Chapter 13.5

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Staring straight ahead Jasmine drove with one hand on the staring wheel and the other resting the door. She could feel Ronnie's eyes on her and even though it bothered Her she made no comment about it.

The car ride was silent apart from the Kodak Black mix playing in the back ground.

Licking Her lips, Ronnie prepared herself to speak. She lowered the music and gave Jasmine her full attention.

"You alright? "she questioned worriedly.

Jasmine shrugged Her shoulders, "I'm Ight. "

"I don't like Lying Jasmine, so I suggest you start telling the truth. "

"I'm good for the most part. I just have my own shit to deal with. It has nothing to do with you. "

"Regardless if it has nothing to do with me I still wanna know. I mean earlier today you were avoiding me and now you're barely talking. You got me feeling like I did something wrong. "

Jasmine laughed, "And since when do you care about how I feel?"

Ronnie sat back in the chair and looked out the window. Jasmine had no idea about how much she cared about her. For once in her life she actually gave a fuck about someone other than herself. It was pissing Her off that Jasmine was doubting her feelings for her.

Jasmine looked over at her, "I know you care about me even though you never showed it. "

Ronnie dragged a hand down her face, " Pull over," she mumbled

"What? " Jasmine asked confused.

"Pull over the damn car. "

Doing as she was instructed Jasmine pulled over.

"What now? "She asked looking at Ronnie expectantly.

"I'm gonna ask you One last time. What's wrong with you? "

Jasmine looked up at the car roof before looking out the window. She knew if she didn't talk Ronnie would get Mad and she knew if she did speak she would break down.

"Oh I see, "Ronnie muttered opening her door,"I ain't bout to sit in no car with someone that doesn't want to speak to me. "

Jasmine grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving.

"Close the door, I'll tell you. "

She got back in the car and prepared herself for what Jasmine had to say.

She looked over at Jasmine alarmed when she heard her sniff.

"Umm, "Jasmine started while she stared out her window.

"Can you at least look at me? "

Rubbing the back of her neck Jasmine continued to look out the window.

"I really don't want to. "

"Please. " Ronnie begged whilst grabbing her hand.

With tears in her eyes Jasmine looked over at Ronnie.

"I was only eight at the time when it happened. My mom had moved away for four years for university. She left me with my Aunt and her husband. " Jasmine paused and slowly shook her head as her tears began to flow, "A year into me staying there I noticed that things were a bit off with my aunt's husband. I hated the way he would look at me. He would look at me with those piercing eyes and that damn fucking smile and my stupid childish ass would smile back with him. "

Jasmine sniffed and began to wipe Her tears away.

"One night while I was asleep, I felt someone touching me. I can remember how rough the palm of his hands felt. He had his hand in my underwear, touching me Everywhere. This incident reoccurred over and over again and ever single morning when I woke up I told myself it was a Bad dream. He took my fucking innocence Ronnie. "

Ronnie face formed a grimace as she watched Jasmine cry. She couldn't believe the words that was spilling out of her mouth. How could a Man bring himself to do that to a child?

She reached out and began to wipe Jasmine's tears away with the pads of her fingers.

"One day my aunt left me home alone with him while she went to church. She said she would pray for me. The prayer never fucking helped me. He came into my room and he hit me for no reason. When I started to cry he reached into my underwear and began to touch me. This time he tried something new,"Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows as thought about that Day, "H-he tried to put One of his fingers inside of me and that's when I realized it Wasn't a dream. I bit him and ran away. I stayed in my neighbors tree house until I saw my aunt came home. "

Jasmine looked at Ronnie, "I told her everything he did to me Ronnie everything! And you know what she said to me ? If I loved her I wouldn't tell anyone. She was the only person in my life at the Time other than my mother and I just couldn't lose Her. After I told my aunt and her husband found out I had told her he stopped touching Me, instead he would hit me. My dumb ass never told anyone and as a fucking kid I was left to deal with all that shit on my own. Do you know how much shit like that can fuck someone up over years? I couldn't even stand to let my own mother hug me. I had panic attacks for years every time someone touched me before I could control it. I was so fucked up. "

Finally ending her story Jasmine leaned Her head on the staring wheel and began to bawl Her eyes out. Ronnie felt her heart ache hearing Jasmine sob.

She got out the car and made her way over to the driver's side. She opened the door and helped Jasmine out. As soon as Jasmine got out she dropped her head on Ronnie's shoulder and continued to break down.

Ronnie wrapped her hands around her and kissed Her forehead.

"I promise I'll take care of you, " Ronnie whispered in the crook of her neck.

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