Chapter 3.

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Ronnie ⬆⬆

"I'll pass, "Jasmine mocked while rolling her eyes.

She was so irritated with Ronnie these past few days. As the days passed by the more and more she became interested in who she truly was . She tried so hard to At least be her friend and all she ever did was ignore Her.

Jasmine poured herself a glass of cranberry juice and made her way upstairs. She had just arrived home from school and all she wanted to do was lay down and rest her feet.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you guys need me. Come down in the next twenty to thirty minutes, "Yunnie said as she walked down the stairs.

"Alright," Jasmine replied. 

When she reached to the bedroom she pushed the door open, she heard Ronnie first rather than seeing Her.

"Leaving was the best decision that I ever made! "

Hearing a pause, Jasmine took that as an opportunity to walk into the room. She gently closed the door and made her way over to her bed .

"Maybe if you were being the mother you should've been I would've actually gave a shit about your feelings when I make my decisions. "

Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows as she continued to listen.

Ronnie sucked her teeth at her mother's response.

"I don't have time for your bullshit. Get the fuck off my line mom !"

Ronnie tossed Her phone onto Her bed. Just hearing her mother's voice pissed Her off. Her mother was never pleased with her life style. She was never satisfied with any of her choices. She never Stood up for her in front of her Christian friends, instead she agreed with whatever they said. Behind closed doors she was a totally different person. Her mother was a hypocrite and an impressionist . She was so used to those type of people in the streets and she hated the fact that she had to come home to it.

When Ronnie turned around Jasmine looked down at her phone that she recently pulled out.

Ronnie's eyes lowered when they landed on Jasmine.

"How much did you hear? "

"Not my much. When you said leaving was your best decision. "

"And you just sat there and listened! "

Jasmine sucked her teeth, "The hell are you yelling at me for. You expected me to leave. Like I give a shit about you and your mommy problems. "

Before she could reply Jasmine got up and left the room.

"What is her problem, " Jasmine groaned when she walked into the kitchen.

She leaned against the counter and watched her Yunnie

"What is it now? "

"I happened to walk into the room while she was on the phone with her mom. She was head on cussing at Her. When she looked back and saw me she started yelling and I snapped. "

"It'll take time,"Yunnie replied .

"She's Fucking irritating. "

"Well what do you even expect. With the things she'd put up with, if I was in her shoes I maybe would've ended up being the same exact way. "

Jasmine scoffed as she reached for three plates from the cupboard .

"Yunnie everybody got mommy problems. She ain't that special. Other people got it worse, she ain't gon die."

Yunnie took the plates from her, "Now Now Jasmine don't talk like that. "

"I did nothing but be nice to her these past few days. You know me being nice to someone is scarce and her moody ass acting like I stole her bitch or something. "

"Just give it time. "

"Time? I'm only trying to be friends because I'm sharing the same breathing space as her and because you want me to.  "

"If I can put up with her trust me you can. She doesn't say much and when she does, what she says is negative or she's Just pissed off at something that I said. The poor girl has always been like that. "

"That's what I don't get. Why did you even agree to let her live with you. "

Yunnie sighed and placed  a plate filled with coconut rice, boiled plantain, lasagna and baked chicken onto the table.

"Ever Since she was a little girl to now that she's older, I've always saw sadness in her eyes. I knew how my sister is and what she might've possibly been putting up with.  "

"Sounds just like something that you would do you only did it cause you felt sorry for her. " The same time the words left her mouth she looked at her aunt who was staring Right behind of her.

Frowning Jasmine looked back only to see Ronnie.

Ronnie clenched her jaw before turning around. They heard footsteps before hearing a loud door slam.

"Go talk to her, "Yunnie said.

Jasmine headed straight to the room. When she walked in she saw Ronnie packing a bag.

"Get out."Ronnie spoke in a calm manner.

"You can't seriously be leaving. "

Ignoring her like always, Ronnie continued to pack Her bag.

"If you leave where you gonna go? You'on got no family near by. Where you going on the streets?"

"Why the hell does it matter to you?You don't even know me."

"Look, all I'm tryna do is look out for you . I don't know you that much, matter of fact at all and all I've been doing is trying to be you friend so I could get to know you. I know if you Leave You'll hurt Yunnie. I definitely don't want that to happen. She's too much of a good woman to us both."

"I don't want her damn sympathy. You think I didn't hear what y'all had to say about me?"

"Listen. No matter if we said something or not. Just know that Your aunt truly cares about you. You wouldn't be here if she didn't . So I advise you to give some damn gratitude and treat Her with some respect. "

The room became silent.

"I suggest that you come down for dinner. "

"Fine. "

Jasmine eyebrows raised in surprise.

Well this is a beginning she thought.

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