Chapter 11

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Jasmine sat on the couch at Yunnie's house and watched as people interacted with each other an ate. It was at least an hour into the family gathering and she was already ready to go home. Every year her Mom helped Yunnie out with preparing the food and keeping everything in order.

She felt so uncomfortable being in the house knowing that Ronnie was probably Home. She was not in the mood to see her. She couldn't deny the fact that she had feelings for her. Something about her Just attracted her.  After consistently trying to be close to her and being shut down so many times  she finally got the hint that Ronnie didn't want her as friend or even more than that ,she decided to just give up. She couldn't understand why Ronnie had to be so hard on her all the time.

Feeling like she wanted to pee, Jasmine stood up and made her way upstairs to the bathroom.

"Can you tell Ronnie I need Her to come down, "Yunnie said stopping Her half where they.

Jasmine nodded knowing she had no intention of even being in the same room as her.

She walked up the stairs and quickly headed straight down the hall. Before she could even cross Ronnie's room the door opened.

Her head was down in her phone so she hadn't noticed Her Yet. Jasmine was just about to pass Her when Ronnie looked up and quickly grabbed her by her arm, stopping Her.

"What are you doing here? "Ronnie asked.

Not wanting to look at her Jasmine stared straight ahead.

"I came with my mom to help out with the family gathering, "She paused and looked down, "Don't worry I'm leaving now. I know you don't want me here. "

Ronnie frowned, "You don't have to leave. "

"Well I want to. "

"You want to? "Ronnie repeated confused.

"Why? "

Jasmine side eyed her, she had the nerve to ask her why. It was like she wasn't even aware of how she treated people. Poking the inside of her cheek she didn't respond Right away.

"I have to give a reason now? I just don't want to be here. Now excuse me I have to go to the bathroom, "Jasmine said prior to pulling her arm away and walking away.

Shaking her head Jasmine ignored the aching pain in her chest. The rejection was fucking with her. It had been a while since she felt that type of feeling.

After she finished using the bathroom she stared into the Mirror and gave herself a pep talk

"You the fucking boss. You can get any bitch you want to with little or no effort at all. You don't got time to be chasing after bitches that don't even respect you nor give a fuck about you. "

She looked at her reflection One last time before walking out.

When she stepped out of the bathroom Ronnie was still standing there. Jasmine folded her bottom lip into her mouth and tried to quickly walk pass Her.

"Jasmine,"Ronnie said sternly.

Her mind told her to keep walking but she listened to her heart that was telling her to stay. She turned around to look at Ronnie.

"I gotta get home. Say what you gotta say fast so I can leave. "

"You good? " Ronnie asked placing Her phone in her pocket.

Jasmine lips formed a straight line.

"When did it ever matter to you? "she asked blandly.

The same time someone had walked pass them.

"Let's go into my
Room so we can talk. "

"I gotta go. "

"Five minutes tops,"Ronnie Said quickly.

"Okay. "

She opened the door to Ronnie's room and walked to the bed she slept on.  Ronnie closed the door and made her way to her bed. When She sat She stared at Jasmine who had pulled out her phone .

"Say what you gotta say so I can leave."

"I would like your undivided attention. "

Jasmine put her phone into her pocket and looked at her.

"What? "She asked impatiently.

"You got a problem with me or something? "

"Nah, "Jasmine shook her head, "We good. "

"What's with you tryna pass me straight and trying to rush off our conversations? "

Jasmine glanced at her and sucked her teeth.

"I gotta acknowledge you now?  When was the first time to You acknowledge me? I mean usually you see me about to speak you and you continue walking. Yeah I'm tryna rush off the conversation, but At least I'm saying something and not ignoring you. " she spoke angrily.

"Look I don't got time for this. I gotta get home, "Jasmine said standing Up.

"Sit down, " Ronnie said sternly.

"Maan I leave if I want to. "

Jasmine walked up to the door and opened it. Just as she was about to open the door wide enough for her to pass through the door slammed shut.  She looked to her left to see Ronnie's hand holding the door shut. Turning around she stared at her.

"When I speak, listen," Ronnie spoke harshly.

Jasmine poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue and flared Her nose. This was by far the most irritated she had ever gotten. She couldn't believe she had a sixteen year old talking down on her.

"We're gonna talk this shit out before you leave. Now, you gotta problem with me ?"

Jasmine turned her head to the right and didn't reply.

Ronnie roughly grabbed her jaw and turned her head to face her.

"I asked you a question. Questions are to be answered. "

"Yes Ronnie, I do have a problem with you. "

"And what is that. "

"This, "Jasmine gestured with her hands, "Can you just for once not put your hands on me. I'm sick of you fucking touching me bruh. Its starting to piss me the fuck off. "

"What else?" Ronnie asked urging her to go on.

"I'm tired of you being so difficult. I've been trying so hard to be your friend and you just fucking push me away. We'd be talking good One day and the next day you don't even wanna look at me. Every time I think we're making progress you come harder with your bullshit. I ain't never had no nigga or no female treat me like this. I hadn't even been emotionally attracted to a female in a long ass time and now that I do she treats me like fucking shit and doesn't give a fuck about me or my feelings. "

Taking a step back Ronnie dragged Her hands down her face and groaned. This was the shit she didn't want.

"Jasmine lemme tell you something real quick,"She paused to prepare herself, "I ain't ever loved before. I never even loved my mother nor my father. Shit, I don't even love myself. If we're gonna start something Love gotta be involved. If I start loving you, I'm gonna Love you hard. You gotta be able to take what the fuck I'm giving you with no exception. You gotta devote yourself to me, cuz once I start fucking with you there's no turning back. You with that? "

Jasmine bit her lip nervously as she stared at Ronnie. She had no idea what she was getting herself into.

"Y-yes, "She stammered, "I'm with that. "

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