The Ask Out

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Tomika's POV:

Summer and I walked back to my house. The whole time she was talking about how she was feeling, and what she thought. She was really excited that Freddy had asked her out and everything. The rest of the night thats what we, but mostly Summer, were talking about. She kept saying how thoughtful and cute Freddy was. And dont get me wrong I love my brother, and he has a bunch of girls who like him, but seriously that's my brother and its kinda gross. Oh well though. Summer was happy, cause her dream guy finally asked her out in her dream way. I wasn't about to ruin that. She ended up sleeping in his jacket. It was a little over sized but oh the fuck well.

Time skip to Monday, because nothing else that interesting really happened. Plus I'm lazy!

I woke up Monday morning tired as hell. Fuck school. Do I actually have to go? Like I can drop out and still be financially successful. Like I could become famous. I could become an actress. I pretend to like people when I don't its called being polite. I may not always use my manners, but I do have them. They are thing with me.

My alarm was still blaring at me. The question is do I hit snooze or wake the fuck up? I checked the time. It was 5:45. HOLY SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE!!! Wait but do I care enough? Yes I do if im late to the point where I miss one full period my mom is gonna take away my car keys for a week! I can't have that! I get out of bed and rush to Freddy's room who is sound asleep. He has a water bottle on his dresser so I take it and dump the remains on him.

He jolts awake. He was scared shitless. No seriously I think he shit the bed. Plus he wasn't that happy.

"WHAT THE FUCK TOMIKA?!?!" He yells at me.

"We are going to be late for school! consider it an involuntary shower," I say to him.

"Who said I gave a fuck about being late. I'll just become a famous musician," he said laying back down.

"Well you should. Mom said that if we skip one more class period than she's taking away our cars for a week! And you can't take Summer on your date," I say.

He jumps out of bed and starts rummaging through his closet.

I go back to my room, and start going through my closet as well. I end up wearing some black leggings, a white crop top, and the sweatshirt that Zack gave me when we hung out a little while ago. Dont judge me. Than I put on some white high top converse. I brushed my hair, and teeth plus all the other things that are bodily hygiene related. If your wondering why I didnt take a shower, well I had no time plus I took one last night. So yes my hair is back to its lovely brown color.

I ran downstairs grabbed a granola bar for me and Freddy.

"Freddy let's go!" I scream.

"Coming!" He yells back running down the stairs.

His hair is kinda done, but not really. He threw me my book bag and I caught it. I grabbed my keys and we speed off to school.

We made it just in time. Thank god I didnt want my keys taken away from me.

I walk over to an empty seat. It was in the second row to the back in the left corner. I haven't been in this class yet, because I haven't had this schudle yet.

I looked around. This class seemed okay but no one that interesting. I really shouldn't judge them yet, since I haven't talked to them yet. Oh well though, we all do it.

"Okay good morning class. Let's start off with roll call. Please just raise your hand and say hear for me," the teacher said.

She was kinda tall, but than again she was wearing heels so I dont know. She was in a blue button up shirt with a black skirt. Her heels were black as well and I think they gave her about 1-2 inches.

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