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I woke up to an indescribable warmth and David's annoying voice.

"So I'm leaving Liza's this morning, and I stop at Dunkin' Donuts thinking we have a new roommate and I'm going to be a good person and make her first morning great. I come home and there is no one in the living room, her blanket is folded on the end of the couch, and her bags aren't in the living room so I'm thinking she ran away because she didn't want to live with us but she felt too awkward to say anything on camera. So I'm laughing, going to Alex's room to tell them that our girl ran away, and look who I fucking see!" I could tell the camera was on me now, so I used a hand to cover my face. "They fucking slept together!"

"David, if you don't get the fuck out, I swear to fucking God I'm going to kill you," Alex's morning voice was low and pretty, and when I flipped my body over to face him and he lazily smiled at me, I died a little inside.

"That's disgusting; they're already in love," David told the camera but he exited the room like Alex said, closing the door behind him. Surprisingly, as loud as David was, he didn't wake up Dom.

"Okay, well, if he brought donuts, I'm going to get donuts," I decided out loud, pushing Alex's hand off my waist and standing up. I looked down at him, waiting to see if he would follow me, but he just put his head back into the pillow and sighed. I left the room, making a pitstop in David's to grab a sports bra, because if four million people were going to see me in a video, I didn't want anyone to think I was a slut or anything.

After my adjustments to my outfit, I went to the living room where David was sitting on the couch, eating a donut. I grabbed a napkin and a chocolate frosted one from the kitchen before joining him in the living room.


"What's going on between you and Alex?" he asked immediately, camera panning towards me. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing! I promise," I denied everything. "I've only known him for a day. I was just very scared last night so I asked to sleep with him."

"Mhm," David sounded like he didn't believe me. "And you don't think he likes you?"

"I think we just met yesterday," I answered as vaguely as possible, because truthfully, I had no clue if he liked me or not. He was hard to read.

"Okay, okay, I will stop asking you about him... for now," David was smug. He knew something was up. "Do you want to go with me to Scott and Todd's in like an hour? I have to film a bit with Jason and I thought you could hang out with them."

"Yeah, that's cool," I shrugged like it was no big deal, but truthfully I was nervous. After Alex went to bed last night, I spent maybe an hour looking up these people and watching Youtube videos and stalking Twitters and Tumblrs and it was intimidating. I didn't realize how popular they were, but this group of friends had a billion fan accounts dedicated to them. I realized last night I was going out to a much more intense audience than I expected.

David did something on his computer for a while before he stood and looked at me expectantly.

"We're leaving? I'm wearing pajamas!" I pulled my hair to brush it out with my fingers as quickly as possible, running to David's room and quite literally flinging clothing around until I found a decent outfit for the day. I pulled on a red and white striped tube top and some high waisted jeans as fast as I could. Then, mirrorless, I tied my hair up into a tight bun. I did a five minute makeup look so it looked like I tried a little and decided it was good enough. I pulled on some Birkenstocks and called it a morning. "Okay, I'm ready!"

Neither Dom nor Alex left their room in the time we had been sitting there, and I didn't take an extra few steps to go say goodbye, so I stuck my phone in my pocket and followed David out of the apartment.

"Do your friends like me?"

"What do you mean?" David laughed at the stupid question.

"I mean when I left they didn't all text you that I seemed like a bitch or something, right?" I asked, chuckling to seem like the answer didn't matter to me but it really did. "Or they didn't say I seemed like I had no personality or anything."

"No one said anything," David assured me, laughing at my insecurities. "I mean, Heath and Todd called you hot, but that's about it."

"They did?" my eyebrows shot up in surprise, but I had eavesdropped on them calling me hot, so I already knew that.

"Well, they both texted me and asked how old you are and stuff, so I think they want to fuck you," David further explained. "But I don't think you should do anything with either of them."

"Why?" I asked, though I didn't need much of an explanation. David had known those people for much longer than I had, and I knew he wasn't trying to sabotage me into dating him, so he probably had a genuine reason.

"They're a lot older than you. I mean, if you're into that, it's cool but," he shrugged, realizing he might have made a mistake and insulted something I was into. He had yet to hear the story about Jack, so he had no idea my past with older boys.

"Yeah, I'm not down for that," I shook my head. "I like to stay like maybe one year older. That's it."

"I figured," we had just made it to the car, so we were officially on our way out. "I mean, it's not that bad, and they look young, but I think you and Alex are going to date anyways so..."

"Oh my gosh!" I could feel the blush rising to my face, so I put my head in my hands to hide it. "Me and Alex are not going to date! We just met!"

"But later," he raised his eyebrows like he was making some fantastic point, eyes not even on the road thanks to the self driving car. "Later you might think about it?"

"I don't even know the kid," I scoffed and tried to be mad but a smile continuously found its way on my face. "In a month, if he's a good person and he likes me, maybe."


"Yes, maybe."

"That's all I wanted to hear!" after that, I took the liberty of turning the radio up and jamming to Ironic by Alanis Morissette. We were fairly silent for the rest of the car ride besides my singing and dancing and a few "woah"s from David when I did a particularly out there dance move.

We arrived at the house in no time thanks to my entertaining dancing, and I got out of the car feeling refreshed and ready for whatever was coming at me. Music does that to you sometimes.

David, however, was not as impressed.

"I swear to God, driving with Mason is worse than driving with Liza," he yelled to Todd as soon as we got inside. My jaw dropped at the diss, but I started laughing anyways. "She's crazy. She knows every fucking song on every fucking station. I kept changing it thinking we'd get to something she never heard, but she knows every single genre!"

"I like to sing," I shrugged, smirking at the boy who couldn't contain his smile any longer.

"You want to have a dance party?" Kristen entered the living room and I immediately nodded. She started messing with a speaker and suddenly, Gold Digger by Kanye started playing.

"Where's Jason?"

"His room."

"Okay, don't kill Mason."

"No promises," Scott joked as he began dancing and singing along with us to the song. For the first time since junior year, I finally felt like I belonged somewhere.


This is short but im putting it up anyways bc IM A LITTLE BITCH

also does LA even have dunkin donuts bc i have no clue, that was just the first place i thought of

+ one more thing, a lot of ppl are gonna say this story moves fast and thats bc it moves fast, we are FALLIN IN LOVE HERE PEOPLE and i fall in love quickkkk and ofc im emulating mason after myself so

Final thought: i was gonna get on my laptop and make a cast list, but thats a shit ton of work especially since its mostly david dobrik as hisself wtc SO all u need to know is mason is played by Scarlett Leithold!! Shes beautiful look her up


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