11| Strawberry

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I was so confused... who were those people,  why they wanted to talk to me or see me?! Why was I theirs.

They all bowed their heads. "Princess." They said. I swallow hard, princess?!

"Okay, let's not make her nervous." Sebastian said. "Maribell, come."

I slowly went downstairs. They were all so well dressed! I felt embarrassed for not being well dressed or didn't even take a shower!

"Maribell..." A woman came closer to me. I saw tears coming from her grey eyes. It was undeniable that we were identical, but she was older... "My- my Maribell..."

"Hello?" I said.

She looked at Sebastian. "Can I have time alone with her? C-can I Alpha?" She almost begged Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded.

The woman, who I already presumed who she was held my hand. We went upstairs, like she wished and I led her to my room.

She sat on my messy bed and I sat next to her.

"Maribell. I am-"

"My mother? I know. I'm not stupid. But doesn't change the fact that I love Vergana, and for me she's my mother." I said cooly.

She nodded. "I know, darling. You're right." She smiled. "But I have to explain you what happened..."

I nodded waiting for her to start. I was happy that she was there, I was happy that once for all I would know my true mother.

"When you were born, your father and I loved you so much! And your brother, Theo,  was crazy about you. But you got sick in your first day week of life."

"So... I have a brother?" I asked surprised.

"Yes. He was so excited to meet you!" She heaved a sigh. "So we called our best herbalist. You see us, the Argentum Pack don't really believe in machines and the modern medidine. We believe in the power of the nature. Our best Herbalist was Vergana. She got you better in a week." Her voice trembled. "And stayed two more weeks to take care of you. She always had a special feeling for you, I could see in the way her eyes shone whenever she saw you. I could sense it.

"Your father suddenly got really sick and died. So quickly-"

"Are you saying that she killed my father?"

I felt a light pain in my heart. How could my mom do that? Suddenly, I feeling disgusted of calling Vergana mom.

"Yes. Your brother was just eight at the time! Suddenly the whole pack went crazy! Not having an Alpha to control the pack got us unstructured. And Vergana, took that chance to steal you away from me. We spent the last eighteen years looking for you... But Vergana was good. I don't know how she could hide you but she did, for eighteen years."

"And the parties that the Alpha made parties on my birthday... you didn't get suspicious?!" I asked.

"August 22nd isn't your birthday, Maribell... it is on June 21st."

"What?" I got up from the bed. "My life is a lie! Everything I thought I knew... what am I?"

"My daughter." She got up and took the courage to hug me.

I didn't hug her back. I just... wasn't ready.

"Please go away." I said. "Please."

She nodded crying. "And please tell your people to go. I need time to be alone." I said.

"Whatever makes you happy." She faked a smile that broke my heart.


"How did you feel?" Beatriz asked. Sebastian asked her to come, since I don't talk to anyone in this house, including him.

"Confused, lost. It's like they took away a part of who I am..." I whispered.

"Mari!" She hugged me. "At least now you can at least think about forgiving Seb-"

"No. What Sebastian did was unforgivable. He killed someone I love..."

"Maribell, he only killed Vergana because he knew she was dangerous to you. He was only doing his job as your mate."

I didn't say anything and she sighed. "When I was fifteen, my parents bought me a dog. His name was Elis. But as he grew older, Elis started having problems with his memories, so I started beating people. Once, when I had already met Ron, Elis bit me. Of course, I forgave him! But Ron didn't, he killed Elis a few days after."

She laughed. "I got so upset and told him to go away. I called him jealous, overprotective... well it took a few time to forgive him."

Really? She really wanted to compare my mother with a dog?!

"But what I mean is that, Luna Maribell, your mate tried to protect you. Males have this need to protect their mates and sometimes mess up. But you can't just lock yourself in this room and wait for a miracle to happen." She said while rubbing my back.

I smiled, not really sure of what I would do next.

"Just try."


I went downstairs, and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took a box of strawberries. The only thing I loved about this house.

I started eating them, one by one. I heard the door and I could sense Sebastian's scent.

I looked at him, while he looked back at me.

I swallowed hard. "Hello." I tried to smile.

"Hello." He smiled and came closer to me. He sat next to me, he looked at the almost empty box of strawberries.

"Strawberries?" I asked taking one and raising it. He just smiled softly. "Just one."

He took it from my hand and ate it. I got it, now he wanted some distance. 

Did I hurt him that much?

He got up and turned to walk away.

"Are you hungry?"

"No, Maribell. I already ate." He said without even glancing at me.

"Oh, fine." I mumbled.

"Your moth- Irys asked to see you again with her son, Alpha Theo, before they went back to their pack." He informed. "Will you be comfortable with that?"

I noticed that I didn't even know what my biological mother's name was...

"Y-yes. I want to see her again. And meet my brother..." I said. "Yes, I want to see my mo-ther and... brother?" That felt so weird...


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