Chapter 2

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Jasmine ⬆⬆

Ronnie sat on the floor with her back pressed against the wall. Closing her eyes she held a cigarette to her lips. She wasn't a big fan of it, but she used it as a short time replacement until she could get her hand on some weed.

She was just calmly waiting on Jasmine to get upstairs since she and her aunt were still talking downstairs. Knowing that the third bedroom was her aunt's sewing room, she knew that Jasmine would be staying in her room. Ronnie hated the idea of even being behind closed doors with someone. Possibilities were endless behind closed doors and she was never the type to take chances.

Hearing the door open caused Ronnie to open her eyes. In the corner of her eyes she saw Jasmine standing at the door frame with her duffle bag. Without so much as a greeting Jasmine entered the room and placed Her bag on the floor outside of the closet.

As Ronnie silently watched her Every move she sensed something . Something about Jasmine messed with her conscience and she didn't like the feeling. Her eyes raked over her appearance before focusing on her face.

Catching Her eyes Jasmine glared back at her.

"Can I help you? " Jasmine asked.

Ronnie smirked, it was noticeable that she was still pissed off at her because of what happened earlier.

"You fucking mute Now? You had a lot to say earlier today. I don't know where your ass appeared from, but Lemme inform you about something real quick. When you see shit like that going down you keep the fuck outta it. "

After flicking her cigarette Ronnie smashed it into her ash bowl. She always became Hot headed when it came to disrespect. When she got up she walked over to the closet and grabbed the duffle bag.

"Get out, "was all she said before walking towards the door with the intention of tossing the bag out.

Just when she was about to open the door Jasmine grabbed her shoulder.

"You b-" before Jasmine could finish her sentence Ronnie had her in a position where she was bent over with her hand twisted behind her back.

Ronnie lowered Her head to her left ear and whispered harshly, "Don't speak to me unless I speak to you. I let you slide earlier . Fucking touch me again and I'll snap your neck."

Jasmine groaned out in pain,"Alright I'm sorry. Just let me go. "

She released her and shoved her onto the floor. Ronnie closed her eyes and inhaled for a couple seconds before snapping them back Open again.

"Just don't do that shit again. I don't tolerate bullshit. Believe me Jasmine I'm a good person. Just don't fuck around with me "

With that being said Ronnie left the room.


"I'on know Man, but I don't like her. " Jasmine snapped.

Terai folded her arms, "Come on Jasmine, the only reason you don't like her is because she ain't afraid of you.  She put you in yo damn place. It's about time. "

"I swear she be on some voodoo shit. Last night I couldn't even get any sleep she just kept staring at me. And on top of that she went through my bag. Fuck kinda person does that? "

Terai laughed, "I'on know. Maybe she likes you. She cute ain't she. "

Jasmine eyed her, "What are you on? I ain't fucking with you with those AG Fantasies you been having ."

Chuckling Terai stood up from her seat. "Why so serious? "

"Nothing, I just don't fuck with that typa shit "She mumbled.

"All I'm saying is Maybe she ain't that Bad. Y'all Just started on a Bad note. There's no need for no beef. We got enough problems as it Jasmine.  Milly still on the loose snitchin' we need to deal with her First before we get into other shit. "

.. ... ....

-I swear lately I been heartless, heartless, heatless, heartless, yeah
Lately I been heartless, heartless, heartless, heartless, yeah

Oh hell nah, ain't no pressure 'bout no beef, we gon' air shit out
I got your bitch and she tellin' me all your where abouts........

Ronnie vibed to some music while eating some grapes. Something about music got to her. She could understand more from listening to the lyrics of a song rather than reading a book.

Feeling a bit thirsty She got up and headed straight to the kitchen. She decided not to switch on the lights since she already knew where everything was.

She spotted Jasmine leaning against the counter while Eating out of a bowl ,but Jasmine hadn't noticed Her yet.

Ronnie said nothing and simply grabbed a cup from the cupboard.

When Jasmine heard the sound of clinging china she looked to where the sound came from and jumped when she saw the silhouette.

Ronnie cringed at the sound of shattering glass.

"Oh shit," Jasmine hissed.

Without thinking she rushed to turn on the light ,but before she could she stepped on a piece of glass.

"Fucktard, "Ronnie muttered when she heard the crunching sound followed by a hiss.

She placed Her cup down and switched the light switch on.

When she looked over at Jasmine she was standing on One foot with a grimace on her face. Ronnie rolled her eyes and made her way over to her. She held her and guided Her away from shattered glass on the floor.

"Can you take it out? "Jasmine hissed.

Ronnie hoisted her onto the counter and stooped down to look at her foot. After visiting the bathroom and grabbing the safety kit, she began to dress Her foot.

Jasmine watched her keenly the whole time. She was thinking about what Terai said earlier. Maybe Ronnie wasn't that bad..

"I'm done. "

Jasmine hopped off the counter and winced once her feet touched the floor.

"Ronnie, "she called when Ronnie began to walk away.

Looking back at her Ronnie waited for her to say something.

"Look We started off on the wrong foot. I'm cool with you and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out ?"

"I'll pass. "


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