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"Can I paint your nails, Alex?" It was a question that came up the next day, while I was sitting in the living room with Jason, David and Alex. We were waiting for Nik to come over so they could film something, and I figured it would be a nice way to pass the time. I had noticed last week how pretty and long his nails were, and it seemed like a good idea.

This morning, I woke up naturally at five o'clock, feeling unbelievably tired and wanting to lay with Alex forever, but also knowing I had bigger fish to fry. I first got dressed in a t shirt and running shorts, then went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Alex had thrown his condom in the bathroom trashcan, so I took that trash out to get rid of any evidence.

I went to the living room and picked up Alex's clothes that he had shed the night before, putting them in the laundry basket. I straightened up the couch a bit, but left it a little messy with the blanket out and the pillows smushed. I also threw the pizza box out just in case anyone got too serious and tried to do some DNA tests. It was still early, but I was wide awake at that point, so I poured myself a bowl of Fruit Loops to pass the time.

Dom came home about an hour later. I was sitting in the living room on Alex's computer playing dress up games when he entered the living room.

"How was it?" I asked, shifting my body to face him when he took a spot on the far end of the couch. He looked tired, and I hoped that was a good thing.

"Good, actually. She's nice," it was almost the first time we had a serious conversation. "We had fun."

"Did you stay at her house?" I asked, realizing six AM was a really weird time for Dom to come home.

"No, we went to a club and left like an hour ago. I dropped her off though. Nice house," he commented and I laughed, knowing Josie shared her huge house with five other people.

"You stayed at a club for like ten hours?" my eyes grew wide when I thought about how expensive and tiring that must've been.

"No, we went to eat dinner first," he explained and I nodded. It sounded like it went okay, and if Josie didn't like him, she never had to talk to him again. "Are you an underwear model?"

I chuckled at his surprised voice, "Sometimes. Depends who I'm working for. Why?"

"Didn't know," he shrugged and seemed giddier knowing I was half naked most days at work. "I was talking to Josie about her work and stuff and she said she put makeup all over you."

"Well you would've known if you actually followed me on Instagram," I posted many of my modeling outtakes on my Instagram because it got me more followers, so I figured if he actually looked me up he would know. "Yeah, you have to put foundation and stuff on your legs."

We talked more about my job and his Youtube channel and he even suggested I do a video with him, which I was down with. He was so much easier to talk to when David and Alex weren't around. David came home at around nine and Alex left his room at around ten thirty, staring me down as he entered the kitchen. I winked at him slyly and kept my conversation with David going.

Since then, we haven't had a moment alone, and I prayed when everyone started filming, they would leave us alone.

Alex's happy little "sure" caught me and the boys off guard.

"Really?" David was shocked to say the least, jaw dropped and smiling like an idiot. "You're so fucking whipped, dude."

I made a little whip noise ("kachew") as I left the room to grab my nail polish bin. I heard David say we'd have to remake that exchange so he could record it, but I was a firm believer that things were only funny once. I returned to the living room and made myself comfortable next to him. David pulled out his camera while I showed Alex a few color options that I thought would go well with his skin tone. He picked black, which I expected, and moved to sit criss cross facing me. I smiled at him, the cheesiest smile I could muster, to let him know the only reason I was doing this was to touch him, and maybe because something about boys and nail polish turned me on to no end. He stuck his right hand out for me first.

"This is insane," David actually took the time to get up and film us. I was carefully painting sweeps of black up Alex's long nails, and David was just messing me up. "Alex, how could you let her do this?"

"She's pretty convincing," Alex looked shy in front of the camera which was enough to make me fall a little more in love with him. His words made Jason laugh his loud cackle.

"Alex, dude, all she did was ask if she could paint your nails! She didn't even attempt to convince you!" Jason mentioned, which technically was true. I had to hide my smirk as I watched Alex's ears and cheeks turn bright red. He had no excuse.

"Can you stop distracting my client? You're literally ruining my life," I got their attention away from Alex, and he squeezed my hand in thanks. Nik showed up a minute or two later, just as I was finishing Alex's left hand.

"What the fuck is going on here, you fucking pussy?" were the first words out of Nik's mouth as he rolled in our apartment. I did have to laugh at that, but only because it was so sudden. He looked cooler with his nails painted and reminded me a lot of Harry Styles.

"It's cute!" I defended him because it was really was adorable. "Harry Styles does it."

"That doesn't mean Alex should!" someone yelled, but I didn't know who because my eyes were locked on Alex's in a stare down.

"Does anyone want to come with me to Chickfila? I want some nuggets," I asked, praying no one except Alex would say yes. Luckily, no one said anything until Alex said, "I guess I'll go with you."

I got ready quickly because I just wanted to leave, and once we were alone right outside the door, Alex had his lips on mine.

"I missed you so much."

"This fucking sucks," I whined and placed my face into the crook of his neck. "I hate not being able to touch you."

"You're such a baby," he laughed and wrapped one of his large arms around me to lead me to the elevator. "When we get outside, we can't touch, you know. The fans knowing is the same thing as David knowing."

This was going to be a long night.


HIII IM SORRY ITS BEEN A WHILE today was actually my first day of junior year :) so thats fun!! It was nice im happy w it lol

Anyways heres a chapter that is just relationship goals i love painting nails so


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