(43) Treebros-"Evan...I was just getting a glass of water..."

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Word Count: 690 short and sweet
TW: mention of cheating (don't worry, it ends in fluff) and minor panic attack

Hey, I'm home!" Evan yelled, placing the keys on the counter.

No response from his boyfriend.

"Connor?" He tried, beginning to get slightly scared.

Still nothing.

So Evan walked to their bedroom.

Connor was there, just as Evan had hoped. But the problem with that was, Connor wasn't alone. He was on their shared bed, making out with some random girl Evan had never seen before. Or was it a boy? Or neither? Both? He couldn't really tell, but he didn't really care. It wasn't him, and that was all he knew.

"Connor!" He yelled, although it sounded more sad then angry.

The person jumped off of Connor and made a run for it out the front door.


"Don't 'baby' me!" Evan snapped.

"I can explain-"

"You'd better fucking explain!" Evan didn't know how he had brought himself to yell at Connor. He didn't know how Connor had brought himself to cheat. He almost didn't want to know.

Connor opened his mouth to explain but no explanation came out. There was no good reason, Evan just wasn't enough and Connor needed something, someone, else.

"Get out." Evan whispered, it was as confident as he could manage through tears.

So Connor listened. He grabbed his phone, got up, and left.

Evan jolted upright, he found himself in bed. His and Connor's bed. Was Connor still his boyfriend? He looked next to him. Connor was gone. It was dark out.

So Connor really had left him.

Evan quickly began to panic, he began to cry. He wondered what it was about him hat made Connor leave. Was he too clingy? Too inexperienced? Too-

"Evan?" Came a soft voice from the doorway.

Evan looked up to see none other than Connor Murphy, wearing sweat pants and no shirt, and had his hair in a really messy bun. He was holding a glass of water.

"Connor?" Evan whispered, his poor mind confused in a sleepy haze.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Connor whispered back, setting his glass on the bedside table and sitting on the bed next to Evan.

"I-I thought y-y-you'd left...I thought y-you-I thought you cheated on m-me-and I woke up and the-the bed was empty-" he babbled, running out of breath every few words.

"Shhh, deep breaths. It's okay." Connor sighed "Evan...I was just getting a glass of water...you have to get the idea of me leaving out of your head. I love you. Can I hug you?"
Evan nodded and opened his arms, Connor hugged him tightly.

They stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Hey, Evan?"


"Look at your left hand. What's that?"


"That's our wedding ring, Evan. And that's our other one." Connor pointed to his own hand. Evan let out a short, breathy laugh. He left a bit stupid. Connor wiped Evan's tears away as gently as he could, even though gentleness wasn't exactly his strong suit.

A small cry came from a few rooms over and Connor groaned.
"And that's our crying daughter who I now have to comfort." He kissed Evan on the cheek before getting up and leaving the room.

He came back a minute later, holding a crying infant. (She was theirs since the very day she was born. The mother couldn't keep her and she chose Evan and Connor to be the parents.)

Connor was trying desperately to get her to calm down. Usually, (and surprisingly) Connor was pretty good at getting her to stop crying. Tonight, however, she wouldn't stop crying. No matter how much Connor rocked her and held her.

Watching this happen, Evan blinked blankly. He had never gotten her to stop crying before, but he figured he'd give it a shot.
"Can I hold her?" Evan whispered. Connor nodded and handed her to Evan. She stopped crying almost immediately and Connor would have been impressed if his thoughts weren't so clouded with sleep.

After a few more minutes of quiet, she went to sleep and they put her back in her crib. Connor crawled back in bed with Evan, arms around Evan's waist.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

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