(23) Treebros-"I do, bitch"

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Word Count: 1,633
TW: bullying, physical fighting, cussing

Connor and I didn't know each other that well. Which...really sucked, because he was my crush and I blew it. When I was struggling with my sexuality, I had a crush on Connor Murphy. I didn't want to accept this though, so I told myself I liked Zoe Murphy instead. It only took me about a week to realize that my crush on Connor was hopeless and that there was no getting rid of it.

But it was too late. He had already seen the letter I wrote...he saw her name and I knew as soon as he did that I had no chance.


I am consistently bullied. Picked on. Whatever you wanna call it. There's really no escaping it, I don't have enough confidence to stand up for myself and no friends who will do it for me.

So of course, I had to accept when someone told me to meet them in an abandoned classroom at the back of the school at lunch.

The third period bell was about to go off and I was terrified. I had no where else to turn, so I just prepared myself for the worst possible outcome.

You might be wondering why I was called to meet a shady teen in the library at lunch? Well, before school he had come up to me "gay" and a "dumbass". So, I tried to protest, but no words came out of my mouth. His exact words were "what's wrong, dumbass? Too flustered to speak?" And as he raised a fist, the start of school bell rang. He got angry that he didn't have a chance to beat me up, so he told me to meet him outside the library at lunch.

So the lunch bell rang and I was as horrified as ever.

I didn't have any protection. Jared was my only *family* friend but when I told him about it, he said he was "too weak" and "would probably get us both killed". So there I was, making my way to the school library, hoping, dreaming, praying that he wouldn't show up.

My dreams failed me though, because when I arrived, there he was, leaning against the back wall. It didn't look like he was looking at or for me, so I turned on my heel to leave.

"Hey, dumbass! Get over here," he called. I took a shaky breath and I prepared to walk over and get this over with.

"I didn't get to finish this morning. Did you really think you could escape?"
I violently shook my head. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and painfully dragged me up the wall.

"What do you think you're doing, asshole?" I heard an angelic voice from the end of the hall. Like an angel, there stood Connor Murphy.

---Connors POV---

I was just on my way to the library to return my favorite book (Carry On by Rainbow Rowell) when I saw Evan smol bean, adorable, my crush, amazing, frickin awesome, doesn't-deserve-the-shit-he-gets Hansen being pushed up the wall by the one and only Kurt Kelly.

I immediately got into protective mode, trying to remember the anger coping mechanisms I tried to learn and failing again.

"What do you think you're doing, asshole?" I growled.

"Well I'll be damned! The school shooter is here to save the dumbass," he thought for a moment before a smug smirk appeared on his face, "wait, how are you here to save him? Didn't you just push dumbass over here on the floor like a week ago?"

At this point I was fuming. I didn't mean to. Anger issues often take over me. When I pushed him, all I was thinking was that my crush was laughing at me and I didn't want to deal with my emotions. I regretted it horribly.

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