Chapter 14: The Sacrifice Contract

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~Toby's POV~
After Hoodie read the note me and him both darted to Slenders office. I didn't wait to knock on the door and barged in startling Slender. "What is the meaning of this Toby?" "M-Masky *pant* kidnapped *pant* Z-Zalgo." I then handed him the note. Once he read it his head shot towards us. "And why would Zalgo kidnap a DEAD Proxy?" "Sir Toby didn't write this and no one else in the mansion writes in demons blood." We've fought some demons so we know what a demons blood looks like. "Right. So why would Zalgo do such a thing?" "W-We don't k-know sir." I say as Slender looks through some files. "I'm assuming you want to go rescue Masky. Correct?" "Yes sir" Hoodie and I say in unison. "Alright I will allow it. Hoodie you may leave I would like to talk to Toby." Hoodie nodded and left. I sit down in a seat and ask what he wants to talk to me about. "One if you will not come back to this mansion because one of you are bound to die. There is a contract for this type of case where only one of you sign. The one who signs will sacrifice their life for the others. You want to sign that contract don't you?" I nodded. "Alright just sign here. You cannot go back now that you have signed this." "I know sir. Can we leave now?" All Slender did in response was nod. I was out the door going to get my hatchets when Hoodie bumped into me. "What did Slender want to talk to you about?" "N-Nothing important. Let's g-go." I said as I grabbed my hatchets and walked out the door with Hoodie. I hope Masky's ok...

Ey so here's the chapter. I'm sorry if it's bad I was just shooting off the top of my head. Well I don't have anything else to say... so as always stay awesome mah dudes. Buh-Bye~

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