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"Oh my gosh, really?" I smiled at the ground, then back up at Scotty. He was filming me, but I had learned how weird it looked when I talked to him but was looking in the lens. "Scotty, that's so nice!"

"Well, it's not just me," he interjected, picking up the box from the floor and placing it on the kitchen table. "It's everyone's merch. We needed to induct you into our society, so we got you one of each."

"That's so sweet, I'm really gonna cry," I laughed, fanning my face to try and get rid of some of the tears building up. They had given me nine shirts and two sweatshirts in total, with each style of merch that was on the website. It was sweet and thoughtful and definitely tear jerking. "Seriously, thank you so much. You guys are the best."

I hugged Scotty first, but then forced him to follow me through the house while I found everyone else. I was feeling happy and sentimental and wanted to tell these people how much they meant to me.

The first people I ran into were Alex and David, each of whom I hugged tightly.

"Alex, you are the best roommate ever and I love you," I told him when I wrapped my arms tightly around him. I hadn't said I love you to him; we had only fucked three days ago, but I did love him as much as I loved all my other friends, so I didn't think it would be weird. I moved on to David, also hugging him. "David, thank you for the clothes, I love you."

"Alex gets best roommate and the only reason I'm being hugged is for the merch?" he asked, jaw dropped in shock.

"Thank you for driving me everywhere and introducing me to your friends and letting me meet Josh Peck," I corrected myself, staring up at him while he laughed at me. "Now tell me you love me."

"I love you!" he told me. I leaned up and kissed his cheek before I heard a gasp behind me.

"David, are you cheating on me?" it was Liza who was pretending to be shocked at what she saw. She knew I didn't mean anything by it and that David would never cheat on her. David pushed me away quickly, causing me to stumble and almost fall but Alex grabbed me and held me up.

"Dude, watch the fuck out," Alex grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on the top of my head. He was way taller than me, so it worked. "You're gonna hurt my girl."

I assumed no one expected anything between me and Alex, so they thought he was just kidding or being dramatic since Scott was filming, but I knew he wasn't. I twisted my neck to smile up at him. "He's fine, baby. I'll get him back. Where's Jason?"

"Filming in the backyard with Wyatt and Charley," Scotty answered. I looked through the backdoors and it seemed organic, not like a skit, so I took it that I could walk outside.

"Mason!" Charley ran to me as soon as I entered the backyard. I smiled and scooped her up in my arms.

"Hi, baby," I greeted her, ruffling the brown curls on her head. I hugged Wyatt too, and sat them down for a minute. "You guys are seriously some of the smartest, sweetest kids I have ever met and I love you more than anything. You guys have been so welcoming, you too Jason, and it means so, so much to me."

"We love you, Mason. You're one of us now!" Jason hugged me once I stood, and I again felt tears coming from my eyes. As someone who constantly fought with their family and felt different from them, like they never belonged together, it meant so much to have this group of people that I felt comfortable with. Jason was like the supportive dad I never had, always leading me to make good choices but still allowing me free reign over my life. I felt like I belonged, and it was a great feeling.

"How did some t shirts make her this emotional?" Scotty was talking to the camera again, but it wasn't just the shirts, it was the fact that they cared enough to make me feel special.

"Can someone bring me Toddy?" I asked, wiping the tears out from under my eyes. Charley, the sweet little girl she was, immediately started running to get him. Toddy was by far my favorite out of the group (besides Alex, of course) and I wanted him to know that. He emerged from the house a minute later, followed by Charley, Alex and David.

"Hey, Mason, I heard you were being a crybaby," Charley gave Toddy an evil look when he said that, which did make me laugh.

"Toddy! You weren't supposed to tell her I said that."

"I just love you so much!" I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, swaying us back and forth. "You're like the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you for being such a good friend. I love you."

"Is she crying because we gave her fucking merch?"

The group collectively nodded.

"What a baby."


It was later when I realized Alex was mad at me. As soon as we got home, he went straight to our room and didn't seem very happy. When I asked David if he thought anything was wrong with him, he said Alex's social battery probably died halfway through the day and he wasn't happy to stay all night. David also didn't know we were fucking, so I knew that was bullshit. I just had no clue why he was mad. We started an episode of Friends since Liza was with us and we were going to hang out some more, but I snuck off once they started making out. How they could make out to the image of Ross in leather pants, I wouldn't know.

"Alex, I know you're awake so don't bullshit me," I said when I walked into the room and closed the door behind me. He rolled over in the bed to look at me.


"What do you mean what? What's wrong?" I moved to sit at the edge of his bed. He tried to roll back over but I grabbed his shoulder to stop him. "Stop doing that! What the fuck is wrong?"

"Oh Toddy, I love you so much, you're my best friend forever and I really want to fuck you!" Alex attempted to mock in a high pitched voice, then returned to his normal voice to say, "Fuck off."

"Are you kidding?" I scoffed. "First of all, I don't sound like that, and second of all, you know good and well Toddy and I are just friends. I can't even be nice to my friends anymore without you getting mad? I don't get why you're jealous; he's twenty six."

"I'm not jealous," Alex mumbled and I laughed, leaned forward, and kissed him.

"You're jealous," I singsonged, kissing him again. "But that's okay. It's cute. I don't want to fuck Toddy."

"I know."

"You know why I don't want to fuck Toddy?"


"Because I want to fuck you."

Alex groaned, lifting me up and moving me to straddle his waist. "Mason, you're going to be the death of me."



i was gonna wait til this book got 60 votes to upload but im in a goooood mood rn so i wanted to write and upload something plus its saturday so i have plenty of time to write rn!!

Hopefully this chapter doesnt suck but i think most of them do so oh welllll lol

VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE IF UR LIKING IT i love reading comments and seeing how relatable some of u are lol HAVE A NICE DAY YALL

the fourth roommate » alex ernstWhere stories live. Discover now