(44) Boyf Riends-Fast Forward

315 11 9

Word Count: 892
TW: none
There's an author's note at the end. Also I didn't edit this so feel free to call out my mistakes in the comments
Enjoy :)

"So uh, how are things going with Christine?" Michael asked, handing Jeremy a bottle of Mountain Dew Red as he sipped his own.
"Um...fine. I guess. We broke up, so..." Jeremy mumbled, hiding his red face by taking a swig from his drink. Michael almost did a spit take.
"She dumped you?! Dude, that's whack. When did that happen?" Michael asked, sitting down beside Jeremy at the foot of the bed. Jeremy's face scrunched up, offended.
"First of all, she didn't dump me. It was mutual. Second, it happened yesterday. And I'm fine, we're still friends," Jeremy said calmly, setting his soda down and picking the video game controller back up. Michael just stared, blinking hard as he tried to figure out what he could possibly be missing. Jeremy and Christine broke up and Jeremy was...okay with it? Like he was legitimately fine? No harm done?

"So you just broke up with the girl that you've been pining after for like half a year just...because? And you're not upset? At all?" Michael asked skeptically, slowly setting down his own Mountain Dew.
"Bingo," Jeremy nodded, as if that gave Michael any of the explanation he was looking for. Michael rolled his eyes.
"How did it happen? Why? You were head-over-heels for a really long time and now it's just...over?" Michael pressed on.
"Yeah. There was no...chemistry. She's really cute, and she's a really sweet girl. But getting to know her was just...I don't know. We didn't...spark."
"I don't know! Spark. Click. Whatever you wanna call it. It just wasn't working, romantically. She's too...innocent for me, if that makes sense. She's looking for something romantic. She wants some charming guy to sweep her off her feet and treat her how she deserves to be treated and I want—" Jeremy cut himself off. Clearing his throat, he corrected himself, "I wanna continue playing. We're almost done with level nine. I want to finally beat this so that maybe we can play a different game for once."
"Jeremy, if something's wrong, you can tell me," Michael tried to be gentle.
"I know," Jeremy sighed. With that conversation coming to an abrupt stop, Michael picked up his controller and pressed un-pause.


"I can't believe we did it," Michael said dully, turning his head toward Jeremy. They were both laying on their backs on Michael's basement floor. They had finally done it. Apocalypse Of The Damned was a thing of the past. It was done.
"I know, right?! I can't wait to play something else. Preferably something made in the last couple years. Bad graphics are getting boring," Jeremy joked.
"I completely agree," Michael added.
For far too long, Michael and Jeremy just laid there, looking into each-others' eyes. Michael broke first, blushing and turning to face the other direction.

"Why were you so interested in why Christine and I broke up?"
"WhAt? Um, I just—I mean you're my best friend. And I couldn't figure out why you'd break up unless she dumped you cause you were...like...smitten," Michael said awkwardly. Jeremy smiled hopefully.
"Michael, I uh..." Jeremy sat up, "I noticed. By the way. When you tried to kiss me. I saw you lean in."
"You—" Michael choked on air, sitting up as well, "You what? I—I don't remember that. Trying to kiss you, I never-"
"Yeah, you did. The last time I came over before The Incident. I told you that you were my favorite person and you tried to kiss me and I turned away because I wasn't ready. I thought that I was so in love with a girl that I had pretty much never met before because I didn't see how good I already had it. Christine doesn't understand my old movie references. She likes playing video games, but she's terrible at them. She's little and cute and perfect for someone looking for a girl that's little and cute but I'm looking for someone with more depth than that. She's Animal Crossing and I'm looking for someone more along the lines of Apocalypse Of The Damned. If you get what I'm saying," Jeremy babbled, progressively getting more and more red as he spoke. His heart was absolutely hammering in his chest. Michael stared at him wide-eyed in such a way that Jeremy wouldn't be surprised if the Microsoft shutdown sound started playing.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Michael asked slowly, a smile creeping onto his face.
"I don't know. What do you think I'm saying?" Jeremy asked with a nervous laugh.
"I think...you're saying...that you........"
Jeremy encouraged him to keep going with a small smile and nod.
"Like me...? In the way that...you thought you liked Christine?" Michael continued. Jeremy smiled and nodded more.
"Really?" Michael asked, full-on grinning at this point.
"Yes," Jeremy replied, laughing quietly out of relief at Michael's reaction.
"Really really?" Michael asked again, just to double-check.
"Yes," Jeremy's smile spread to his eyes.
"So if I tried to kiss you again, you wouldn't turn away?" Michael asked, just for clarification.
"Right," Jeremy nodded again.
"So can I-"
"Oh my god, stop asking so many questions, the answer is yes," Jeremy laughed, already leaning in.

Michael was right. His moms were thrilled.

Hi guys! No, I'm not back on my bullshit. It's a limited time thing. Realizing I'd reach 100k soon, I thought I'd come back for two more chapters when I reached it. I started writing this book as a cringy eighth-grader, and I no longer think what I wrote is any kind of good reflection on the media it was based on. A lot of the stuff I wrote is completely ooc, and (in my opinion) sort of a disgrace to the original works. Connor is not Nice Boy UWU. Evan isn't Flower Boy UWU. Jeremy is not Shy Boy UWU. Michael is not Soft Boy UWU. I realize that now. I'm coming back for two chapters  to write my realistic take on how the Boyf Riend and Treebros stories would ACTUALLY go, in order for the ship to be canon. I'm coming back with a renewed writing style and a much better grasp on the characters. For these two, I figured it would probably happen fast-paced and after the show. For the next two...well, you'll see ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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