Chapter 8

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"What kinda restaurant is this? "Ronnie asked as they
approached the door .

"A Japanese restaurant. The ones where they cook food in front of you. "

"Oh cool. I've never been to One of these before. "

Jasmine walked in First followed by Ronnie. Not paying attention to Milly walking behind her she allowed the door to close behind her.

Hearing the loud thud Ronnie looked back and shrugged when she saw Milly holding Her head.

Ronnie watched as Milly rushed to Jasmine's side and held her arm. She didn't expect Jasmine to be that type of person.

They made their way to a table a sat down. Jasmine sat in the middle of the two of them. After about ten minutes they had already finished making their orders and were waiting on the chef to arrive.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and come back, "Milly said standing Up.

Jasmine watched as she walked away before looking over at Ronnie.

"Why are you so silent? "

"I wasn't about to talk while Milly all up in my face. Your Girlfriend is a heaux ."

Jasmine took her drink from the tray the waiter was holding

"I know. "

After collecting Her drink Ronnie spoke .

"I didn't think you were that type ." she sipped her drink.

"What type? "

"The type that hits their girlfriend and the type that's a clown. You know she's a heaux but yet you're still with her. Your a clown. "

"It is complicated. I'm just trying to keep Her mouth closed. In her head we're together but we actually aren't. "

"You couldn't find some other way to keep Her mouth closed?"

At that exact same time Milly came back and sat down.

"What were y'all talking about? "

"Nothing. "Jasmine mumbled the same time Ronnie said, "You. " 

Jasmine narrowed her eyes at her.

Smirking Ronnie continued to sip her drink.

... ... ... ... ...

"Your girlfriend is drunk off her ass." Ronnie laughed watching her from the hood of the car.

Jasmine Looked at Milly skipping across the pasture like a Jackass. She simply shook her head at her.

"I've been meaning to ask you, why exactly are you here rather than back home ?"

"Let's just say I wanted a fresh start. "

"Your Lucky . Not a lot of people can just get up and leave like that. "

"I don't believe in luck I believe in predictability, plan and order. "

Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows, "Meaning what exactly. "

"I believe that they're many things in our control. Strongly I believe that we make our own way. Luck did not bring my here. I planned and planned until I brought ideas into existence. I worked out my own shit. Moved on my own. The only thing My aunt had to do was give me food and shelter and I dealt with everything else. No luck, like I previously said plan and order.

"That's the most you ever said to me. "

Ronnie shrugged, " It's nothing. "

"You're very goal oriented. "Jasmine paused, "Can I ask you another question?"

"Shoot. "

"Where do you see your self profession wise? "

Ronnie thought for a while as she stared Up at the Sky. Staring up at the Sky whether it be day or night helped her to collect Her thoughts. It helped her to think for tomorrow . In the night she knew Day would come leading to another day. Every day that passed brought her hope.

"I want to be an entrepreneur. I want to open an organization, a home. A place where kids can call there home not just a place where they reside. A lot of kids out there have their current living situation. They dream Day and night to be some other place. Anywhere just to get away from life. I know how that feels, " Ronnie looked over at Jasmine, "Every day there's at least One Kid that runs away from home. They run even though they know they have no where to go. The others Who don't run are the ones who gave up. All they can do is stay. With parental consent or it be granted by a judge or jury those Kids will have somewhere they can call there's, a home. "

Jasmine stared at Ronnie. She never heard someone speak like that. Half of the people their age didn't even think like that. They only thought about tomorrow. They lived Day by Day. They wait around for things to happen.

"You're something else you know that. You're really bright for a twelve year old,"Jasmine chuckled.

"Can't say the same thing for you. "

Jasmine was about to punch her arm but decided not to knowing how Ronnie would react.

"I'm gonna go get another beer you want one? "

"Uh yeah sure,"Ronnie replied.

Four beers later Jasmine was feeling tipsy. Ronnie watched her amused as she mumbled to herself while playing with her fingers. If she wasn't tipsy Ronnie wouldn't have even allowed Her to touch Her much less hold her Hand.

Ronnie had stopped drinking after her first beer. Milly was drunk. Jasmine was half way there.  She had enough sense not to get drunk. She didn't like the taste of beer nor things it could do to you.

Hearing Ronnie laugh Jasmine looked over at her.

"You should smile more. You're even more beautiful when you smile. "

Looking down at her Ronnie sighed and pulled her hand away.

"I think it is time for me to take y'all home. Let's just hope and pray we don't get pulled over." Ronnie mumbled.


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