Chapter 11: W-What have I d-done?!

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                 ~A Couple Days Later~
        ~Hoodie's POV~
It's been a few days since the... incident and Toby was feeling worse than when Tim and Nurse Slut fucked with each other. I honestly don't know why we were doing it with each other. And no it's not the way Tim was I mean neither of us remember why we did it. It's like we were under a spell...
                      ~Toby's POV~
     Why...? Why did he have to leave...? I wouldn't have cared if he said he hated me with his whole being I just want him to be alive... and now I can't even see his beautiful brown hair, perfectly sculpted face, and big beautiful brown eyes. We can't have a proper funeral because we live in the middle of a forest but also... his body has disappeared. We don't know how but we think someone took him. I haven't been able to think straight the past few days because if everything that's happened. I had gotten tired of crying in my room and decided to go for a walk. As I went down the halls and staircases so I could get to the door almost everyone shot me a dirty look or mouthed the words "your fault." It didn't bother me too much since I was bullied during my childhood. What they did was nothing... I got to the door and shot out. I don't know why but I just felt the need to run. I then heard a stick crack then I heard footsteps. They were coming towards the direction I was in. I had grabbed my hatchets and got ready to fight. Then the footsteps suddenly stopped and everything was quiet... not even the crickets dared to make a sound. Then the footsteps resumed but now they were fast... I knew they were charging at me. I was suddenly tackled and pinned to the ground. I fought with whatever tackled me until I pinned them down completely... they had a hood that completely covered their face. So I decided to take it off... when I saw the face of the thing that tackled me it made my whole world spin... the person in the hood was-

     Yep I just did that... I feel accomplished in life. So hope y'all liked this cause I felt like it was a little rushed but I dunno if that's true. I really don't have much to say so stay awesome mah dudes. Buh-bye~

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