Chapter 15.

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Ronnie leaned up against Her aunt's car sipping a bottle of beer as she waited on Terai to arrive. All she wanted to do was give her a little warning. She didn't like people fucking with what belonged to her. In this case Jasmine was her property.

Being an observant person, Ronnie realized something about Terai from the jump. Jasmine didn't notice it but she definitely did. She could tell just by the way Terai looked at her that she was in fact in love with her. When Jasmine informed Her about Terai liking Her she was extremely surprised, because she knew for a fact that it was the other way around.

Ronnie leaned off of the car when she saw the familiar car pull up in front of Franks. Shrugging her shoulders, she adjusted Her jacket.

She didn't even wait for Terai to get out of her car before she started walking towards her. Finally reaching the car she tapped on the window with the bottle before stepping back.

Confused Terai frowned, opened her door and stepped out.

"Fuck you doing here? Where Jasmine at? "Terai questioned looking behind her.

Taking the last sip from her bottle Ronnie looked at Terai.

"I know yo bum ass hear me talking to you ."

Ronnie swallowed before she landed the glass bottle on Terai's head.  Grabbing her shirt when she stumbled back onto the car, Ronnie sent a punch at her face that surely broke her nose.

Terai groaned out in pain and tried to shove her away, but Ronnie slammed her back into the car.

"Nigga I know what you tryna do.  You think I don't see the way you look at Jasmine. At first I was tryna play nice and let that shit slide, but yo bitch ass fucked up the minute you asked her to choose. Ain't no nigga or no bitch gonna fuck with my happiness, "Ronnie spat.

She slammed her into the car once more, "Do you understand me? "

Terai nodded while looking at Ronnie in fear.

"Keep outta grown folks business. Next time I see you talking to Jasmine or even look at her I'll do more than break yo fucking nose."

She sent another punch at Terai's face before stepping back and walking away.

... ... ...

Jasmine frowned in confusion as she walked down the halls of the school. Everyone was murmuring as she passed.

Yeah, someone busted Her face up real bad .

I heard that someone saw her laying outside of Franks last night. She blacked out or something like that.

Her nose is fucked Up and she got cuts from a glass bottle.

"Who everybody talking about? "Jasmine asked a random person.

"Terai. "

"The fuck?"Jasmine mumbled.

"When did all that happen? "she questioned.

"Last night around nine or so. "

Jasmine thought for a while as she continued to walk down the corridor. She knew for a fact that Terai didn't have beef with anyone or else she would've known from the jump.

After a few minutes of thinking in depth, her mind ran on Ronnie. Ronnie basically rushed Her out of the house last night, when normally she would ask  for her to stay the night.

Shaking her head Jasmine shook the thought off not wanting to believe it.

.. .. ..

Later on that Day Jasmine pulled up in front of Ronnie's house. She hopped out her car and made her way inside.

"Ronnie!" she called.

"I'm right here."

Looking to her right she spotted Ronnie laying on the couch while watching some TV. Jasmine walked over to her and sat on the couch.

"You need to stop Scudding school. "

Ronnie shrugged and pulled her on top of her. She placed a kiss on her lips before kissing on her neck.

"I got something to ask you. "

Groaning Ronnie pulled away from her.

"What now? Can it wait? "

"So today when I got to school everybody was talking about Terai. They were saying how she got beat up really badly."

Ronnie raised an eyebrow, "Why you telling me about that?"

"I was just wondering if you had something to do with it. I j-"

"I did, "Ronnie said nonchalantly.

Jasmine looked at her in disbelief , "Why the hell would you do shit like that? "

Ronnie simply shrugged not caring about the subject. She grabbed the remote from the couch and started flipping through the channels.

Regardless if Terai wanted Her to choose, she was still someone she cared for deeply. Terai was like family to her and for Ronnie to Do that to someone She loved was way outta line.

Pissed, Jasmine sucked her teeth and stood up causing Ronnie to grab her arm.

"Where you going? "

Jasmine snatched Her arm away and made her way to the door.

"Put yo hand on my Door knob and I'll break it off, "Ronnie said with all seriousness.

Disregarding her threat Jasmine opened the door. Just when she was about to step outside, Ronnie pulled Her back inside an slammed the door shut.

"The fuck you mad for Huh?" Ronnie asked shaking her up a bit.

"I'm Mad because yo violent ass beat up my bestfriend. You can't keep putting your hands on people. First Milly and Now Terai, this shit is getting outta hand. "

"I already told yo ass that when I love I Love hard. Terai was tryna get between us so I dealt with her and I'll deal with anyone who tries to fuck around.

"All I'm saying is that I don't think I can be with someone who acts like this. "

A gasp left Jasmine's lips when Ronnie wrapped her hands around her throat.

"You think you can leave me?! I'll fucking Kill you before you can walk out my life!" Ronnie said harshly.

When Jasmine began to gasp for air, she released her.

"Get upstairs. I'll teach you how to act Right. "

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