Chapter 10: What Now...?

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   Warning if you are suicidal and are easily triggered then do not read this chapter.
~Months Later~
         ~Masky's POV~
    Over the past few months Toby has been really distant. When we'd say I love you his sounded like the words had no more meaning. He says everything is fine but I can tell it's a lie. He's been hanging out with Hoodie a lot more then he used to which is kind of worrying. I then hear Toby and Hoodies voice coming from... TOBY'S ROOM?! And it sounds like moaning. I walk in and see a terrible sight... Hoodie fucking Toby. "Toby I thought we had something special... and Brian I thought you were my best friend." Before they could say anything I rushed down the stairs and out the doors. They knew exactly where I was going. There was a cliff with water and sharp rocks at the bottom. I always wanted to jump but now I have a good reason. And it's all because of Toby and Hoodie. I never should've let them get close to me. I knew love would kill me but I didn't expect it to be this quick. I then make it to the cliff I had a pen and note pad and wrote a note simply explaining why I'm jumping and that I hope that Hoodie can make Toby feel loved more than I could. I then hear footsteps behind me I knew it was Toby and Hoodie so I waited until they could see me. Then I jumped. Toby was crying out to me telling me he was sorry and that he'd never come near me if I didn't jump. Hoodie had his mask off so I saw him crying as well. As much as it pained me to see them cry I knew that I didn't have anything to live for so I jumped telling Toby sorry. Sorry that I couldn't show him how much I loved him and for leaving him alone even though he did t love me. Then all I saw was black.

    Sorry I know it's depressing but I'm a little depressed and I don't know why. My chapters will most likely always reflect my emotions. But I do have to say writing this new chapter was amazing. I don't have anything else to say so stay awesome may dudes buh-bye~

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