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The next morning I had a job, so I got to leave before I had to face Alex. I remembered everything from the night before; I wasn't drunk enough to forget. I wondered if he was serious about doing whatever I wanted when I was sober.

I left early and had fun at my shoot, even going as far to tell one of my new friends, Josie the makeup artist, about what had happened the night before.

"So are you going to hook up with him tonight?" she asked after I explained the story while she was blending my foundation. "He seems sweet if he didn't want to do anything with you while you were drunk."

"He is sweet," I confirmed. "I mean, yeah I want to, but we have two roommates and I don't want them to know."

"One has a girlfriend though, so you can hit her up and tell her to take him out and keep him busy. So really, you just have to find a date for the other one, right? Get him out of the house," a lightbulb went off and my eyes shot open. Josie was very young and very pretty, a perfect candidate for Dom to go out with.

"Josie, go on a date with Dom!" I proposed and prayed she wouldn't immediately turn her nose up. Her boyfriend had just broken up with her when I first got to LA, so I was hoping five weeks later wasn't too late for a rebound. "Please. Please, Josie. He's pretty nice. He's an okay person I think. All you have to do is distract him for one night."



"Okay, not saying I agree yet, but let's say Dom and I go out on a date," she was testing me and I knew it. "What's your plan once you're alone with Alex?"

"Uh, to fuck him. Duh?"

"So you're just going to walk in there and lay it on him?" she challenged, and I agreed, it sounded crazy, but that didn't mean it wouldn't work.

"Maybe," I shrugged, grabbing the iced coffee next to me and taking a sip in defeat. "Will you do it?"

"You are so lucky I love you," she laughed and I felt a new pep in my step at her words. "Text him and tell him. Text the other kid's girlfriend while you're at it."

I first texted Liza.

mason: heyyyyy can u please keep david out of the house tonight??? i actually have a date tonight but i dont really want the boys to know lol

Then I texted Dom.

mason: dom i have a beautiful friend named josie her ig is josiepattersonmua take a look and you are going on a date with her tonight

dom: ....... u arent even going to ask me if I want to?

mason: no bc ur going lol

dom: fair enough tell her to be at the apartment at 6

"He says be at the apartment at 6," I grinned at the woman in front of me, who shut my eyes forcefully with her fingers. The rest of my day went on as normal and felt shorter than the last time I worked, maybe because I actually had a lunch break and I was wearing underwear all day, not fancy dresses I was terrified to ruin. Liza texted me back right before lunch.

liza kosher dill pickle: oooooh get it girl!! i'll keep him with me alllllll night

I sighed in relief, knowing my plan just might work. I was getting laid. Luckily, as a mostly underwear model, I was always fresh and clean, so I didn't even need to prepare myself physically, just mentally.

When my day ended, I gave Josie our address and told her to dress hot, then went on my way home. It was four o'clock by the time I got there, meaning I had two hours to talk myself up until Dom would leave. I already looked good, with a full face of makeup and my hair brushed neatly down my back. It was now important to pray that Alex wasn't just saying things last night because he thought I wouldn't remember. I was terrified of rejection from anyone, but a beautiful boy I was sharing a room with would absolutely destroy me.

When Josie got to our apartment, I didn't even tell her how to get up, I just forced Dom out the door and waved him goodbye. He wasn't the best person, but I was sure he wouldn't hurt her or anything. I texted her to have fun, but not too much fun, and then my plan was set into action. Being the stalker I was, I had watched some video on Alex's old collab channel where he said he liked thigh high socks, so I tugged on some white thigh highs and peeled off my shorts, leaving me in just a long flannel and socks. It looked perfect, like I was sort of trying but not desperately trying.

I entered the living room to see Alex sitting on the couch, covered in a big white knit blanket. His head turned when I entered the room and I watched his eyes drift up and down my body, taking time on my legs. We hadn't spoken since last night and I decided I was going to play it cool at first and test the waters.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked casually, making my way into the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

"I'm about to watch a movie. Want to pick it?" I nodded in response to his question, sinking down on the couch and tucking one leg under my body. He passed me the remote and I scrolled through Netflix for a hot minute before settling on a classic, Superbad. It was funny and stupid, perfect for when I was awkwardly planning to make my move.

"We should order pizza," I commented and Alex looked over at me, furrowing his brow a little. "What?"

"Nothing..." he trailed off, standing up and grabbing his laptop before coming back to the couch. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he ordered a cheese pizza on his computer, shutting the laptop when he was finished. I leaned into him, which had become normal for us in the past two weeks. I guess we were both just very touchy people, but whenever we sat together, we always were right next to eachother, despite how large the couch was. We were quiet for the next thirty minutes, watching McLovin attempt to buy alcohol, until the pizza came. We started talking then, which I was thankful for.

"Do you remember last night?" he asked when we finally got our setup going. He had broken the coffee table apparently, but since the box was pretty big we just put it on top and prayed it didn't tip over.

"Most of it," I shrugged. I didn't want to chicken out, but I felt it coming.

"How much?" he pushed, and I could tell how casual he was trying to look but it just made him look more nervous.

"Um, I don't know."

"Do you remember when you went to bed?"

"Do you want me to remember when I went to bed?" I smirked, cocking a smug eyebrow at the boy in front of me who was obviously beyond uncomfortable. He was blushing now, even his ears were tinted pink.

"Yeah," he finally decided, after a few moments of intense silence.

"Alex, was this a date?"

"Do you want it to be a date?" he countered, like I had just a few seconds earlier. I laughed at his newfound confidence.

"Yes, I do want it to be a date."

"Then it's a date," he was still trying to be casual, and his shrug made me giggle. Now was my chance, and I knew exactly how I wanted to play this out.

"Can I tell you a secret, baby?" I asked, taking my time in swinging a leg over him to straddle his lap. I played with the two strings of his hoodie while he nodded dramatically. I leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "I fuck on the first date."

I leaned back with a smirk, feeling proud of myself. Alex's entire demeanor changed, and the sweet, shy boy seemed to be gone with two words.

"Prove it."


KELFKAJFSN YESSSSS BITCHES WE ARE ABOUT TO BANG!!! IM SO READY even tho this chapter was so hard for me to write :/ yesterday all i wanted to do was write and today i was just done so sorry if this chapter fucking sucks

pleaseeeee vote and comment and all the good stuff, this book is almost at 900 reads which is UNREAL, never has this happened to me before so thank you so much to EVERYONE who has read this and enjoyed it, u have no clue how happy it makes me to have people actually enjoying this :)

Also quick PSA before i go: the next chapter is going to be straight smut, no substance, so if you aren't into that just don't read it. Also im 16 years old and a virgin so i get my sexual knowledge from movies, fanfics and tumblr. If something is wrong or stupid please correct me so i can fix it and not look stupid af when i actually have sex lol

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