Chapter 22.5

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Jasmine placed her head on Ronnie's chest and positioned her hand on her stomach. They had moved from the kitchen and were now chilling in Jasmine's bedroom.

"What ?"

Jasmine shook Her head, "Nothing."

After a moment of silence Jasmine spoke again, "
You never told me why you went ghost on me. Was the sex bad? "

"You serious?" Ronnie asked.

"Yeah I mean after everything we did together you bailed out on me, "

Ronnie busted out laughing.

"It's not funny, "Jasmine grumbled as she sat Up.

Sitting up as well, Ronnie pulled her between Her legs and wrapped her arms around her.

"Don't ask ridiculous questions. "

"I had to ask. You confused the fuck outta me. In my head I was wondering what I did wrong, because I had you grabbing my hair and grinding into my mouth. You-"

Ronnie's face flushed and she quickly covered Jasmine's mouth with her hand and pulled her in closer. She was so glad that Jasmine's back was facing her so that she couldn't see the look on her face.

"The truth is you made me feel vulnerable. Feeling so defeated in my past I built a wall around myself. You broke that wall down with ease. The fact that it was so easy for you to make me feel so helpless scared me. It scared me because I couldn't bring myself to say no, I didn't want to say no. Made me feel powerless, felt like I was being controlled. I couldn't handle that at the moment so I left out ."

Jasmine rubbed Her hand that was wrapped around her, "Fine If that's how you feel I'll respect you and I won't touch you again. "

Ronnie was quick to respond, "Shit come again, that was just a one time thing. You can come again anytime you want to. "

Jasmine laughed, "Whenever you want it. "

.. ... ..

"I'm just salty right now. Talking bout, 'At least I tried . I wasted my time'," Jahne bitterly repeated her 'crush's' words.

She looked over at Ronnie Who was busy flipping through her physics text book with her eyebrows furrowed .

"Are you even listening to me? "Jahne whined.

"Yeah I heard you,"She replied not looking away from her book.

"Then what did I say? "

"You were talking about how you've been dealing with this girl for the past three years. When y'all started talking y'all immediately hit it off. You caught feelings for her, she claimed she was straight.

Y'all ended up in some confusing ass love saga. You ignored her everyday at school but was always quick to text her at home. Problems began to arise mentally, you walked out on her and hurt her feelings.

When you got in contact with her again she was quick to be down for you and you fucked up again and she bailed out on you . Y'all started speaking again had an argument and you decided not to text back, and she didn't either. Y'all stop talking for a year even though y'all have the same friends and have most classes together. Now that you guys started talking again, she cries Every time you try to have a serious conversation with her and she's always blaming you and being bitter.

She keeps saying how she missed you and she hated how everything reminded her of you. But she doesn't have any feelings for you and she doesn't think she ever will-" Ronnie rambled effortlessly only to be cut off.

"Okay I get it I get it damn, shut up ." Jahne groaned.

Ronnie looked away from her book and looked at her.

"What do you think? "

Jahne waited patiently for her to say something until she mumbled ,"Damn"

"What? "Jahne asked expectantly.

"I left my phone home and I was wondering whether or not I plugged it out from the charger. "Ronnie said with all seriousness.

When she noticed the look on Jahne's face she smiled sheepishly.

"I think she's delusional and I think you should put your foot down go to her house and just let her know how your feeling. If she doesn't want to be mature about the situation at first you force her to be. Don't leave out and don't allow her to move unless she opens up and you hear what you want to hear."

Jahne watched her and listened intently as she spoke.

"When the arguing is done just fuck her ."

"Your full of fucking Shit. " Jahne sucked her teeth.

Ronnie shrugged, "You can take my advice or Leave it. It won't bother me."

.... ... ..

"I just want my own place. I'll get a job pull some cash and buy my own place close to campus. I don't wanna be sharing space with nobody. Want my own shit that nobody can take away from me. I don't want nobody trying to style me. I'll pay my own bills, "Ronnie spoke as she flipped through the channels on the TV

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. "

Ronnie was about to say something else when Yunnie walked into the room. She glanced at her and continued flipping through channels.

"Can You help me in the kitchen Jasmine?"Yunnie asked.


Jasmine hopped up from the couch and followed behind Yunnie as they headed into the kitchen.

"What do you want help with? "

Yunnie sighed, "Jasmine, I only said that to get you in here. I just really need to talk to you. "

Folding her arms Jasmine leaned against the counter, "About what? "


"It depends on what it's pertaining to. "

"Her Mom."

"I think you should speak to her rather than to me since it's her Mom after all. "

Wanting nothing to do with it Jasmine began to walk away only to be stopped by Yunnie's hand on her shoulder.

"Look, her mother called my phone yesterday and told me she would be flying out for a visit next week. I want Ronnie to be here when she comes. I cannot control her, I think only you can manage to do that. I know most of the time she's at your house so please get her over here. Don't tell her about anything, just act as though I didn't say anything. Just keep this between me and you. "

"Yunnie I don't think I can do that. It'll hurt Her and I-"

"Please, just do me this one favor. "

Jasmine rolled her bottom lip into her mouth and thought for a while before speaking,"Alright, I'll do it ."

Yunnie pulled her into a hug, "Thank you ."

Jasmine knew that this was the beginning of a suicide mission.

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