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I had fainted several times throughout my life but was always told I was faking it or being overdramatic, which was far from the truth because it was extremely embarrassing to faint in front of everyone.

I regained consciousness immediately, quick enough to feel my head slam against the ground. Alex was in front of me when I opened my eyes, cradling my head where I previously hit.

"Are you okay, Mason?" Alex was genuinely concerned, while David was behind him holding back laughter with a camera. With his help, I sat up, holding the back of my head.

"Yeah, I just fainted," I had to laugh at myself to make the situation less awkward. I almost forgot why I fainted in the first place, until my eyes trailed up long legs clad in black jeans to the face of Josh motherfucking Peck. "Josh Peck!"

Suddenly, everyone understood. They all started laughing at the fact that I fainted at the sight of Josh Peck. With Alex's help, I stood and hugged the man in front of me, feeling my inner eleven year old fangirl knocking on the door, begging to come out.

"Hey, how are you?" he hugged me back for a second and then let me go, but I was still in shock.

"Oh my God, you're Josh Peck! I love Drake and Josh! Like the episode where you blow up your neighbor's tree house and so you have to rebuild it and you get locked in! Or the foam finger episode! Or the chili episode with the Peruvian puff pepper! Or the episode where you shoot your foot with the potato gun and break it! Or the episode where you learn to play football to be cool! Or the episode where Drake gets married! Or the episode where Wendy is Drake's—"

"Mason!" Dom cut me off. The whole room was staring at me with wide eyes, shocked by my ample Drake and Josh knowledge. I felt my cheeks grow hot, realizing I just fangirled and embarrassed myself.

"Oh God," I couldn't stop the awkward smile from growing on my face as I looked at everyone's face. David and Alex were both smiling like idiots, but everyone else seemed shocked. "Okay, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom killing myself. Nice meeting you."

"Yeah, I'm here too, but that's okay. Keep reacting to Josh," it was the dwarf that spoke, catching me off guard. I honestly had forgotten he was there, but he was a little off putting in his delivery. Everyone else laughed though, so I assumed he was just joking. "I'm Nik."

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you, I'm Mason," still in shock and a little light headed, I leaned back again the wall to keep myself steady. I hadn't eaten since that morning, so that was only making me worse. I went to the kitchen and got some Goldfish, returning to sit on the couch. I felt a little awkward in the living room, and I would've gone to a different room if I had a different room, but I didn't. David was busy filming Dom say something stupid, but Alex was looking at me with concern still.

"Are you good?" he asked quietly, to not disturb the shot. His arm went around me and he rubbed my back as I sat there shoveling Goldfish into my mouth. I nodded, feeling too drained to even speak. The initial Josh Peck excitement had died down, and now I was just tired. "Long day?"

I nodded again, leaning into his arm and sighing. "I just want to go to bed. 'M so tired."

"You can sleep in my bed if you want," he proposed and I nodded again, unwilling to move. Obviously I looked like shit. Otherwise, he wouldn't be offering up his bed for me. "C'mon."

He stood, leaving me on the couch with Josh and Nick. I was so beyond done with the day that I didn't even want to stand up, but I was still surprised when Alex shoved his arms under my legs and shoulders and lifted me up bridal style. I was completely, utterly in love with him.

the fourth roommate » alex ernstWhere stories live. Discover now