Chapter 3

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When I woke up I was in my bed, I stood up with the surprise of a killing headache. I looked around, I was in my room, in my pajamas and the clothes from last night were nicely folded on my chair. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom, my make-up was gone. I had a complete clean face, how did this happen? I knew I got drunk last night so it was no way I did this, I didnt even remember going home.

After I took a shower, I chose my clothes for the day and went downstairs, I found my dad at the table reading a newspaper. The breakfast was already on the table. Blueberries pancakes with chocolate spread, just like every Sunday.


-Oh, good morning sweetie.

-What are you reading?

-Just the news. So how was the party last night?

-Um, it was good.

-You stayed with Marcus, didn't you?

-Yes, totally.

-The whole time?


-That's good sweetie, did you get drunk?

-Dad, how could I? I was with Marcus and he made sure that I don't drink, not even a bit of alcohol.

-You know, that's interesting because our maid said differently when she had to carry you to your room, remove your make-up and change you in something else.

-Um, well, what did Marcus say?

-Oh nothing, he was too tired after bringing you home in his arms because you couldn't even walk. Vivien what did I say about drinking?

-Well, there were a few boys and girls who played a game and I thought...

-You thought what? That you could simply get drunk like the rest and destroy my business? Vivien I talked with you about this and I thought it was pretty clear when I said absolutely no drinking. Do you even know what could have happened if this was on the news today?

-It was just a stupid game.

-My business is not a stupid game!

-What does even have to do with your business? I am not part of it!

-Yes you are! Vivien, you are my daughter and I am the boss there. As the daughter of the boss you have to act impeccable do you understand that or not?

-But why? Why do I have to give up on my teenage years for that?

-Because they don't only judge me but you too. What the daughter of the boss does is important to them.

-Why? And who's them?

-Enough with the questions, this is not the first time I explain how you should act but it will be the last if you don't listen to me. This better not happen again Vivien or you'll be in trouble, don't make me send you away. Do you understand?

-Yes dad.


I went back in my room after he left, the pancakes lost their taste. I kept thinking about last night. I got drunk in the past but my dad never screamed like he just did, why was this time different? I decided to call Caroline, maybe she could tell me what I did while I was drunk.

-Hey, how are you? I am glad you called me.

-Hey, I am good why are you asking?

-After last night, I was worried about you.

-Yea, about that. What happened?

-You don't remember?


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