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(hii we are now shifting into first person pov, its masons pov lol those shorter chapters were just little intros that were easier than making all of that first person so here we go! also none of these are going to be edited bc im a little bitch so im sorry)

"So... you're a girl?" I had been moved from out in the hallway to the living room, where I was sitting on the L shaped couch with three twenty year old boys. A camera was sitting on David, one of the roommate's, lap, after he had asked to record me. It turned out they were all Youtubers, which I should've expected from LA people.

"Yes, I'm a girl. Mason can be a girl name," I said defensively, crossing my arms over my chest which turned out to be a mistake, as Dom's eyes just drifted to my chest area and stayed there. "Do you guys still want to live with me?"

"Honestly, we want to live with you more now," Alex laughed and we made eye contact and I fell a little in love. I always had an issue falling in love with beautiful boys who talk to me once, but I told myself that wasn't going to happen in LA. I was a changed woman.

"Can I see the bunny?" I asked as David moved the camera back to face me. "Am I supposed to look at your face or the lens?"

"Talk to me, not the camera," David gave me a tip before a chubby, fluffy white bunny was sat in my lap.

"Holy shit," I began petting the bunny and it just sat there, letting me play with it. I had never held a rabbit before; it was a life changing experience. "Holy shit, I'm about to cry."

"She's beautiful, right?" Alex took the empty spot next to me, showing me where she liked to be petted and how cute her ears were.

"Aw, I smell a relationship," I could see David's hand zooming in on us in our own little world, playing with the cutest bunny alive. Alex lifted a middle finger to David and his camera, but his eyes never left my lap and the bunny laying in it. "So do you want to see the rooms and stuff or are you cool with the bunny?"

"Honestly..." I joked, trailing off while I lifted the bunny to my chest to hug it. "Kidding, yeah, I want to see the apartment. Here, take this sweet little baby."

Alex grabbed the bunny from my lap and tucked it under his arm, holding it like you would hold a small dog. David stood, pushing his free arm out to gesture around the room.

"So this is the living room," he started off the tour, then led me to the kitchen. "This is the kitchen; we would have to get you a cabinet for your food but we can just clear one out. Shouldn't be a problem."

I nodded along stupidly, because I had no idea what I was supposed to be looking for in the apartment. A gun? Drugs? I already knew there were drugs, and these boys seemed pretty harmless, especially since David filmed everything, so I assumed a gun wouldn't be one of my worries. As long as I didn't see cockroaches, I figured I'd be fine.

"So how old are you?" Dom asked from the L shaped couch while I snooped around the kitchen, checking out the cabinets and the fridge like I actually knew what I was supposed to be looking for.

"I'm nineteen, but I turn twenty in August so a couple of months," I shrugged before turning back to David and nodding, not like I was impressed but like it was alright. I thought if they thought I was too excited they wouldn't want me.

"What do you do for a living?" David asked, which I knew was a nice way of asking, "Can you pay the rent?"

"I model," I answered, pushing all of my blonde hair off my shoulders. "I just got signed last week, but I'm pretty popular on Instagram, so a few companies pay me to promote their stuff. It's sweet."

"You could do Youtube, if you wanted," David commented as he led me back to another hallway, showing me the laundry room along the way. "You're pretty and if you're living with us, a bunch of people will want to know more about you."

the fourth roommate » alex ernstWhere stories live. Discover now