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We were kissing before I could stop to think about how maybe this was a bad, friendship ruining idea or how we would never bounce back from this once it happened. Instead, I just kissed him with all the passion in the world.

His hands rested on my hips, holding me in place on his lap while mine moved everywhere, from his hair to his neck to his chest and back. When I pulled away to get some air, he took the opportunity to shift his lips to my neck, where he harshly nipped and sucked at the skin where my neck met my shoulder.

"Baby," I used one of my hands to pull his face back up to mine. "No hickeys, no hickeys."

The entire tone of the room screamed desperation, but I still had half a brain and knew how much shit I'd get for a hickey on my neck. Alex went back to kissing me on the lips, and I began to grind my hips into his. He groaned at the feeling, shifting around to help the tent in his shorts adjust. I tugged at the bottom of the sweatshirt just as I had the previous night, except this time he pulled it off with zero hesitation. I grinned and began to kiss down his chest, making my way down slowly and carefully. I pulled myself off of his lap and sunk to my knees, looking up to see hooded eyes stare back at me. I hadn't done a thing, yet Alex was already so far gone.

My hand found the bulge of his shorts and rubbed back and forth, with enough pressure for Alex to buck up at the feeling.

"Baby, more, please," it was so hot to hear him beg, but I didn't want to make him wait any longer, so I slowly pulled the shorts down his legs with his help. I kissed over the top of the plaid boxers he was wearing and reveled in the deep moan that left his mouth when I finally pulled them down, taking my sweet time.

I had only ever had sex with one person, but Alex's dick was bigger than Jack's, so I assumed that was a plus. I spit on my hand like I had seen in many educational pornos and grabbed his dick at the base, pumping up and down a few times and testing his reaction. At first, I started slow, but I could tell he was getting impatient so I figured I'd just go for it.

I softly kissed the tip and smiled up at him when he moaned, before taking more into my mouth. I licked a long stripe from base to tip and swirled my tongue around the sensitive head, carefully gauging his reaction. I made sure I covered my teeth with my lips as I sunk down on him, bobbing my head up and down slowly. He grabbed my hair and pulled it into a makeshift ponytail, using it to guide me up and down faster than I was previously going. His face was glorious to look at, twisted up and tired and so, so wrecked; I couldn't take my eyes off him. Every time we made eye contact, he would moan and throw his head back, causing me to giggle and kiss his tip. I had him halfway in my mouth when he gasped, pulling my hair backwards to get me off of him.

"Baby, slow down, I want to come inside you," he was breathless and red and sweaty but it was all so hot. I stood and he followed, sweeping me up bridal style and carrying me to our room. He tossed me on his bed, not even bothering to shut the door as we'd be home alone all night.

He joined me on the bed, lips once again finding mine in a feverish, hungry kiss. He fumbled with the buttons of my flannel, taking nearly a minute to get it completely unbuttoned and slide it down my shoulders.

"Holy shit."

"What?" I asked, self consciously wrapping my arms across my stomach.

"You are the hottest girl I've ever seen in my entire life," and with those words, I knew I needed him. I connected our lips in hot, open mouthed kisses, taking them down his jaw and neck and to his chest. He unlatched my lacy mint bra and pulled it off, staring me down before his lips found my breast. He began to suck and lightly bite one nipple while pinching and rolling the other between his finger and his thumb. I watched them harden underneath his touch and groaned at the feeling, grabbing him by the chin and pulling him back up to my lips.

"Can I ride you?" I asked, breathless, while reaching between our bodies in an attempt to give myself some relief. He smiled.

"Of course, baby. I said we could do whatever you wanted, didn't I?" he was teasing me, but it was cute so I let it slide. He moved to sit below me, and I straddled his waist for the second time that night. He helped me slip the underwear off my legs, and when I moved to pull my socks off, he grabbed my wrist. "Don't. 'S so hot."

I kissed his lips before lifting my hips, warning him and saying, "Okay, you might wanna close your eyes or something because this is kind of gross."

I stuck two of my fingers in my mouth and shoved them inside of myself for good measure, to make sure I was wet enough and stretch myself out a bit. I used to always have to do it before I had sex with Jack, but this time, I was surprised to find I was already slick and ready. After a few thrusts, I pulled my fingers out and moved to wipe them on Alex's dick, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled them to his mouth. I whimpered as he sucked the slick off of my fingers and stared at me the whole time. He said, "That's the hottest thing I've ever seen."

I laughed and reached into the nightstand next to us, pulling out a condom and quickly rolling it down his dick. I kissed him one last time before I had to focus, grabbing the base of his cock and lining it up with my entrance, taking my time to sink down. I hadn't had sex since I was sixteen, so the stretch almost made it feel like I was a virgin again. We both moaned at the feeling and I took a second to adjust to his size. Using my hands to give myself some leverage, I slowly began to bounce up and down, only getting faster when Alex begged me to.

It was all so much and it became difficult for me to continue bouncing, but Alex didn't let that stop him. He planted his feet on the bed behind us and held me in placing before he began thrusting up, much faster, to meet me. My hands moved from the wall to his shoulders which I held on to tightly, knowing my nails were sinking into his skin but not caring.

"Baby, baby, baby, I can't. I'm gonna—" I was cut off by a moan when one of Alex's hands snaked down my front and began softly rubbing my clit. It was enough to send me over the edge. "Holy shit."

He continued to push me through my orgasm until his hips began stuttering in a way that let me know he was close. I pushed his body back down and began riding him again, legs shaking from the intense orgasm, but still going as hard as I possibly could. He pulled me down to kiss him, and the new angle he got from that must've done it for him because he twitched, almost completely stilling, with a beautiful orgasm face and a few groans. When we were finally calming down, I sat back, sighing and wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Now it's definitely a date, right?" I giggled, pulling my hair over my shoulder to cover my tits. Now that we weren't loaded up with sexual desire, I felt awkward naked.

"Don't tell David or Dom, especially David. He will have a fucking field day with this for his vlog," Alex warned.

"Yeah, wasn't planning on it. Why do you think they were both gone?"

"You planned this?"

"Since 10 o'clock this morning," I admitted sheepishly, feeling the blush rise up my face. "I hope that's not embarrassing."

"It's not," Alex reassured me, but I could feel the cockiness settling on his face. I moved to put some clothes on, and quickly realized we had forgotten something.

"Oh my God, you're still inside me."


OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT im so sorry im not very good at smut but i still wanted to have smut bc im not very good at regular writing either :/ such a fucking struggle!!

anyways yayyyyy we finally have a relationship going!! Im so excited !!!

If u get the significance of their date (pizza and Superbad) u are a true fan


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