Chapter 25.5

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Ronnie scrunched her face up, "The fuck you talking about 'so now you remember me' ? You ended shit with Me remember. "

Jasmine sighed, "What is your reason for calling me? Because if your just gonna argue get off my line. "

"I didn't call to argue. I just wanna talk to you. "

"Why Now? You had Two months to talk to me and you didn't. For damn sure I can go two months more. "

"I was giving you space. At least I thought you wanted space. First you ended shit and now yo ass mad because I didn't try to talk to You. The fuck do you want me to do, run after you? " Ronnie asked in frustration.

"Look Ronnie, I don't have the patience and time for you."

"But you picked up the damn phone? You confused or something? I'll carry you to get yo shit checked."

When Jasmine didn't respond she spoke again.

"I want to talk face to face, can you come over to my house? " She asked.

"Alright, "

"I'll see you w-"

Ronnie gritted her teeth when her sentence was cut short when Jasmine hung up the phone. She was testing Her and Ronnie didn't like to be tested.

Looking at the time on her phone for the umpteenth time she sucked her teeth. It was nine pm making it two hours since they ended their phone call and Jasmine still hadn't shown Up.

"This bitch taking me for some bitch ass clown, " she grumbled.

She angrily tossed Her phone at the wall. Her anger was what she was displaying on the outside but on the inside she was mad hurt. She was trying so hard to fight for someone who didn't even seem to give a fuck about her.

Hearing her bedroom door creak open she looked up to see Jasmine standing at the door frame letting Her know that Yunnie let her In.

"I'm here so say what you gotta say, "Was all that Jasmine said as she folded her arms.

Ronnie stood up and made her way over to her ,"Jasmine I can't express how sorry I am. I never meant To make you feel like that. You gotta believe that I love you man. I regret everything that I did wrong and If I could go back I would. I watched my mother go through shit with that nigga and I can't believe I ended up doing the same shit ,"stopping in her tracks Ronnie sniffed, "Thinking about it I'm beginning to hate my own damn Self. Why couldn't I be different? Why did I have to end up this way?  Some times it doesn't even feel like God's on my side. Man I had it so fucking hard. I been through so much shit and I'm only sixteen . For the first time in my life I actually cared about someone , that someone is you and shit hurts because you don't even care."

Jasmine said nothing and stared back at her with an unreadable facial expression.

"What do you want me to do huh?  You want me to go on my knees and beg for you? What I gotta do for you to love me again? "

"Ronnie I do love you -"

"The fuck you don't because if you did you would've helped me work through this shit. You'd help me make myself better for the well-being of our relationship rather than walking out. Nigga shit ain't fair. You walked into my damn life and made me fall in love with you and you got me fucked up if you think I'm gonna let you leave out that easily I-"

Inhaling Ronnie calmed herself down once she realized she was getting heated. Turning around she angrily kicked her bed.

"Fuck! " she growled.

God alone knew that if she didn't calm herself down she would be strangling Jasmine for the shit that she said to her in a matter of seconds.

Jasmine walked over to her and attempted to wrap her hands around her waist, but Ronnie simply shrugged her off.

Wiping her eyes Ronnie moved away from her, "Just go Home bruh. "

"I ain't even mad at you for betraying me, I'm disappointed in myself because I couldn't be the person that you needed. Maybe if I was a Lil more affectionate. Maybe if I was a little bit more Open. Maybe if I wasn't so angry all the Time . I rather being angry than depressed . I just can't go down that road again. I just can't,"

By now Ronnie was in full blown tears. Just the thought of her being depressed again was her breaking point. She hated the feeling of not feeling anything. Being angry was her only escape. Being angry made her feel human again rather than being empty and lifeless.

Jasmine stood there lost. For the first time she didn't know what to do. The strongest person she knew was falling apart in front of her.

Hearing her loud sobs, Jasmine tried to get closer to her.


"Leave me alone," she sobbed trying her best to turn her head away so that Jasmine couldn't see her.

Ignoring her protests Jasmine wrapped her hands around her and pulled her into a hug from the back.

"I'm sorry,"Jasmine kissed Her neck, "I was being so fucking selfish. All you was tryna do was love me and I messed up. "

"And the fact that you said that shit to me! Jasmine you know I would never say shit like that to you! Why the fuck would you say shit like that to someone? Did you mean it or were you just saying that shit to hurt me? "

"A little bit of both. You do Scare me Ronnie, that's One thing I can't lie about. And I don't even think you realize how painful your hits are. Every time you choke me in my head I'm thinking that you want to kill me. When I'm around you I fear for my life. You made me know how it felt to be on my last breath. And deep down I believed that you would kill me," Jasmine stepped away from her and rubbed Her arm.

Ronnie turned around to look at her.  "I swear on my fucking life that I'm sorry. If you wanna slap me, punch me ,kick me and strangle me you can . I promised that I won't do anything back. I deserve it. "

Jasmine placed Her hand on both of her cheeks and placed a kiss on her lips, followed by another. In the blink of an eye they were already all over each other and they had already fallen into a heated Love session.

As Jasmine laid awake she twisted and turned but she still couldn't sleep. Something in the back of her head was telling her that there was Still more trials to come.

... ...

A simple pop up from family members can really fuck shit up. Let's just hope that there's no more family pop ups Even though the 'past always comes to life.' (or is it Light. 😂 man I don't even know but y'all understand what I'm trying to say. )

Y'all I'm scheming and once I start cooking everything getting burnt.

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