Chapter 24.

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Ronnie leaned up against Jasmine's car and waited for her to get out of school. She didn't bother to show up today since she was too fucked up to study anything pertaining to school work.

She spent the whole of last night Calling Jasmine and all her calls went straight to voice mail. Jasmine didn't even bother to answer Her texts. Ronnie couldn't think straight knowing that there was a possibility that she will never have Her again.

On top of that she was still in her feelings about being lied to her whole life. She was being humble to a nigga that wasn't even her damn Father. She knew her mother was a fool, but on top of that she was a liar as well. It hurt Her even more to know that Yunnie knew and all she ever did was spoon feed Her lies. Every woman she knew was the same excluding Jasmine. They were all just like her damn momma. A bitch, a fool and a liar.

Ronnie clenched her jaw and balled her fists up. She exhaled harshly through her nose and tried to calm her self down. It wasn't the time for her to be angry.

Staring at her shoes she shoved Her hands in her pockets and waited anxiously for her to show up. About fifteen minutes later she spotted Jasmine walking out of the school. Her heart sunk in her chest at Jasmine's facial expression when they made eye contact. Her left cheek was a bit swollen and  Ronnie's purple hand print was very visible.

"Jasmine can I speak to you for a minute? " Ronnie was the first to speak.

"There's nothing to speak about. "

Ronnie leaned up from against the car, "I'm sorry about last night, believe me I am. I didn't mean to hit you. Shit, I'm so fucking sorry. "

"Regardless if you didn't mean to, you still did ," Jasmine said nonchalantly.

"I told you that I'm sorry j-"

"There's no point in apologizing Ronnie. It won't fix things between us now. "

"What are you trying to say? "

"I'm not trying to say Anything. I already said what I had to say last night. We're over, we're done. I just can't put up with you anymore. "

"Just because of last night? We can fix things, please," Ronnie begged.

"Its not just because of last night, I've been feeling like this for a while, " Jasmine spoke honestly.

The fact that she felt Safe around Ronnie and the fact that she felt scared around her at the same time made her have second thoughts. She came to the conclusion that being in that kind of environment wasn't healthy for her.

Ronnie's gaze fell to the floor, "So you've been feeling this way all the time and you still lead me on because what? "

"Because I was scared Ronnie. You made me feel afraid. You had me in a mental cage. "

"And Me hitting you was the perfect get away huh? " Ronnie chuckled bitterly.

"Its not like that t-"

"You agreed to help Yunnie get me there because you knew I would get Mad. You did that to me after I told you how I felt about them, "

Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows, "That's bullshit Ronnie and you know that. I brought you there because I thought that it would help you to make amends with your mother. You know that I'm better than that. "

When Ronnie didn't respond, Jasmine spoke again, "I love you Ronnie more than anything or anyone, but I can't allow you to mess me up. We're always fighting, your always starting something with me and on top of that every single time we argue you put your hands on me. I can't deal with the emotional abuse, and I can't deal with the physical abuse either. I love you, but I can't manage to put up with you. Maybe if you get help and you fix whatever is wrong with you we can work, but for now we can't. "

"That's not fair Jasmine. You knew how I was when you met me and you still forced yourself into my life. You made me fall in love with you and Now your just gonna leave me,"  At this point Ronnie was raising her voice.

Jasmine sighed, "See this is what I'm talking about. Your already mad. You have anger issues and Your taking it all out on me. "

"After all that bullshit you said, you expected me to not get Mad! I gave you my time! I gave you the Love that I couldn't even give myself!  Even when I did shit I told you how much I loved. I showed you how much I loved you. "

"Ronnie just go home. You can't expect that someone will want to be with you with the way that you are. Your toxic and you need to get professional help. "

"And I'll get help, just don't leave me. Your the only thing that I have. " Ronnie said feeling defeated.

Jasmine looked away when her eyes began to water, " I'm sorry Ronnie. I want to be there for you, but I just can't be. At least not until you get better. "

"I should've known better. You never gave a fuck about me," Ronnie sniffed, "Just like everyone else. "

Jasmine frowned, "Don't say that. Of course I cared about you. "

"If you cared you would stay. "

"No, because I care I'm leaving. I'm doing the both of us a favor. I need Space and I think that you need it as well. If I stay we'll only continue to suffocate each other. "

"Fine. I won't force you to be with me. "

Ronnie wiped a single tear that rolled down down her cheek as she watched Jasmine walk over to the drivers side of her car

"I'll see you around Ronnie," Jasmine said still unable to give her eye contact. She was just trying to hold herself together until she got into the car. God alone knew that if she continued to speak she would fall apart and go back to her. She reminded herself that she was doing what needed to be done.

Ronnie said nothing and stepped back as she got into her car and drove off.

Just like her damn momma.

.... ... ..

I don't know when I'm gonna get to update again . Luckily I got to update the last chapter because I had service. Since Tuesday I couldn't get any Wi-Fi or power because of fucking Irma and Now tomorrow another one is coming. On top of that another one is coming. I'm pissed because I can't go to school and that's gonna be another set back because of all this bullshit.

This might just be the last chapter until whenever .

Like how Harvey ran away from Irma and Irma is trying to get him back and Irma Spanish side nigga José running Her down I'm just hoping and praying that Irma isn't bisexual because I can't deal.

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