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"Is Mason at your house?" it was David, on the line on Jason's phone. I shook my head repeatedly so he could say no, but they didn't understand. I had told them the reason I was so upset was because I was remembering my grandma, which wasn't true, and they had no clue that I was done with my three roommates for a while.

"She's shaking her head no, but she's sitting right in front of me," his voice was concerned and confused and I couldn't be mad. Jason was too nice to be mad at. "Yeah, I'll let her know." Jason hung the phone up before looking at me. "David and Dom are coming to get you."

I sighed, unable to even respond. I was so done, but at least I didn't have to come home to Alex. I waited in literal silence for twenty minutes until I heard a honk outside. I couldn't but roll my eyes. They couldn't come to the door?

Waving the boys off, I exited their house and sighed in frustration. I slid into the backseat of David's Tesla, where the three of us sat silently for a few minutes until Dom finally spoke up.

"So how long were you and Alex screwing around?" he asked, giggling like a child afterwards. I had to laugh because the whole situation was just so fucked up.

"Since you went on that date with Josie," I admitted quietly, face turning beet red when Dom snapped around to face me.

"You set us up on dates so you could fuck Alex?" he asked incredulously and I had to hide my face to ease my embarrassment. "Oh my god, that night when you got drunk you were fucking singing to him! And the next day... oh my god!"

"Can we calm down for a second here? I still need a fight explanation. Alex wouldn't say shit to us when he left," David turned around to face me. (#justteslathings)

"Okay, well," I sighed, trying to think of a way to explain it that wasn't biased. "Last week, when we come home from Georgia, he told me he was in love with me."

"Woah! That's early," Dom interjected.

"I know, right? I flipped the fuck out and was like 'uh, I gotta go' and went to sit in the living room with everyone instead of in Toddy's room. So I never said it back and I kinda just avoided him for the past week because it was just so awkward! Like maybe he does love me, and I love him but just not that hardcore yet, you know?"

"Mason..." David trailed off, face dead serious. "You avoided him?"

"I know!" I yelled, once again covering my face with my hands. "I know, I know, I know, I know. I shouldn't have. I know, but that being said, if I lied and said I was in love with him when I wasn't, that's when the situation would get worse! So I just didn't say it back. And so I walk into our room and he's zipping up a suitcase and of course, as his fucking girlfriend, I'm like where are you going, and he tells me he's going home for his birthday. It's the fucking eighth! His birthday is the seventeenth! I already went out and bought him presents and planned a whole fucking day for him and he leaves without fucking telling me? So yeah, I started yelling at him because who the fuck wouldn't, and he told me I wasn't his girlfriend and that he wasn't in love with me."

"He is," David butted in. "He definitely is in love with you. I've never seen him be so nice to someone and then get so pissed at them. He wouldn't do that if he wasn't in love with you."

"I don't even care anymore," I lied, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's bullshit to be treated like that, so I'm done."

"Done with what?" Dom asked.

"With Alex. Just because I can't say I'm in love with him doesn't mean I'm not working towards it. He can't just fucking leave whenever he's mad at me."

"He was leaving for his birthday..." David didn't understand anything.

"No, no, no, I get what she's saying," Dom shook his head at David's denial of the situation. Leave it to him to stick up for Alex even when he's fucking wrong. "He doesn't need to leave this early to get to Minnesota by the seventeenth, and even if he was, he should've told her a couple days ago at least. I'd be pissed if I bought someone a shit ton of presents and they weren't even here to get them.

"I don't understand why you can't just give him his presents late!" David was either very stupid or a very good friend. To Alex. Not to me.

"Dude, you're a fucking dumbass, it's not the presents. It's that he didn't even tell her he was leaving because he was mad at her."

"How the fuck do we know he was mad at her? She just said she was the one avoiding him, so how could he tell you he was leaving if you were avoiding him?"

"Um, 'hey, I'm leaving for Minnesota for two weeks on Saturday'. We still sleep in the same room. And we talked, it wasn't total avoidance, just avoidance of the subject. He had plenty of chances to tell me he was leaving and he didn't, so I'm pissed. And David, I can tell you're about to try to fight me on that, but no."



"Okay. You guys are going to ruin Vegas," David complained and I shot up.

"Oh, yeah! I'm not going to Vegas anymore," I told them, cringing when David whipped back around to stare at me.

"What?" he asked, jaw dropped as he stared at me. "What do you mean you're not going? You took like four hours convincing us your fake ID would work."

"It will, it's my sister's old ID that she lost," I explained. The card luckily wouldn't expire until the month after I turn twenty one, which was good enough for me. "But I have a job. I leave for Hawaii for a shoot the eighteenth."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Dude, sucks for you," Dom laughed. "Alex is going to be a fucking dickhead if she's not there."

"I know, especially if they don't see each other and make up before we leave!" David laid his head against the steering wheel in disappointment. "When are you getting back from Hawaii?"

"Uh, the plane leaves on the twenty second at 3 AM Hawaii time, so I should be home around 2 in the morning."

"So you can still come, at least for the last party?" he suddenly perked up at the idea.

"David..." I sighed, sinking into the seat. I didn't want to let him down, but... "First of all, I'll have to fly because no one will drive me."

"I'll buy you a plane ticket right now," David interrupted, just making me feel worse. "Please, Mas, I really want you there."

"David, I'm going to be working for three days straight, and I know you think modeling isn't work, but it's so tiring. I really don't think I can come. If you actually wanted me there because you think I'm a nice addition to the group, it'd be different, but you only want me there to keep Alex in check, and I'm not even on good terms with Alex right now, so I don't think I can help you. I'm sorry."

The car was silent for a few seconds before David huffed.

"Vegas is going to be hell."


Hiii ladies and gents wassup its ur girl abby coming at u with another update!! This basically is just explaining the fight more bc I don't want her to seem crazy, i think mason had a good reason to be mad


ALso we're coming up on Vegas which is what I always dreamed was going to be the peak of this story, i feel like we've got five good chapters left (minus a filler) before this book is done!!! Still not sure how i'm gonna end it but we'll figure it out lol

Thank u so much for reading, please vote and comment and all that good stuff!! Love u guys!!

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