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"Okay, I texted the guy from Craigslist," Alex entered the living room where his roommates David and Dom sat, working and smoking, respectively. "He's going to be here around nine tomorrow so maybe try not to smoke until then so we can air the place out."

"Alex, you put he was a drug dealer in the ad, this guy has to be okay with a little weed," David laughed, pointing his vlog camera at Alex to check his reaction.

"Fuck you, David, I need this guy to lower my rent. We aren't all successful Youtubers."

"You're right," Dom giggled from his spot on the couch.

"I think he will be fine. Plus since we've already had a Mason roommate, how bad can this one be?" David commented, and that was the main reason Alex got back to Mason in the first place. It reminded him of their old roommate, who was a bit weird but never bad, so he thought out of all the sketchy people that emailed him, Mason Belle was the least sketchy.

"What if he's a fuckin' weirdo?" Alex thought out loud, dropping his head back against the back of the couch. What if it was some old, fat man who had a piss kink and had researched Alex before sending the email? "And how are we doing the rooms?"

"How much weirder can it get than Dom?"

"Hey, fuck you, dude."

"And he can just sleep with me, I guess, until we get two new beds. I mean, it's not like I'm here every night anyways," David decided, shutting the camera off when he realized how unfunny the conversation was going. "Alex, delete the ad from Craigslist because if I put this in the vlog, everyone's going to be looking for it to ask to move in with us."

"What if we don't like Mason?"

"We've already had one roommate named Mason, there's gotta be something behind another one wanting to move in," Dom was high as shit, but he had a point, Alex thought. As long as New Mason wasn't as sketchy as Old Mason, they would be fine.

the fourth roommate » alex ernstWhere stories live. Discover now