(6) Treebros-Faker

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Word Count: about 880
Tw: none (mild cursing???)

Evan woke up with a jolt at 1:24 am to the sound of someone calling him. He stared at the unknown number and cautiously picked up.

"Is this my boyfriend?" Asked a smooth voice.
"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number..." said Evan quietly.
"Oh. Well if you see an Evan Hansen, tell him his boyfriend Connor Murphy called for him."
"Connor Murphy? This is Evan Hansen but I'm not your boyfriend," Evan was extremely confused.
"Yes you are, now come pick me up"
"No I'm not, but where are you anyways?"
"**** ----- street"
"Fine, I'll be right over"

Evan was confused to say the least. Evan had a huge crush on Connor, the kid he sat behind in science. Connor was perfect in his eyes but they never really talked.

And then suddenly Connor is calling him his boyfriend at 1:30 am after not talking to him for weeks?

But Evan couldn't pass up an opportunity to see Connor so here he was, pulling some jeans on and putting a sweatshirt over his grey sleep shirt.


Evan arrived outside the house and stepped out of the car to blinding part lights, deafeningly loud pop music, and the intoxicating smell of weed and alcohol.

He reluctantly stepped inside the house to the sight of many many kids crammed into one room, dancing, drinking, and a bunch of other random stuff.

"Evan! I'm over here!" Yelled a voice over the crowd from a corner of the room near the stairs. Evan made his way to where he thought the voice came from. As soon as he got to the less crowded corner, Connor leaped onto him and threw his arms around Evans neck.

"Um...C-Connor you are m-more d-drunk than you th-think you are. We should g-get you h-home..." said Evan, obviously uncomfortable. Connors arms were still wrapped around his neck, as if he was going to kiss him. And he did. Right on the lips.

Evan couldn't help but melt a little bit and kiss back just the slightest bit before he realized that this counted as taking advantage of Connor and slowly pulled away.

Connor gave him the best pouty face he could.

"You are d-drunk. You are going to r-regret this because y-y-you don't really mean it so l-let's just go..."

"Evan Hansen Murphy, of course I mean it. I wuv you". Connor was now limply hanging on Evans arm, messing with his hoodie strings.

"No you don't, no one loves me but my m-mom. That's j-just how it is. And w-we are not married!"

"We can change that"

"CONNOR!" Yelled Evan, a light pink painting his face. He grabbed Connor by the hand and lead him outside.

"Hey Evan, Zoe's gonna killlllllllll me if I come home wasted. Can I spend the night at your house? Pretty please?"

"Fffffffffine. But only because I know how Zoe can get when she is mad," said Evan, throwing in a shudder for emphasis,"I saw her yell at Jared the other day for calling Alana a smart-ass".

"Thank yooooooouuuuuuu"


"Connor, my mom is home so please be quiet," Evan said, getting an air mattress out of the closet. He set it down on the floor and plugged in the automatic air pump.


Evan quickly turned it off
(AN: LiKe A LiGhT sWiTcH)
And sighed.

"Oh, no. I guess that means we have to share a bed," said Connor dramatically, placing the back of his hand to his forehead and doing the fake swoon thing.

Evan rolled his eyes and took his hoodie off. He changed back into his sleep pants (in the bathroom) an crawled in bed, where Connor was already snuggled far underneath the blankets.

As soon as Connor had felt Evan get in bed, he snugged as close as he could to him and nuzzles his face into the crook of Evan's neck.

"You're lucky you're cute, or I would never let you do this..." said Evan figuring that Connor was drunk enough for him to not remember any of this the next morning.

However, Connor wasn't drunk enough for that. In fact, he wasn't drunk at all. He smiled to himself as he lay, cuddling Evan. His master plan had worked.


The next morning, Evan and Connor were eating breakfast before Heidi was awake.

Evan couldn't reach the bowls, and he didn't feel like climbing the counter agin.

"Connor," he asked sleepily, "can you get me a bowl?". Connor just got up from his seat, easily grabbed the bowl, handed it to Evan and said, "you're lucky you're cute, or I would never do this for you". Connor smirked and Evan blushed deeply.

"How do you remember that?" Asked Evan shyly. This is when it hit Evan that Connor was having literally no even hint of a hangover.

"Okay so I may or may not have actually been drunk..."


"Who says I've changed my mind since I've said that?"

Evan was to flustered to really say anything so he just his his face in Connor's chest and Connor wrapped his arms around him and stayed they stayed like that for a little while.


Sorry that was awful I just thought it would be funny.

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