Chapter 2: Clockwork...

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Toby's POV
We had been walking around for a long time until Masky said " I think we should split up to cover more ground." " I agree" Hoodie responded. I was about to protest but then they both left so I continued forward.
~Small Time Skip~
I had been walking for 30 minutes when someone jumped on me from a tree. I then screamed not because I was scared but because it surprised me. I then shove them off of me and grab my hatchets. We had been fighting for a good 10 minutes before I realized I was fighting our new member of our "family." I stopped fighting her and tried to talk to her. "H-Hi there I'm T-Ticci Toby. And w-what is your n-name?" "I'm Clockwork. Wait why are we suddenly talking like we're buddies?!" Just then both Masky and Hoodie had jumped out of some bushes and grabbed her arms. "STOP!" I yelled and all three of them froze. "L-Listen Clocky w-we need you t-to come w-with us. P-Please?"
Masky's POV
Clocky? Did he just give her a cutesy nickname. I'm happy I always wear a mask or Toby would've seen me death glaring Clockwork. She had stopped struggling and agreed to come with us calmly. I was leading us to the mansion and Clockwork was next to me. Before I realized it I leaned over and whispered to her "Toby is mine! So back off!" She looked at me confused and said " So he is your boyfriend?" She said with a smirk knowing very well he wasn't. She slowed he pace so she could stand right next to Toby which infuriated me but I couldn't do anything about it. Then she pushed me to the limit by holding Toby's arm in between her breasts.
Toby's POV
Clocky took hold of my arm and but it between her breasts. It was disgusting so I pulled my arm away that's when she pulled my mouth guard down and kissed me. I pushed her away and said "W-What was that f-for?!" She looked at me confused and said "But Toby don't you love me?" "N-No I don't. I only t-think of you as a f-friend." And with that the whole trip back to the mansion was filled with nothing but silence.

Hello person/people so here is the second chapter of my TicciMask story. Questions will most likely flood into your head. Why did Toby push Clocky away? Does Toby like someone else? Who does Toby like anyways? Well here's what I can you..... you'll find out in the next chapter. Bye!

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