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"No, no, no, not like that," David got up and picked up my body, moving me over a few inches and sitting me down. "You have to be more energetic unless you want this to be the most awkward video ever!"

"Okay, well, it's hard when everyone's freaking staring at me!" I defended myself, letting my body fall back against the wall. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was sitting in our apartment watching me film my first Youtube video. Even Gabbie, who I hadn't seen in a week, decided to come over and critique me. Staring at me behind the camera was Gabbie, David, Liza, Alex, Heath, Zane, Scotty, Kristen and Toddy. The only people who weren't there were Jason and Dom, and they coincidentally were the only people I wouldn't feel stupid taking advice from. "No one even wants me to film a video anyways, it's going to get 10 views and be so embarrassing."

"All of our comments ask when you're making a channel whenever you're in our vlogs," Scotty reassured me, but it didn't help much. Everyone was still watching me make a fool of myself. "Start again, let's go!"

"What's up guys, I'm Mason Belle, and today I'm going to be doing my first Q&A! Let me just start off this video by saying if you hear people talking, it's my friends behind the camera making fun of me, and if I seem awkward, it's because my friends are behind the camera making fun of me," I admitted, taking a second to glare at the people shaking their heads at me.

"Mason, stop looking in the viewfinder!"

"Alex, can you shut the fuck up? I don't know how to edit so all of this is going to be in the fucking video!" I groaned, taking my phone from beside me and throwing it at him, which I immediately regretted because that's where the questions were. He rolled his eyes, caught it with one hand, and threw it back at me like it was nothing (which was probably the hottest thing he'd ever done). "Okay, so I let Todd pick the questions and I haven't looked at them yet, so this should be fun."

It all felt a little awkward and forced because I had rehearsed the same intro twenty times, but I figured when I got into the questions that I hadn't read before, it'd be a bit more natural.

"Okay, first question, what do you miss most about Georgia?" I had to laugh, because it was hard to think about. Definitely not the people. "Oh, well I definitely miss Waffle House and Zaxby's. I want it back. I get late night Waffle House cravings all the time and I used to just wake my sister up and go, but there aren't any Waffle Houses in LA. Very disappointing."

Someone behind the camera laughed at me as I scrolled to the next question.

"Fuck, marry, kill: David, Alex and Dom. Well, first of all, this isn't a question but I'll let it slide," I commented. "Liza, would you feel more emotionally damaged if David died or if David cheated on you?"

"If David cheated on me, he'd be dead, so you should just go ahead and kill him."

"Alright, so fuck Dom, marry Alex, kill David. Next question: why did you move to LA?" I thought out my answer for a second. I really didn't want to expose my personal life, so I answered in the vaguest way possible. "I didn't really like Georgia, and I wanted to continue my modeling career."

I answered a lot more questions than I thought I would, including things like Are you and Alex hooking up? and Who is your favorite member of the vlog squad? It was exhausting and by the time I said, "Thank you so much for watching! If you liked this video please like and subscribe to let me know and hopefully I'll be making more! Peace!" four times, I was ready to take a nap.

"That was good!" Liza commented once I stood up. I thanked her but immediately went to the kitchen to get some powdered donuts.

"I'm so done, it's hot as shit in here and that's so much work," I complained as I stuffed an entire small donut into my lap. The couch was crammed so everyone could watch me, so I took the liberty of sitting on Alex's lap and while I was there, I figured I'd have a little fun. I acted as casual as possible and began to slowly shift myself as if I were uncomfortable and just adjusting, when in reality I was trying to see what Alex would do. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder, whispering, "You better fucking stop, you little bitch."

"Stop what?" I asked innocently, pursing my lips and widening my eyes. I shifted myself again and he gave me the most sarcastic smile he could muster.

"I'm going to fucking kill you."

"I don't see what the problem is," I moved again to face him more, and that's when I felt him hardening underneath me. "Uh oh! Now I see what the problem is."

"I hate you," his fingers dug into my hips almost painfully which only made me laugh harder. He was turning red. I moved to get up, but he held me down. "Stop."

"I thought you wanted me to get up," I teased, feeling a lazy smile grow on my face. He was trying so hard to be pissed, but I was just too cute.

"That was before you got me hard," he was still quiet, but everyone else was screaming so no one heard him. "Don't move for the next five minutes or I will fucking kill you."

"Sir, yes, sir!" I saluted him and he smiled up at me, almost moving in to kiss me but realizing we were in a room with all of our friends who suspected nothing. I sat still because I knew if I did anything else, Alex would just not want to talk to me. I distracted him by telling him a story about the first time I drove a car, when I was twelve.

My sister had just turned sixteen and thought she was hot shit, so she told me she could just teach me since she was such a good driver. We went to the pasture next to our house (we lived in the country, remember) and I started to drive. For a twelve year old, I wasn't doing too bad until I decided to do donuts. Needless to say, her tall, skinny Jeep flipped over and rolled down a hill, breaking my arm and giving both of us a serious concussion.

"You're a fucking idiot!" Alex laughed, along with everyone else who apparently started listening to my story halfway through. I had only wanted Alex to know because I loved him and trusted him, but I guess everyone else knew too.

"Alright, I'm gonna need everyone out, we still have to teach Mason the art of editing."

"This is going to be a long ass night."

And it was. David got mad halfway through and left because apparently I wasn't picking it up fast enough, so Dom and Alex had to teach me everything else I didn't understand.

When it was finished, I uploaded my first Youtube video and was not ready for the response I got.


HEY BITCHES HERE WE ARE NEW CHAPTER i have to start hw now :( so im uploading this here, i tried to conclude it as much as possible lol

I hope everyone is having a lovely day!!! Heres a question for u: WHERE ARE YALL FROM I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW!! Im from Georgia!!


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