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(A/N: heyyyy guyysssss, so its gonna be really sad in this chapter. Well its gonna get really emotional! So get your feeling ready to be felt, idk. Also its kinda gonna be confusing and weird but whatever. Anyway this is the last chapter but don't worry!  THIS IS UNEDITED!!!!


"If you weren't dating grace who would you date?" Babe asked.

"To-" than he hesitated. Wait was he about to say my name

Recap over

all of a sudden I got this really weird feeling in my stomach. Everything felt twisted, and I felt like I wanted to throw up. However I knew I wouldn't and some how this feeling kinda made me happy.

"Fuck it!" Zack yelled. "I'm fucking done pretending! Grace I fucking hate you! You suck, I'm only with you cause my dad forced me to. I'm sorry but im also not, now get out of Tomikas house!  He yelled.

"I agree get out," I say

"We all agree, Leave!" Babe shouted. 

"Ugh whatever I didnt like any of you anyway. Except you Zack, call me when you come to your senses. I somehow think it'll be sooner than you think," she said and winked at him. I think I almost barfed.

"Anyway, so to answer your question Babe. If there were another girl I were to date other than Grace it would be Tomika," he said and looked me in the eye.

I didnt know what to say. I couldn't talk I couldn't move. The only thing I was able to do was have my mouth hang open. I starred at him completely just overwhelmed.

"Tomika I've liked you since I first met you in dance. You were the best person I had ever met. Than you quit and I was heart broken. than I had met you again at Travis prep and I was so happy. Ever since than I knew I never wanted to stop being with you. Ever since than I realized I never wanted no harm to come to you, or anything bad. Than you got expelled and you started dating Billy," he said.

"Yeah I'm still here by the way," Billy said interrupting Zack.

"SHUT UP! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN SINCE WE ALL MET!!!!" Summer and Freddy yelled in unison. Okay they are a great couple but sometimes their too in sync.

"Anyway when you started dating Billy I was crushed. I know what you're thinking. And yeah I realize I started dating Grace first, but in never really wanted to my dad forced me. That day we went to the movies was the day I was gonna ask you out, but than this all started and I couldn't. When I saw you dating Billy and the fact that y'all were happy killed me. I wanted you to be mine. Than I realized I love you Tomika! And I don't think I'll stop," he says. He is smiling ear to ear, and I am too. Were both blushing furiously and it would be hard to tell us from a tomato.

I still couldn't speak.

I looked over at Billy he looked at me, and nodded. Thank the lord. That was basically our break up and he was okay with this. I guess he knew all along.

I looked back into Zacks eyes, and crashed my lips on to his.

All of a sudden I heard a noise go off, and everything went black.

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