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"You aren't gonna stay with me?" I asked in a high pitched voice as David and Jason moved to leave the room.

"We don't want to create suspicion, do we?" they never turned around and shuffled out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. David told me he planned to come back down in an hour or so and get me. He made Liza distract them while we were gone by watching a movie or something, and he said he'd go upstairs and get some game started if everyone wasn't already getting ready to go. It seemed like a confusing plan.

David wanted to make a big show of me being Alex's birthday present for the vlog. As soon as we came out on our own, David wanted to have a video up because he thought it would get a lot of views. His plan was to get everyone in the living area of the suite while Liza secretly filmed. David and Jason would go "get his present", AKA me sitting in a cardboard box with a bow on top. I wasn't very heavy, but it was David for Christ's sake, so I was scared he wouldn't be able to lift me.

I knew I had to get a move on if David was coming back down in an hour, so I settled down and thought it out. I showered earlier in the day, so that was already off my checklist. I needed to curl my hair, apply a decent amount of makeup, and get dressed.

I started by plugging in my curling iron and letting it heat to the side of me while I pulled out my makeup bag. It had grown increasingly larger since I moved to LA, mainly because Josie introduced me to some products I never knew I needed, like primer and skin mists. I first applied primer then blended some foundation on top, checking myself in the mirror for the first time. Nice blend. I put some concealer on top and then powdered my face. I then contoured and highlighted and moved on to my eyes.

I was never very good at eyeshadow, but we were about to take some hot couple pictures and also some hot friend group pictures and I needed to look good. I took a decent amount of time blending the dark shadows so it all looked even and smoky. I filled in my brows, then put on some mascara and falsies. I looked hot, and I hadn't even done my hair yet.

I took my time curling each piece and shaking them out to make them perfectly messy. Each time I looked at myself in the mirror, I was shocked by how good I looked.

I slipped on a long, silky red dress with slits basically up to my ass and no back. It looked amazing, to say the least, especially with my strappy black heels. I was ready to blow everyone's minds.

David came about five minutes after I was done getting ready, spraying myself with perfume as a final touch.

"Holy shit, Mas, you look hot!" David said, in a friendly way, of course, and I smiled at him. I did look good, and I knew he didn't mean anything by it, so it didn't offend me.

"I know," I joked and watched a devious smile grow on his face.

"Alex is going to lose his mind," he said, looking me up and down once again. "I'm so proud."

"Is that what you're wearing?" I asked, not in total distaste, but it was his usual all black outfit. I thought he would attempt to get even a little fancier, but he didn't.

"Yeah. If you don't like this, you should see your boy toy," he chuckled and I cringed at the idea. Alex was not the type to dress up, and his outfits were usually very ironic or joke-y, so I could only think of how many ugly tourist-y shirts he could be wearing right now.

"I look like this and he didn't dress up?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed and jaw dropped. Oh boy. Maybe it would make for a cute picture. "Anyways, that's not the issue. Does it look like I need spanx? I brought some."

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