Chapter 1

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Somewhere, in the middle of two forests facing each other but divided by a clean spot, a show of colorful lights was spoiling the beauty of the stars. The loud music from a mansion was destroying the quiet and peaceful night attracting the attention of the dangerous creatures which lived in the woods.

The house was completely flooded by different people going in and out, not minding the presence of the animals behind bushes and trees. In the huge parking lot, near one of the many parked cars was sitting a man, smoking a cigarette and watching the moon. Suddenly, his attention was stolen by an approaching limousine and his green eyes fell slowly on a blonde girl coming out of the elegant vehicle. As he saw her coming his heart missed a beat and his thoughts started to tremble in his mind. She managed to attract everyone's attention as she walked in her black tight dress which let delicately one of her legs out. Her serious expression did not change as she stopped in front of him but her brown eyes made a flicker which he could not miss.

-Good evening Miss Vivien, I am here to lead you to the party.

-Shall we go in then?

-Of course, after you.

He politely offered his arm, but she rejected, raising her head and walking ahead making him run a little to catch up with her. The party was crowded, being held in a giant room of the house. It was the most beautiful and elegant room, with a big dance ring and little round tables set aside for the few guests who did not want to join the rest in the middle. Servants were walking from guest to guest offering glasses of champagne and mini desserts and appetizers. The big chandelier and the DJ from the corner were transforming the party into a beautiful mix of elegance and modernity.

As she walked all the glances were thrown at her, smiles were shown in the big crowd and silent laughs and whispers from woman to woman. But she was not paying attention to them, she simply continued walking to the corner of the room where three men were chatting. As she came closer one of them turned to her and smiled.

-I see you made it to the party, welcome my darling.

He came closer to hug and kiss her when he noticed the dark stare of the man behind her.

-Marcus, thank you for bringing Vivien to me. You can go, I will take care of her from now on.

-Of course sir, I hope you have a great night.

He watched Marcus leave the room then turned again to Vivien.

-Let me introduce you. Vivien this is my good friend and business partner Erik and his employee Daniel. And this is Vivien, my fiancée.

-I am glad to finally meet you Vivien. Oliver talks about you all the time, he told us that you are a rare beauty, but I never thought you were this rare.

-Thank you, Erik. I am glad to meet you as well. Now, if you excuse me, do you know if Jennifer arrived, Oliver?

-Yes, she is upstairs. Are you leaving us already?

-She is probably waiting for me. I will meet you again later.

-Okay sweetie, come and give me a kiss before you leave.

He dragged her and pressed his lips on hers forcing her to respond to his kiss, then freed her and turned to the two men.

Vivien hurried upstairs, searching for Jennifer. The corridor was long with a lot of rooms but behind an open door of one of the bedrooms she saw a brunette looking at herself in the mirror while putting on lipstick. She smiled and entered the room.


-Viv you finally arrived!

The two women caught each other in a tight hug then sat on the bed.

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