(1) Boyf Riends-Prom

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Prom is in two weeks.
TWO WEEKS and Jeremy still hadn't asked Michael to go with him.

Christine was giving Jeremy a pep talk in his room on a Thursday after school.

"Jeremy, if you don't do it soon you might lose your chance!"

"I know Christine, it's just...I...AAAAGH I just don't want to throw away 12 years of friendship! What if he says no!"

Christine gave him a look that said "you have got to be the stupidest person I have ever met".
"Do.you.SEE the way he looks at you?"

Jeremy gave her a blank look.
"Three words, Heere. You. Are. Blind."

"Look, can we just drop it until tomorrow and go eat or something?"

-time skip to next day-

"JEREMY HEERE COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT" yelled Christine, after her friend who was currently trying to run out of school grounds.

"Christine, I can't DO this!"

"Someone could be asking him out RIGHT NOW"

Jeremy sighed and slowly made his way back to Christine and down the halls to Michael's locker. There he saw exactly what he expected. Michael. Then he saw what he didn't expect. Some random boy that was just a little taller than Michael had approached him and started talking to him. Jeremy started freaking out.

What if he was asking Michael to prom? What if Michael was saying yes?

Jeremy began to panic. Jeremy reached in his back pocket to make sure it was still there. A simple origami heart with the word "Prom?" on it. He took it out and carefully held it in the palm of his hand.

He walked a little closer and cautiously listened in on their conversation.

"Hey, Michael!"

"Do I know you?"

"I sit behind you in math?"

"Oh...yeah, sorry I forgot..."

"So..um prom is in a-"

"MICHAEL!" Jeremy blurted out. He quickly covered his mouth. Michael whipped his head around to see Jeremy and his face lit up.

"Jeremy! What's up?" Michael asked, completely oblivious to the fact that that random guy was trying to ask him to prom.

"I...um...it's...HERE!" Jeremy yelled, shoving the origami heart into Michael's hands. Michael's eyes widened. He gasped. His eyes widened.

"YES" he practically screamed. He jumped up and latched himself onto Jeremy. He wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He pulled his head away from the hug to be face to face with Jeremy.

"You have no idea how long-" Michael was interrupted by a "cough" coming from the guy from math. Michael's face turned red and he climbed off of a vet shocked Jeremy. The guy just rolled his eyes and turned around to start the same conversation he had with Michael with another guy.

Michael and Jeremy stood awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. The bell rung and they parted ways, both unbelievably excited.

-time skip to one week later-

It was a Friday after school and Michael was FREAKING OUT. There was only one week 'till prom and he STILL didn't have his outfit. Michael was at the mall, trying a million different things on. He had tried a black tuxedo, a blue tuxedo, a red dress, a white dress, and a black dress. He had tried everything he had liked on except for one. He tried it on and looked in the mirror. As soon as he saw himself, he KNEW that this was the thing he wanted. It was a pair of black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a baby pink tuxedo vest. He hoped that Jeremy would like it.

-time skip to another week later-

Jeremy was a nervous wreck. He was standing in front of Michael's door, shaking, urging himself to ring the doorbell.

He stood, glued to the floor wearing black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a vest identical to Michael's, but baby blue. Neither one knew what the other was wearing so they were both hoping for the best.

When Jeremy finally got the courage to ring the doorbell, the door flung open and they just stared at each other for a good two minutes. They were both blushing extremely brightly. Jeremy shyly gave Michael the bouquet of red roses held behind his back.

"Th-thank you..." said Michael softly. He seemed very taken aback. He had a small smile on his face.

"So...um, should we...go now?" Jeremy suggested. Michael quickly nodded and they got in Jeremy's car.

-time skip to when they arrive at prom-

Michael and Jeremy were very late to prom. Everyone was already there. They heard loud, booming music come from inside and saw teenagers everywhere.

They walked in to the sound of some pop song that neither of them had ever heard before. They slowly started awkwardly dancing.

They heard a slow song come on and they very awkwardly got closer. Jeremy put his hands on Michael's hips and Michael put his on Jeremy's shoulders.

They were softly swaying to the music when Jeremy noticed the distant look on Michael's face.

"You alright?"

Michael just nodded, and kissed Jeremy on the cheek. At this time, Jeremy could have been easily mistaken for a cherry. Michael laughed and kissed him again, this time one the lips. To say that they were both excited was an understatement. They didn't really know what to do so the kiss was very short, but they both enjoyed it. A LOT.

They were both grinning like idiots, lost in thought until a loud voice sounded over the speakers.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! EVERYONE GIVE IT UP, FOR I AM ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE SOME VERY IMPORTANT NEWS" yelled a boy with curly hair and freckles into the microphone.

Everyone went silent.


A VERY loud applaud erupted.


He slid a piece of paper out of an envelope. He looked surprised.


A loud "ew" sounded from an obviously jealous straight couple in the back.


A loud applause grew in the room, Christine hollering and whistling in the back.

Michael and Jeremy looked at each other in utter disbelief before walking onstage and having sashes being put over their heads, being crowned, and being showered with confetti and flowers.

This truly had to be the best night of their lives.



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