New School New People

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Tomika's POV:

Today I start school at Petetree Bridge Highschool. My first public school. Kinda cool to not go to a school with elementary, middle and highschool all together. I don't have to wear a uniform which is awesome, but apparently there is a dress code here too, but it's like way less strict. But hey you know what's gonna be so different about this school verses my other school, except for like the new people, new teachers, new kinda everything. It's that I am starting this school year off with my twin! If you're wondering why he's never been brought up before, well he has, but I just didn't know he was my twin.


"Tomika Young and Freddy Jones please come to the front office please," Mullins called over the intercom thing.

Freddy and I walked over the principals office and my mom was sitting there.

"Hey mom," I said.

"Hey," she said. Well this is odd she's not yelling at me. I just got expelled and she's not mad? "Let's get going," my mom said starting to walk out of this office. "Freddy you too," she said.

I looked at Freddy and he looked at me, and were both really confused. Why was my mom taking both of us home? How was she even able to do that? Isn't there something about only like certain people can check you out and stuff, I would assume that would go for being expelled as well.

We just followed my mom out of the door. She drove us back to our house and we walked in.

"Mom why did you take Freddy home? And why is he at our house? And how could you take him from school?" I asked.

"Kids sit down," my mom instructed.

We both did as told, seeing as how we are expelled, we are already in a lot of trouble and we don't wanna be in anymore.

"So I have something really big I wanna tell you," my mom said sitting across from us.

"Okay umm this umm really weird, but umm you two are twins," my mother said.

My jaw dropped. I could probably fit a blue whale or two in my mouth it was open so wide.

"How are we twins we have separate parents?" I ask.

"Actually Tomika you know how you never met your dad, well let's go through that," my mom said. I could tell my mom thought that going through this whole story, was such an awkward expirence that she never wanted to go through. "Okay well I was married to your dad Freddy and I got pregnant, but when he found out he divorced me. In the divorce we each got one child. Your dad got Freddy and I got you. I always did wanna tell you I just didnt know how," my mom said.

I was still still pretty shocked. I just found out I have a twin, and my dad is Freddy's dad, and apperently I was so unwanted my dad tried his best not to have me in his life. Damn.

"Tomika, are you okay?" Freddy asks me.

Do you think I'm okay after hearing ALL of this! Hell no!

"Yeah this is just a lot of information," I say lying. "So mom if Freddy and I are twins and you and Mr. Jones or umm I guess dad, were married why don't we have the same last name?" I asked.

"Well when Freddy went to your dad he signed his birth certificate as Freddy Jones using his last name, and I changed my last name back to Young, before you were born. So you have my maiden name," my mom explained.

"This is a lot of stuff to take in. Can Freddy and I have some time to take this all in?"

"Yes, I can't even imagine how your feeling right now. I'll just be in my room if you have any more questions or need anything," my mom said walking towards the stairs.

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