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mason: its stupid to fight

mason: i was wrong and i'm sorry

mason: you can do whatever you want, i was being super controlling even tho i dont have to be because i trust you

alex my baby: noooo i was wrong

alex my baby: i shouldnt have gotten mad at you just bc we were on different levels that wasnt fair

alex my baby: and i shouldve told you i was leaving before i actually left

alex my baby: im sorry that u made plans and we couldnt do them, when we get back together we will definitely do anything u want to do

mason: sounds good cant wait

mason: david and dom know now tho :/

alex my baby: i dont care anymore

alex my baby: we are done doing that

alex my baby: ur my gf and everyone should know

alex my baby: i will post something right now if u want

mason: NO

mason: WAIT

mason: i have such a good caption idea lol

mason: and some dope pic ideas

alex my baby: ok first of all dont say dope

alex my baby: but uve been thinking about this for a while??

mason: lol yes

mason: since we started talking

mason: ANYWAYS when u get back from vegas we'll take pics that i can post

mason: itll be great trust me

alex my baby: :-( im not gonna see u til after vegas?

mason: no i left yesterday and you come back tomorrow and leave for vegas the next day the 21st, i come back the 22nd

mason: ull get back the 24th so ill see u then :-)

alex my baby: nooooo thats soooo far away!!!

alex my baby: already havent seen u in like years

mason: whos fault is that

mason: kidding

mason: but its only been ten days

mason: u can make it

alex my baby: noooo i cant

alex my baby: i miss u too much :((((((

alex my baby: maybe ill go to hawaii instead of vegas

mason: hahahah nooo baby ur going to vegas, its ur birthday

alex my baby: they wont miss me

mason: ur right they probs wont

alex my baby: ouch

mason: kidding love u

mason: baby its 11 here which means its 3am in minnesota which means go to bed idiot u have a flight tomorrow

alex my baby: ok ok ok

alex my baby: ill call u tomorrow or smth

alex my baby: i love u!!!

mason: love u too goodnight

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