Chapter Fifty Three

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I took out my phone and dialed Ellas number. It rung for a few moments before it went to voicemail.  I dialed again and it went straight to voice mail again. I stood outside wondering what I should do. I decided to phone Lauren incase she heard anything.
"..joey" She groaned when she answered the phone "What do you want, I just fell asleep."
"Lauren, have you heard anything about Ella, her neighbour Elaine said that she was upset earlier and was lugging around a big suitcase or something and I'm just worried. What if something happened to her? I mean she broke up with her boyfriend who then went crazy, and it's been such a tough week for her. I wouldn't blame her of she was really upset, god knows what she might be doing to herself"  said quickly.
"Woah Joey, slow down'' Lauren said "Don't suggest anything like that, she's fine. I don't know why you're so worried about her. Her boyfriend screwed up your nose and she abandoned the show. You should be pissed at her if anything".
"My nose is fine Lauren and the show turned out brilliantly anyways Jaime did an excellent job" I said in defense.
"..and shes your Ex Jo, You have to admit that it's really weird for you to be so worried".
"It's not weird Laur, Ellas my friend, we both know that".
"Well Nate thought that you and her were something, and well I doubt these ideas go into his head on his own".
"I know what you're suggesting and it's not true".
"Anyways go to your bed Joey, you have to be rested for tomorrow night".
"Yeah yeah whatever" I said hanging up the phone. Lauren was right, I had nothing to go on. I had no other option but to go back to my apartment.
I reluctantly went upstairs, I put my key in the door and opened it, stepping inside. As I was about to put my foot down. I noticed a small, white envelope laying on the ground. I bent down and picked it up. I looked at the front. My name was spelt clearly in familiar cursive hand writing.
Joey Richter
I turned it around and tore the envelope open. I took out the paper inside and began reading.

         When you're reading this you're probably just back from the show... and you, probably like the others, are pissed at me for abandoning the show. I really wish I didn't have to do it but with Nate kicking off. I couldn't stay, not with everyone hating me
And you Joey. I thought this week would be okay..with us I mean. But seeing you with Jaime, everything was too much to handle. I still love you Joey, and I can't help feeling this way. I've never stopped and I never will.  I know telling you this in a letter isn't the best idea but you needed to know. I'm leaving Joey, I have to get away. I'm not going back to California, not to Boston and definitely not here. I felt as if I needed to leave an explanation and well this it.
Goodbye Joey.

P.s I left my phone in my apartment so there's no point trying to call.

There were a few tear stains on the paper and I couldn't help but let out a few tears too. She still loved me and I still loved her too.  I couldn't let her leave. She would either be going to the airport, the bus station or the train station. She could be gone by now. She could've got a cab. I looked at the time, it was 2:32am. The trains and buses didn't run this late at night. My best bet was the airport, she might not be there but it was worth a shot. I couldn't let her leave.
I roughly folded the letter and shoved it in my pocket. I grabbed my keys again before running out the door. I hopped in my car and drove as quickly as I could to the airport. I parked and ran inside. I ran to the front desk unsure of what I could do.
"Hello how may I help you" the woman at the desk smiled.
"Hey..Um this is going to sound weird but I was wondering if a girl came in here earlier, her names Ella Harris, she had long brown hair, is nineteen years old and is about this tall'' I said quickly.
"Well I just started my shift so I couldn't have seen her but I could look her name up in the database to see if she purchased a ticket recently" She said "What did you say her name was again?".
"Ella Harris" I said clearly.
She typed it into her computer. "Well I actually don't see any records here" She sighed.
"That can't be right" I said confused. I turned my head and looked at the computer screen.
"You spelt her surname wrong. There's two R's In Harris" I said slightly relieved.
"Oh I'm sorry" She said blushing. She typed it in again. "Yes she most recently bought a one way ticket to New York".
"New york.." I gasped quietly. "What part?" I asked.
"Shes flying to J.F.K international".
"Wait she's flying? She hasn't left yet?" I said hopefully. 
"Well actually the flight took off twenty minutes ago, she will land in New York at around half four".
"Twenty minutes ago" I thought,  if I hadn't wasted my time calling Lauren and going up to her apartment I wouldn't have missed her.
"When's the next flight to Jfk?" I asked.
"We don't have another flight there until six o'clock, but we do have another flight leaving in 15 minutes to Laguardia airport, it's about a twenty minute drive to Jfk with the traffic. It'll cost you 80 dollars for the ticket".
"Okay please anything to get me on that plane" I said desperately. 
I purchased the ticket. "I'll call the gate, they will hold the plane but please be quick, they won't wait forever".
I nodded thankfully and raced up to the gate going through security as fast as possible. I got on the plane and waited anxiously.

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