Chapter 20

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Two weeks later.

"I don't wanna go in there, "Ronnie protested a she stubbornly folded her arms.

"Do you wanna make a first good impression or not? "Jasmine questioned.

"I could care less if you mother likes me. Never saw her over the past two month and half and we've been perfectly fine. "

"Will this is really important to me. My mother is someone important to me and I want her to like you, " Jasmine replied.

"I said I don't want to. Shit makes Me uncomfortable and makes me start questioning everything. Fucking frustrating. "

"So you just gon' sit in the car for the next four to six hours?"

"Yes. "

Jasmine looked at her with pleading eyes, "Can you please just come inside for an hour? "

"I said no. No means no. "

Rolling her eyes Jasmine opened her door, "Your acting like a damn kid. I swear I need to find someone my age who can at least be mature in a situation like this. "
Ronnie chuckled, "Let's not talk about maturity. I've been mature since I was about thirteen years old ."

"All I'm asking you to do is to come into this Church with me. The fuck are you scared for? "

Ronnie remained silent as she watched Jasmine get out of the car and slam the door shut.

Shaking her head she stepped out of the car and closed the door behind her. She jogged up to Jasmine and snaked Her arm over her shoulder.

Jasmine sucked her teeth and removed her arm. She walked ahead of her and made her way inside of the large church. Church was home to her ever since she was a baby. She grew up in this church, most of the church was her family. She belonged to the church. Although she strongly believed in God she just never upheld the Christian lifestyle. Her mother didn't mind the majority of her life choices, but she still chastised her about a few. The most her Mom wanted from her was to believe in God .

Strolling in behind her Ronnie looked around the room. Just stepping foot inside of this place made her feel uneasy. She hated the eyes . She hated how everyone would just turn to look at her as soon as she walked into the room. Like always, they were judging. She despised how most church folks were. True Christians she could try to tolerate, but the others Who were Just there to give an impression she wouldn't even allow Herself to tolerate them. Every church had the same set of people.

The wives Who come to church to show off their husbands as though their lives are perfect, but behind closed doors domestic abuse arises.

The few members Who sit and gossip Every Single member of the church based on their life Styles outside of church as well as their testimonies.

The ladies Who would go out to dances and strip clubs Every night of the week and end up singing and praising god on a Sunday morning.

The list went on and On, but a small percentage were true the Christians.

Shaking her head Ronnie sat on a bench next to Jasmine who was already busy in a conversation with an old lady.

When the conversation was over Jasmine turned to face Ronnie with a broad smile. Ronnie didn't return the small gesture, instead she folded Her arms and slouched.

Jasmine paid no attention to her sour mood and turned to face the alter.

"Good morning Church, can you please stand as we start our morning worship? " The lady who stood at alter spoke.

The church members stood up and so the singing, clapping and dancing began.

.. ... ...

When the service was over Ronnie was One of the first persons out. She leaned up against the church door unintentionally mugging everyone Who looked at her.

She spotted Jasmine walking towards her with a much shorter chubbier woman with longer hair. If she didn't know better she would've assume they were sisters.

Ronnie stood up straight when they approach Her.

"Mom, this is Ronnie , the girl that I've been seeing, "Jasmine introduced.

Jasmine's mother began to eye Ronnie and she only began doing the same. Ronnie could tell that she was trying to intimidate her with her looks, but effortlessly she held her intense gaze.

Smiling Jasmine's mother held out her hand, "Nice to meet you Ronnie, Call me Veronica. "

Returning a warm smile Ronnie lowered Her hand to shake Veronica's only for it to be batted away. Ronnie tensed up when Veronica pulled Her into a hug. She glanced over at Jasmine who was smiling back at her. She relaxed in her arms and hugged her back. For once she knew what a Mother's touch felt like.

When they pulled away from the hug Veronica pulled Ronnie close to her by her arm.

"Let's get going so that I can make dinner, "She said before beginning to walk.

... .. .

"You like cooking? "Veronica asked another question for the umpteenth time as they walked into the house.

"Yeah I do. Growing up my mother couldn't really cook. I was tired of the shi-, "Ronnie paused to correct herself, "Meals she attempted to make, so I ended up in the kitchen. Ever since that I was hooked. "

"What's your specialty? "Veronica asked as they trailed further into the house.

Ronnie shrugged, "Anything the gotta do with meat. White meat, red meat, I'on really care. "

Veronica busted out laughing before looking back at Jasmine, "I really like this one. Better than that little rodent you had around. "

Jasmine laughed at her mother's reference to Milly. She could tell that her mother really took a liking to Ronnie. Surprisingly Ronnie seemed to enjoy Her company as well.  She loved the fact that the two most important women to her liked each other .

.... ....

"Why are you staring at me like that? "Ronnie asked Jasmine who had her eyes glued on her with a slight smile.

It was 11:25 pm and they were currently laying in bed wide awake with the only light source being the Television.

Jasmine pulled her closer to her embracing Her warmth.

"I'm just so proud of you. "

"For what exactly? "

Jasmine shrugged, "For not giving my mom a hard time. For trying your Best to put up with her. For coming into that church with me and staying the whole service rather than walking out on me. Just to name a few. "

Ronnie pecked Her Lips and pulled her right leg onto Her waist.

"I'm proud of me too, " she mumbled as she grabbed one of Jasmine's butt cheek in her hand.

"And you killed the moment, "Jasmine muttered as she removed her leg and Ronnie's hand from her butt.

Ronnie chuckled and shook her head, "It was worth a try. "

She couldn't get enough of her girlfriend.

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