Chapter 1: Ticci Toby

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Masky's POV
Slenderman told us that when he returned he would have a new Proxy with him. I wasn't thrilled about it but I can't argue with him since I am his Proxy. I had almost finished my cheesecake when Slenderman came through the door with a twitching teenage boy. I had assumed he had Tourette's Syndrome. He didn't seem like a bad kid but he did look very scared, who wouldn't be when your walk into a house full of murderers. I pitied the kid.

1 Year After
" Hey Masky!Hey Masky!Hey Masky!Hey Masky!Hey Masky!" Toby said continuously for another 5 minutes. "TOBY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" I yelled furiously at Toby. "Whoa, M-Masky no need t-to yell." How could I have ever pitied this kid he's so damn annoying, energetic, cut- MASKY GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! "Toby I don't have time for your shit right now. So can you just leave me the fuck alone!" Toby had looked hurt but I could care less because of all the piles of work I had to do.

Toby's POV
Why is Masky always stressed and irritable? I just wanted to be nice to him and what do I get? Him yelling at me! I walked into the living room and sat down to watch TV with EJ. After a bit of watching TV Slender calls us Proxies to his office. "Boys I have a mission for you," we sat and listened "there is a girl that goes by the name of Clockwork. I want you three to find her and bring her back to the mansion. And no goofing off or fighting we do not want to scare her. Understood?" He "looked" at both me and Masky and we all three said "Yes Sir" and left.

Hello people so I'm Rose_QuartzCipher17 but just call me Rose. So this is my first ever story and it will most likely suck and just to warn all you haters and trolls hate all you want it won't affect me. So have fun with that! But back to the main subject yes this probably does suck and it probably is all over the place but this is kinda like my test run story. Anyway that's all I gotta say so..... BYE👋🏻!

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