Chapter 25

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Two months later

"Why must you be so miserable all the time? "Jahne questioned with a pout.

Shrugging Ronnie stuffed her mouth with a meatball. They had just came off work and they went out to get something to eat.

About a week after the whole drama with her mom, Jamar and Yunnie she still felt tension between both her and Yunnie. Since she had no where else to go and she hated being at home she decided to get a job. Jahne got her uncle to hire Her at his gym and she's been working there for over a month.

The only person that she chose to speak to was Jahne and for the past two months they'd gotten close. They saw each other at work and at school and sometimes they would chill at Jahne's House.

Jahne placed Her elbows on the table and placed Her chin on her fist.

"You do know you being miserable all the time is making you very unattractive."

"Does it look like I give a fuck ?" Ronnie asked giving her her full attention.

"I swear your so damn Raw, " Jahne smiled,"I don't know why, but I kinda like that about you.  You say shit upfront and you don't bite your tongue. "

Ronnie raised an eyebrow , "Your attracted to that? You don't find me a bit too harsh?"

"Harsh?  Yeah but at the end of the day your honest and one of the realest persons I know. If you got those qualities I'll probably love you forever ."

"I don't think honesty counts,"Ronnie chuckled,"You pour your heart out, say what's on your mind and at the end of the day, they still don't love you. "

"Trust me honesty counts. I would love someone regardless if they're harsh as long as they got that pure heart. Why be with someone who's soft and ain't ever Real with you and all they do is lie and avoid all the important conversations when you can be with someone who's willingly open and well give you a run down of how shit goes. If your a Lil bit too harsh, we can work through it. If you got stress I'll help you relieve it, if you got issues I'll help you get over them. As long as its me and you together, "

Looking up from her plate, Ronnie glanced Up at Jahne Who was staring Right at her.

"What? "Jahne smiled innocently.


"Come on, there's always something ."

Ronnie said nothing and pushed her meal away from her. She no longer had an appetite to eat.

"I think I know why your like this. Its because of that Jasmine Girl isn't it?  I can see it in your face, you don't have that spark anymore ."

"Spark? "

"Yeah. I saw something in you. I don't really know what it was but it kinda pulled me to you. It just made me wanna get to know you. Find out Who Ronnie really is. "

"And who am I? "

"I'm not sure yet, but I do know what you are. "

"And that is? "

"Your lost Ronnie. A kid who lost her way. You just want to find someone. Someone that can give you what you never had. Someone who could love you unconditionally. Love you for the person you are and the woman you're becoming. "

Jahne placed Her hand on hers, "Whatever you got going on you can tell me?  Let me help you find your way. "

Ronnie thought for a while as she looked at her intently, "Alright. "

Jahne immediately sat up with a broad smile on her face, "Really? "

Chuckling at her normal bubbly personality Ronnie shook her head.

"So you wanna go on a walk and talk about it or stay in here,"

"Lets leave out, "

.... .... .... ....

"And you know in your heart that you love her? "Jahne questioned  as they walked down the street .

"Yes I do and even though she doesn't want me I don't think I'll get over her. She still got my heart and I'on think I want it back. "

"And why did she end things between y'all? "

"Because I hit her,"Ronnie mumbled as she pushed her hands in her pockets.

"Do you hit her a lot ?"

Memories of all the times they fought replayed in her head.

"Yeah, I have. She had a smart mouth and she was always quick to be rebellious. Pisses me the fuck off, but I swear I love that girl. "

"And what does she do when she's Mad? "

"She says shit too me. Like I said she got a smart ass mouth."

"And what was One of the most recent thing that she said to you?"

Ronnie stopped and looked at her, "You tryna help me or you just wanna be in my business? "

Jahne rolled her eyes, "Just answer the damn question. "

"You can't expect that someone will want to be with you with the way that you are. Your toxic and you need to get professional help" Ronnie quickly spoke the words that were on the tip of her tongue.

Jahne frowned, "Why would someone say that? Don't let that shit get to you. Your not toxic and there's definitely someone out there for you. She might be closer than you think. "

Clearing throat after corner eyeing her , Jahne continued, "So umm lets see....did she ever speak to you before that about your harsh ways? "

"Yes. "

"And why didn't you stop? "

Ronnie shrugged, "I just figured that she would stay no matter what I did to her. Ain't that how shit works? "

"My nigga you dead wrong. You got shit all wrong. Who put that bullshit in your head? "

Shrugging Ronnie kicked a stone.

"Well its wrong .For you to think like that is fucked up. Lemme tell you what you gon' do. Your gonna call her and apologize. Shit your wrong, she's wrong my daddy wrong for not paying me back that five dollars that he borrowed. We all bullshitting.  That Girl loves you as well, but your making it hard for her to. "

Ronnie sighed, "Alright. I will. "

"I'm sounding like a psychiatrist and shit," Jahne foolishly began to Milly rock.

"But seriously. Go home and do what I said. "

..... ....

Ronnie laid on her bed with her phone pressed against her ear. This was her third time dialing Jasmine's number and she still hadn't picked up.

She frowned and sucked her teeth when the phone went straight to voice mail.

A few minutes later she decided to call again .

Her eyes widened and her heart pounded against Her chest when she heard Jasmine's voice.

"So now you remember me? "


I'm beginning to like Jahne y'all 😏 and y'all need to stop hating On Jasmine .

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