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"So it's the day before Georgia's birthday," Scotty said into his camera before pointing it at me. I waved from my spot on their couch, petting their new puppy Link who was repeatedly biting me. "and her party's tomorrow but today, Toddy, Jason and I are taking her for lunch. Maybe Carly's coming, we don't know. It's only ten o'clock."

"Alex was mad I'm not spending today with him," I giggled. "Then I reminded him of his birthday, so he gave up real quick."

The fight had been referenced many times in previous vlogs because that's when Alex and I technically came out to the world, so I didn't have a problem mentioning it now.

"I invited him this morning and he said he was busy!" Scotty scoffed and I nodded.

"He's planning the party; it's cute. He hates birthdays but he wants mine to be perfect," the smile of adoration grew on my face as I mentioned his hard work.

"Young love," Scotty smiled into the camera and shut it off. "I'm hungry."

"Me too. I didn't eat breakfast. Let's do brunch," Nodding to myself, I decided to reschedule our plans. "Or I guess I could eat breakfast here."

"Whatever you want, babe, it's your birthday," Toddy said, entering the living room and I had to laugh at him.

"Toddy, you douche, take the fucking sunglasses off," I laughed to make my command seem nicer, even though I was one hundred percent serious.

"I look cool," he checked himself out in the mirror. I rolled my eyes.

"You look like a fuckboy. I don't take pictures with fuckboys," I had dressed up more than usual for the occasion, wearing a cropped, white, off the shoulder top and some loose blue cotton shorts. It wasn't fancy or anything, but it looked better than my regular t shirt and running shorts. I was ready to make a million pictures with everyone. "Please, it's my birthday."

"I love guilt trips," Todd replied sarcastically and pulled the sunglasses I hated off.

"Thanks, babe."

"Anything for the birthday princess," he laughed in reference to the tiara I had worn over there with the words "birthday princess" bedazzled on it.

"You're too kind," I grinned sarcastically, standing and making my way to the kitchen where I found a half empty box of Fruit Loops. I didn't bother asking whose they were, just grabbed them and returned to the couch. "I just want you guys to know I love you, but I'll wait until Jason gets in here before I get sappy. Where's David?"

"He's getting the—"

"We don't know," Scott cut Todd off, giving him an intense look that I didn't understand. Todd's eyebrows shot up and he nodded to himself.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, we don't know," he rushed, wincing when he realized how bad it sounded. I knew something was up, but I didn't push it.

"Okay," I shrugged like I didn't find anything suspicious. "Why is Jason taking so long?"

"Can you calm down? We don't need to leave for like another hour, at least," Todd chuckled at my eagerness.

"Shut up, I'm excited!" I bounced a little, as if to prove my point.

"We can tell," Jason laughed his little Jason laugh as he entered the living room, and my energy skyrocketed.

"Jason!" I jumped up and ran to hug him. "Finally!"

"Hey, kiddo," he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground. "Happy birthday."

"Jason, you're seriously— holy guacamole. You know what I just realized?" I got distracted mid sentence by my revelation, and he shook his head in response to my question. Shocked, I said, "Jason and Mason are, like, the same name."

the fourth roommate » alex ernstWhere stories live. Discover now