughn, what if it's Vaughn?

Now she wasn't sure of what to do, wake up the rest? Or find out what it was herself. She also thought it was stupid of her to be in a dilemma where she obviously knew what her decision should be.
She got off the floor steadily, heart beating rapidly as she carefully made her way to the window, step by step, focused on the curtain.
"Shit!" She cussed silently as she almost tripped. She looked down and saw that it was Demetria's foot in the way. Thankfully, Demetria was still sound asleep. On reaching the window, she saw a clear silhouette of the figure standing right before her, she bit her lip hard before holding the rope to pull up the curtain.

Why couldn't she just tell the rest that someone was outside?

She hoped it was Vaughn. Roenna believed they all hated him so they wouldn't want him anywhere near here, she wanted to save him by letting him in herself if he was the one at the otherside, and If he wasn't?
She sighed. She pulled the rope then gasped.
"It's you.." she smiled slightly.
"Shh.."Vaughn placed his index finger over his lips. "We have to leave now " she read his lips.
"What? Why? What about the rest?" Roenna asked trying hard to whisper.

"Roenna?" A sleepy voice called and she froze. "Who...are you talking to?" Demetria walked to the window and her eyes narrowed at Vaughn instantly. Oh, If looks could kill.
"Son of a bitch" she uttered.
"Well look who's here guys..." she said raising her voice a little.
"Demetria...." Roenna glared at her.
"Where have you been Vaughn?" Damon asked, as he jolted to the window, apparently he hadn't been deep asleep.
"He has to come in, he...he isn't safe out there..." Roenna said.
"What is going on here?" The owner of the shop came in sight pointing his gun towards them.
"Sir, sir please our friend's outside, he needs to come in, he's not safe out there"
"You'll be out there in a couple of hours one is safe" Charity speaks.
"You all will have to leave right now...I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into anymore" he said still holding his gun firm.
"What? Sir...sir you can''s really late, you can't -"
"I've tried" he cut Jade off. "Leave now please" he ordered.
They all got their stuff, everything they needed, the man opened the door for them to leave.
" can't do this, they're just kids" The man's wife pleaded
"Quiet Melissa, don't tell me what to do" he said.
"I've given you all you need to survive this, use them well and you'll leave, Goodluck, goodbye" he said as they left the store one after the other.
"Psst" he called Tristan who was behind the rest.
"Here's what you asked for, It's loaded" he said handing him a gun.
"Thank you sir" Tristan thanked putting the cold metal in the right side of his pants.
"Be safe" the man said before letting all of them out.
"Take care children" the woman waved. The door banged behind them and they were out, big bags behind some of them as if they'd planned for this, looking at the dark sky again.
"Vaughn!" Roenna ran into his arms.
"You!" Jade raged going towards Vaughn but Damon held her back.
"Hey, hey! Maria!"
"Why'd you have to come back?! Because of you! we are out here by this time!"
"It's not his fault Jade, he had to come back to his friends..." Roenna defended.
"It's not his fault Jade, he had to come back to his friends" Jade mimicked Roenna in a funny voice, but she was clearly not joking. "I'm not his friend!" She yelled.
"Calm down Maria! I'll handle this" Damon said. "Here hold her" he said to Sean and Sean places his hands on Jade's shoulders.
"So, mind telling us where you've been?" Damon asked.
"I was kidnapped, they took me...but I escaped" Vaughn lied.
A chuckle was heard and they all turned to see it was Demetria.
"What do you mean they-"
"We don't have time, they're coming, we have to" Vaughn said.
"Did they say what they wanted?" Tristan asked.
"One of you....I just don't who"
"How can you not know who?" Jade asked, annoyed.
They heard a flapping sound, Vaughn looked above him and saw a bat. It was a bat.
"They're here, Run! Run!" He shouted, holding Roenna's hand and pulling her with him as they dived into the woods.
"Get back here Vaughn!" Demetria yelled following them and the rest
followed. Now they were on the run.

Hey babies! Shit just got real I know! What do you think Vaughn's decision was? What do you think his plan is? I need you guys to communicate with me..Comment and tell me what you think please and also don't forget to hit the star below and share...Thank you lovelies!❤️❤️❤️

Love Ryonne💕

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