Chapter 7.

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Ronnie tapped the floor with her Right foot. She was meditating to some music while sitting outside in the back yard and smoking an occasional cigar. She just needed to clear her head, things were becoming more and more complicated.

Jasmine had left and went back home yesterday and she was back alone. Having someone there made her realize that she was missing. She missed Jasmine Now that she wasn't there to bother her. But she knew how life was. They were only talking in the first place to get along since they were sharing a room. Now that she was gone Ronnie didn't plan to put up with her. It was alright for the meanwhile.

Ronnie watched the sun as it began to raise. It was the break of dawn and she was yet to fall asleep. She stood up and brushed off her pants. She was planning on making some breakfast and then getting ready for school.

... ... ...

Jasmine stood next to her car with Terai. They were waiting on Milly to arrive so that Jasmine could go speak up to her. Jasmine was going along with Terai's plan to hook up with her again. The whole idea made her nauseous, but she was doing what she had to do.

She looked over at Terai when she bumped Her shoulder, "There She go. Go ahead. "

Jasmine carelessly walked over to Milly and tapped her shoulder. She mentally cringed when Milly spun around and grinned up at her.

"Umm hi, "Milly beamed.

"I'm gonna get straight to the point. I want us to work again. I miss you and I know that you been missing me. "

The words left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Milly flipped her hair, "Well of course. I always knew that behind that facade, that you still cared for me and loved me deep down. "

Delusional ass Jasmine thought.

"Yeah, Right. "she mumbled.

"To celebrate us getting back together lets go out on a date, "Milly suggested.

Jasmine gave her a tight lipped smile, "Anything you want babe. "

Milly eagerly grabbed her arm, "Take me to my class. "

Shaking her head Jasmine looked over at Terai Who gave her Two thumbs up.

She didn't think she could put up with the bullshit for more than two days.

... ... ... ...

After school Jasmine stood outside hoping that she would see Ronnie. She was thinking about chilling out with her before heading home. Even though she wasn't staying at her house anymore she still wish to be friends with her.

Like clockwork she spotted Ronnie walking with her bag slung over her shoulder. They made eye contact but Ronnie pretended not to notice Her by looking behind of her.

Jasmine began to walk  towards her. When Ronnie noticed Her she just continued to walk like  normal.

"So you don't know people now?"Jasmine asked when she caught up to her.

Ronnie looked at her with a questioning facial expression.

"I do. You expected me to come Up to you and greet you? Doesn't sound like me. "

"Riight. I knew better. "

"Why are you talking to me anyways? "

Frowning Jasmine looked over at her, "What do you mean? "

"You ain't Staying With my aunt anymore. We don't need to cooperate. "

Jasmine shoved Her hands in her pockets, "That ain't how friendship goes. "

Ronnie smirked, "Who said we friends ?"

"Nobody had to say it. Just know we friends. "

"You got high expectations, "Ronnie Chuckled,"I don't do friends. "

"But you do food, so let's hang out again. Tonight at eight. "

Ronnie shrugged, "I don't mind."

Jasmine smiled,"So it's set. "

...  ... ....

"Milly what the fuck are you doing at my house? "Jasmine asked.

"You said that we were gonna go out to celebrate us getting back together. "

"I never said that. "

"Okay, so maybe I did. It doesn't matter. Let's just go. "

Hearing Terai's voice in her head she mentally groaned.

"Go wait by the car I'll get my keys. "

Milly did as instructed and started walking to the car.

The exact moment she stepped into the house she remembered that she planned on hanging out with Ronnie.

"Oh shit, shit, "she cussed .

She knew that if she skipped out on Ronnie she would be fucked. Her only option was to take them both.

... .... .....

"Get in the backseat, "Jasmine hissed at Milly.

They were parked up in front of the Ronnie's house waiting on her to come out.

"I'm not going in the back seat. "

Jasmine looked at her irritated.

"You either get in the back or get the fuck out. "

Milly mumbled a few cuss words to herself but climbed into the back. Just in time, Ronnie came walking down the pavement.

"Ain't that the girl that you were fighting with the other day? I didn't know you two spoke. "

"It ain't yo business babe. "

"Night, " Ronnie greeted once she stepped into the car.

"Night, " Jasmine responded.

"Who's that in the backseat? " Ronnie asked looking up into the mirror.

"I'm Milly, her girlfriend. We met the other day, "Milly interjected.

Ronnie eyed Jasmine.

Jasmine slouched in her seat and pressed gas.

It was gonna be a long night

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