Chapter 13.

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"What? "Milly asked with tears rolling down her cheek.

Jasmine had approached Her as soon as she arrived at school and broke up with her, ending their fake relationship . Now that She didn't have to worry about her snitching because the guys had moved away she was free to finally get rid of her trifling ass.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at Milly's attempt to get her to feel sorry for her. Looking around Jasmine noticed people looking at them.

"Look, I'm sure deep deep deep deep down there's some part of you that's actually worth someone's time. It's not me Milly, It's you. I just don't want you. "Jasmine said blandly.

Milly held up her fists and angrily hit her in her chest. Grabbing her hands tightly Jasmine shook her Up a bit.

"Don't let me fuck you up now."

"I hate you! You're such a fucking asshole. How dare you leave me?I am the best thing that will ever happen to you! I-"Milly yelled.

Jasmine just looked at her having no interest in what she had to say, "You done?" She asked cutting her off.

Sucking her teeth Milly tried to pull her hand away, "Fuck you!"

Jasmine let go of her hands and simply turned her back on her. Milly continued to cuss and kick Up a storm as she walked away.

"I swear to god you will regret this! "Milly yelled.

Jasmine ignored her and continued to walk away as though Everything was normal. When she turned the corner to head to her classroom she spotted Ronnie for the third time today heading in her direction.

Feeling sick to her stomach at the sight of her she turned around and quickly walked away. She knew that Ronnie saw her but she didn't care. After last night she felt all sorts of fucked up, she couldn't believe she let someone go down her. It felt good at the time, but when she came to her senses Just the thought of someone touching Her again made her feel helpless and vulnerable. It made her palms sweat, her head ache and her heart beat increase.

She had been doing her best to try to avoid Her. Whenever she saw her she headed the opposite direction or pretended to be talking to someone else. At One point she head Ronnie call her name but she ignored her and continued to walk away. She knew she would regret it later but for now she didn't care.

She was definitely all in for her and Ronnie to test the waters, but after last night she just wanted to lay off for a while.

Jasmine looked behind her to see Ronnie casually strolling through the crowd like she had no cares in the world. Little did she know that Ronnie was actually pissed off. Ronnie's nose flared once they made eye contact. She wasn't into the cat and mouse bullshit that Jasmine was into and she was going to see to it that she got straightened out.

.. ... ..

Jasmine sighed once she stepped into her house. It felt so good to be somewhere where she didn't have to worry about anything or anyone.

When she came home from school she usually headed Straight for the kitchen, but today she had no appetite so she decided to head straight to her room.

She jogged up the steps with her school bag slung over her shoulder.  When she reached to her bedroom and pushed the door open, she jumped seeing Ronnie sitting on her bed.

"What are you doing here and how did you even get into my house? " Jasmine questioned.

Ronnie leaned forward and placed her elbows on her knees. She looked at Jasmine out of the corner of her eyes.

Jasmine could tell by the look on her face that she was pissed. She said nothing and placed Her bag by the closet before beginning to remove her shoes. When she was done she laid down on her bed and pulled out her phone. Ronnie ignored her question so she was continuing to pretend that she wasn't there.

Her eyes drifted over to Ronnie Who seemed to be chuckling to herself while shaking her head. Jasmine was caught off-guard when her phone was grabbed  out of her hand and thrown at the wall.

She watched in disbelief as her phone shattered and the pieces ricocheted off of the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! " Jasmine yelled shoving Ronnie in her back.

Ronnie quickly stood up and made her way over to the side of the bed that Jasmine was laying on. Grabbing her by her leg, Ronnie yanked her whole body off of the bed and onto the floor.

Jasmine groaned when she landed with a Loud thud. Ronnie squatted over her and abruptly grabbed her by her hair.

"You got me all the way fucked up," she said angrily.

"I didn't mean t-"

Ronnie held her hair tighter in her hand, "Did I ask you something? "

Jasmine shook Her head no.

"I already told yo ass I'm not One to fuck around with. I'on know who the fuck you think you are ignoring me. Next time I see you and you run I swear on my mother's grave I will break yo muhfuckin' legs off. When you hear me calling you, I don't care if someone snatched your tongue out answer me. "

Ronnie yanked her by her hair, "You heard me? "

"Y-yes I heard you. " Jasmine stammered.

Ronnie released her hair and held out her hand to help Her up. Jasmine hesitantly held her hand and allowed Her to pull her Up.

When Jasmine stood up Ronnie pulled Her into her arms and snuggled her face into the crook of her neck.

"You See the shit that you got me doing to you cause yo ass got no respect? "Ronnie mumbled.

Releasing Her Ronnie spun her around to to face her.

"I'll be back tonight at eight. Make sure that your dressed. "

Ronnie planted a kiss on her forehead before leaving out through her bedroom door.

Jasmine blinked.

What the fuck just happened?

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