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"Guys, can we meet in the living room please? I need a dramatic entrance for our new roommate," David yelled into the huge house. I stood outside the door like I was told. We had driven here in a Tesla, and David had scared the living shit out of me before I realized the car could drive itself. It was a pretty traumatic experience.

Alex walked into the house and suddenly, I was left alone outside. Dom didn't come with us, and I figured there was something behind that, but I didn't want to ask.

"Okay, guys, guys, guys, shut up!" I could hear David yelling at the large group inside which made me laugh. He had texted everyone thirty minutes before we left the apartment, so I could only guess how many people were sitting in the house waiting for me to walk in. "So, we've been looking for a new roommate for a few weeks. Someone came over today to look at the apartment and we all decided they were the right choice. Come in, Mason!"

The dramatic entrance felt stupid when I walked in to twenty people blank staring me.

"It's a girl?" finally, a man in a black tank top with many tattoos across his chest spoke up. Once one person spoke up, they all began talking at once, effectively drowning each other out.

"Apparently Mason is a unisex name," Alex told the group who laughed at how dumb the two boys were. Everyone got up and came over to me, beginning to introduce themselves one by one.

"Hi, I'm Gabbie, it's nice to meet you," a very pretty girl with dark hair and a big nose hugged me, and I immediately recognized her.

"Yeah, I know you! I've seen one of your videos with the Bumble guy, right?" I asked, praying that I wasn't mistaken and I wouldn't look like an idiot.

"Yeah, that's me. Crazy story," she rolled her eyes at the memory and I moved on to the next person, the boy who asked if I was a girl.

"I'm Scotty," he hugged me and then motioned to the girl next to him, "and this is my girlfriend, Kristen."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Mason," I hugged the girl in front of me, and the line kept moving. I met Liza (who was prettier in person), Zane, Heath, Carly, Erin, Jason, and Toddy (who was probably one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen). They all seemed nice, funny, and most importantly, intimidating. I always felt like my personality was subpar and that's why I rarely made friends, so I tried extra hard to be nice to everyone in hopes that they would enjoy my presence.

Alex led me to where I could sit down and soon, they began asking me questions like what I did and why I wanted to live with three idiots. I answered all the questions I could and found myself really bonding with Gabbie and Liza. Alex remained quiet most of the day, which no one seemed surprised by, but Corinna did ask a few times why he wasn't being rude to her.

Everyone was extremely funny, and jokes were cracked left and right. They offered me alcohol, but I thought if I was drinking on camera and my mom found it she would kill me, so I turned down any and all alcohol. Scotty and Todd showed me around the house and I learned a little bit about everyone as we went.

"Are you going to watch David's vlogs now?" Todd asked me when he opened a door to a random room, letting me look around.

"Uh, I guess? I feel like I'm missing important information living with them, you know?" I laughed and tucked some loose hair behind my ear. "Dom and David were calling Corinna a slut and stuff, so I feel like I need to know why they were doing that."

"Did they scare you?" Scotty joked but I nodded truthfully.

"Yeah! I thought they were going to turn on me next, I was getting ready to climb down from the balcony," I raised my eyebrows in emphasis for how scared I was. Scotty was filming me now. I quickly realized how I was probably going to be filmed every day for the rest of my time with the boys.

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