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Whenever my life suddenly seems to be on track, something happens and everything I thought was going right ends up biting me in the ass. This occurred a week and a half after moving in.

I was sitting in the living room with Alex, Dom and their friend Brandon when my phone went off. No one ever called me, so it was odd, but I picked it up anyways. My screen said I had a call from my mother.

Most people would be excited to hear from their mom after three weeks, but I wasn't. She first called me two weeks after I moved to LA, pretty much yelling at me for even leaving home in the first place and saying if I ever wanted to come back I wasn't welcome anymore. It ended when I called her a bitch and hung up the phone. I knew this call wouldn't be any different, but I answered civilly anyways.

"Hey, Mama," I pulled myself off the couch and headed to sit on the balcony, where Bailey was hopping around. I pulled her onto my lap and stroked her to keep my cool.

"Mason Clara Belle," oh sweet baby Jesus, here we go again. "Kendall saw you in some videos on the internet and put them on my Facebook. Are you living with boys?"

Oh, Kendall. She was my older sister Megan's best friend, and she always seemed to be all up in my family's business.

"Yes, I'm living with boys, though I don't see why you're so concerned considering last time you spoke to me you told me I wasn't part of your family anymore," my voice came out fake nice, which is exactly what I was going for. I wanted her to know exactly how done I was with her bullshit.

"You're whoring yourself out to live in LA? I didn't think I raised you to be a tramp," she was angry and cold, as always. It didn't surprise me that she called me a whore, but there was no reason for it. I was just out here living.

"If you called me to tell me you're disappointed in me, I've known that since I was sixteen," I laughed because it was the only thing I knew to do in the situation. "Is there anything else?"

"You aren't even going to try to explain yourself?"

"There's nothing to explain!" I yelled, catching her off guard. Through the window, I could see the three boys turn to look at me. I rolled my eyes at them and pretended to shoot myself in the head, making Dom and Brandon laugh. "Literally I'm just living here because the rent is cheap. Plus they are good people. Maybe if you weren't so fucking judgmental about every goddamn thing, you would figure that out."

She gasped at my words, "Don't talk to your mother like that!"

"Mama, you disowned me like three weeks ago. I still don't get why you're even calling. To tell me I'm a whore? What do you want me to do about it, you made it crystal clear I can't come home, so looks like I'm stuck here no matter what your opinion of me," I prayed I was making sense because I was done with the bullshit between my mom and I. I either wanted to never speak to her again or make up with her now.

"I'm calling to tell you you're making bad choices."

"Okay, but that's not your call!" I was getting angrier and angrier by the second, and I knew if I didn't calm myself down, I'd get so frustrated I'd break down and cry. The last thing I wanted to do is let my mother know I was crying. "You either get to support me and love me and give me advice, or you get to disown me and call me a whore and shut the fuck up because I am not listening to you bitch about me anymore. It's my life and my decisions; I don't need your approval and I never did. I'm my own person and maybe you don't accept me the way I am, but that doesn't give you the right to choose when you want to be my mom and when you don't. That's not fucking fair and I'm done with it. Tell Grammy and Megan I miss them, and call me when you regain your sanity."

It was moments like these I wish flip phones were still popular, because angrily clicking the "End Call" button on my iPhone was much less satisfying. I could feel the anger coursing through my body and all I wanted to do was break something. I often got so frustrated that I cried, and this was one of these moments. I stood, keeping Bailey close to my chest, and entered the apartment again. The three boys looked at me expectantly, likely expecting an explanation I wasn't ready to give. My bottom lip started trembling but I held in the tears for as long as possible.


"Can we get drunk tonight?"

A grin grew on Dom's face and I knew I was in for a wild night.


Alex drank with us, but only one or two shots, not enough to make him as drunk as I was. I usually hated getting drunk in front of people because I got too crazy and forward and slutty, but I wanted to forget everything my mother had ever said to me.

Dom had put on music about thirty minutes ago, and we were dancing together, having a blast. We were shit faced, Brandon was drunk, but Alex was barely even tipsy. When the song changed to I Wanna Love You by Akon, I took it as my chance to force Alex to have fun. I recognized the first few notes and rushed over to where he was having a conversation with Brandon, grabbing both of his hands and tugging him towards me.

"Dance with me!" I begged, still pulling as hard as I could, but Alex was bigger and stronger than me. I stuck my bottom lip out and began to plead just as Akon started singing. Alex sighed and stood up, letting me lead him to the center of the living room and dance with him. I looked him straight in the eyes as the words "I want to fuck you" flowed out of the speakers. It was a great revelation. I wanted to fuck Alex, now.

"Alex," I smiled as seductively as I could while Snoop Dogg rapped in the background. I was still holding both of his hands in mine. "Baby."

"Mhm?" he was barely moving back and forth while I was genuinely dancing with him, swirling my hips and even twirling a few times.

"Can you bring me to our room?" David got the two beds moved in a week ago, so Alex and I had been sharing a room since then. "Please?"

"Sure," I think he thought I was ready to go to bed, but that wasn't the case. He led to me to our room and I forced him to walk in first, closing the door and sneakily locking it behind us. When he turned around to face me, I grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him towards me, planting my lips on his for the first time.

We moved in sync; my hands travelled to his hair while his rested on my hips, keeping me steady and in place. I pulled back for a second, tugging on the bottom of his shirt to imply that I wanted him to take it off, but he laughed and shook his head.

"Alex," I groaned, moving my head to kiss his neck instead. "Please, I want to fuck you."

"Mas, you're drunk off your ass."

"So?" I pulled back, furrowing my eyebrows and crossing my arms over my chest in protest. I didn't understand why he didn't want to hook up with me. "Am I not pretty enough for you or something?"

"Mason," he grabbed my face and held it between his large hands, forcing me to look up at him. "I want to, trust me, I want to so bad. But you're drunk, and I don't want to take advantage of you. Tomorrow, if you're sober and you remember this and you still want to, I swear I will do whatever you want me to do, but right now, I want you to lay down and go to sleep. Okay? Can you do that for me?"

I nodded like a child and he smiled brightly at me and placed one last kiss on my lips.

"Good girl."


We're about to hook up boys im so ready

3 chapters in one day?? Im going crazy lol Im trying to write a lot bc school starts in 3 days for me so :/

Anyways please please please do me a solid and vote/comment/tell ur friends, ull never know how much it means to me!!

Love yall - abby

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